What makes Resident Evil such a good Series?
What makes Resident Evil such a good Series?
the memes
according to the devs, horrrror
Only good things that came from the tps trilogy were the asses and tits. The new lore and gameplay elements are shit.
Why isn't Excella on this list?
The monsters are cool looking. The girls are hot. The plot is so stupidly elaborate that it becomes funny. Its scary sometimes.
>Its scary sometimes.
Regenerators are literally 10 minutes in a 14 hours long game. After those 14 hours of pure shit, its followed by 2 games of pure action shit.
What about the first three games and Veronica?
Oh sorry, just talking about 4 5 and 6.
The others are great.
The IP and the devs.
I've enjoyed all 6 mainlines games and I'm enjoying 7 too, because the IP is always good and they always feel like the devs had some fun / actually tried to do something innovative.
Shit on it all you want, RE6 felt ambitious. RE4 was ambitious. RE1 took the world by storm and the first three games were huge for it. RE7, again, is pretty ambitious — particularly with how well they managed to pull off VR.
RE is just a solid game series.
Rolling baby
because most of capcom's good games wouldn't have happened if it wasn't for resident evil
Umbrella and HUNK
Because she'd BTFO of everyone else
>literally some of the best games ever made-tier
Plus a shitton of other games that range from great to shit. Its a long-lasting series with tons of games and a decent amount of them are really fucking good.
Honestly, Mercenaries.
Probably because of how much Resident Evil sells, they can risk to experiment with it. Some work really well like RE4, well others just suck shit
Also roll for Claire
Rolling for dat 7
Oh, and Raid Mode.
Single handedly makes the Revelations games worth playing.
Jill is fine too
Rolling for anything not 7
Where's femHUNK?
This is perfect
The fine rolling mechanics
the gameplay for certain games. And the way they handle the horror atmosphere and tone. For certain games
Does a dog even understand zero gravity?
This is pretty damn accurate. IMO the only things holding RE7 back from being top tier are:
>Lack of good music
>Lack of enemy variety
>Final couple of hours felt rushed
I think if at least 2 of those 3 things were fixed, I'd put RE7 up there with REmake, Re2 and Re4. That said, it's a great game and definitely a return to form.
Now watch the game sell like crap because casuals would rather "pew pew pew".
Sawao porn, I guess.
Jill > Everyone else
> people complained about the series was becoming too action oriented
> people forget that RE5 had a horror focused DLC
> people forget that rev 1 & 2 were focused on being horror
> people forget that 2 out of the 4 campaigns in RE6 tried to be like the older games
> people forget that other than 5 & 6 most of the action oriented games were spin offs from the main series
i get a laugh from the same people who wanted a more horror focused RE game complain about RE7 because it's not the "right kind of horror" or "too much like outlast"
reminds me of all the people complain COD being the same game every year and then whine about the futuristic COD games for not being the same game.
This, but I'd put Rev1 in good tier, and Rev2 in either good or great tier.
Seriously, that game has great co-op.
1000% agreed
What about Revelations 1 and 2? They're main games as well.
RE7 also accomplished setting a good foundation for the new direction this series is going, in terms of lore and gameplay. If they build upon what they did here, RE8 can be something really special. But this game is gonna have to sell well, and I hope it will. It does seem to be getting great word of mouth, and it's got a great score on Metacritic. So we'll see.
i hope it does well too because it's probably the first RE game I'm really excited about
It'll sell well, assuming they kept the budget in line this time. It was blown the fuck out of proportion for RE6, apparently. The RE name still has power at face value.
I didn't want to trigger people with my somewhat controversial opinion on those games.
I think Rev 2 is pretty shit honestly and I would put Rev 1 in a "just kinda okay-tier"
I cannot see how they could've spent a boatload of money making this game, unless developing VR is expensive, which I know nothing about.
That's fair.
How many times do you think Chris hit this?
>Sibling bonding is important
Fair enough. I personally really love both Revelations games but they're not for everyone.
Not once, Chris doesn't bone people.
rolling the shitoutta this
It's kind of slotted in as the most popular, or at the very least most well known, horror based franchise. Despite the divide the series has had since 4 most people can agree that there are a ton of quality titles for RE across the board.
Looking forward to picking up 7 when I get the chance.
my nigga
You saying he's some sort of virgin?
Hope you liked it, it's honestly my favorite game in the series since 4, though it doesn't have much in common with that game.
Because it's made by one of the greatest game companies remaining?
Well, Claire will help me get over the fall of Capcom
She's dead, son
more like HNNNGigan.
Rollling for my wife Claire.
Posting Jill twice is stupid.
RE-Rollerino 4
Rolling for delicious brown
>two jills
Fuck yes rawlin
Please give Helena or OG Jill
RE7 might be the first to get me to buy VR.
>zoe is a qt
>she's only in the game for two hours
Why doesn't anybody ever talk about best girl?
Not OP but yeah. Kind of messed up to any other mainline girl not on there.
I hope REmake 2 sells better. It's a better format than RE7's first person direction
It won't. FPS is literally the most accessible format.
RE1 > REmake
delet this.
We're already talking about Jill.
It hasn't been good since like 2.
He was tempted. Oh, he was so tempted.
>God Tier
>Great Tier
>Good Tier
>Meh Tier
>"Somehow worse than RE6" Tier
Gonna start RE7 after work tonight.
Damn RE has some great girls except Ashley
>implying 3 was bad
I'd say RE7 is good tier.
Oh baby.
>placing RE6 higher than RE5
pfft hahahaha
Implying 4 was bad.
That's what I was implying yes.
I'm surprised that zoe even exists.
i was so sure that mia was going to be the baker's daughter based how the story was presented in the trailers & demo.
I dont even care what I get. I win either way.
It's somehow worse than RE6. I had more fun trudging through RE6's 30 hours of pain than RE5's 10.
I'm clearly not here to contribute any sort of content towards the thread.
rollling for 6
I wanna play revelations but i can't get past bleach girls voice
Does revelations 2 have better voices?
Alright assholes,
Have any of you played Resident Evil 7 yet?
I want a real fucking review, not some shitty paid shill from IGN or other gaming sites.
Is it actually okay? Say something that'll comfort me. Resident Evil 2, 3, and REmake are my favorites. How does this compare?
The first-person camera is probably my biggest issue with it. How does it feel?
Is it Outlast, jumpscare, no-gameplay bullshit?
i think RE6 had a better mercenaries mode that 4 & 5's with it's only problem being the roster on anything but the PC
>chris, leon, jake & the L4D2 survivors were basically the only fun characters in mercenaries
> alt costumes were either lazy or REnet exclusive
> no non RE6 characters like HUNK or barry & krasuer
Rebecca is best gurl
also roll
Helena is the hottest
It's pretty good.
The camera is fine, there's nothing wrong with it.
It's not big on jumpscares (the biggest scares inthe game for me have been turning a corner and suddenly being face to face with a monster) and there is gameplay, as in you can hide from or shoot monsters with a gun.
Claire a cute
I should create Low tier and put RE6 while RE7 takes its own tier
Roll for Chambers
A Hunnigan is fine I guess...
Wow, RE7 is that bad?
Give me the chocolate
For me the characters make Resident Evil for me. Rolling.