Stop posting the most OP character in the game
Her song is the only one you need basically, it's too broken

Nah, in mid-late game most enemies are immune to it. Great in the beginning.

That's not Lisette.

>the visual update when you tune her to max level
muh dick

God fucking damn it.

I fucking heard that in her voice and I didn't even buy this fucking game. I was around my boyfriend when he was playing it though.

See below

How did you get this picture of my wife? Please delete it.

I think whatever the Time Witxh was is stronger because MP was usually gone before HP

Shut up Alto

But if Alto was with her then he'd be in the arctic without a way to shitpost online.

Lisette's second song heals MP as well.

Why wont she shut up?

Yeah but why use the basic boring childhood friend?

Y-you take that back right this instant.



All the girls are waifubait you moron.

>he didn't play the undub

God damn it why did a stella glow thread have to popup right before I go to bed?

It's just as annoying in nip.

How is Stella glow?

Is this the same artist?

>Popo's song awakening scene still in Japanese in the English version

Premiere localization work.

Is the game actually good? By "good" I expect FFT/FFTA/FFTA2/Tactics Ogre-tier gameplay and content. Or it's just a mediocre shit like those Luminous Arc games for DS?

Mediocre. It's LA with better presentation values.

Her name literally means "Shit" in spanish.

What kind of people buy games like these then?

I didn't play Luminous Arc but it's probably closer to that. You have a fairly large cast with set roles, and the story is pretty typical of JRPGs.

What the game does well is the relationship-building with characters, the ease and fun of breaking the game, and great music. Despite the triteness of the plot, the characters sort of grow on you too. Even if the initial four witches are the personifications of the four humours.

>FFT/FFTA/FFTA2/Tactics Ogre-tier gameplay and content

Not even close. All it really has going for it are the music and waifubait.


>as major parts of the game
Those are JUST my personal red flags, thanks for clarifying.

What the FUCK was HER problem?

Also, To the Sea > Frozen World > Popo's 1st song > shit > the rest

>not using the undub
What are you, a faggot?

I'll never finish this game. I ended up losing my save data and it takes too long to get through this shit.

>we could get the rights to the seiyuu's songs but not the seiyuu voices outside of songs

sasuga fatlus

I'd never thought obscure games like this that I know will get discussed on Sup Forums

Why didn't you protect her?

>get to ending
>"hey user you can save someone from not dying"
>she still dies
>thought that she'll be revived at the end of the game
>it was actually the moon people whom you're trying to save


Imageepoch didn't let me. I'm glad they died.

>not playing the jp version