"Like most of Overwatch’s Lunar New Year skins, Mei’s outfits for the Year of the Rooster are great...

>"Like most of Overwatch’s Lunar New Year skins, Mei’s outfits for the Year of the Rooster are great. They caused a slight stir earlier today, though, when people who had previously believed (and loved) Mei for being a little thicker than your average video game woman noticed she was now looking a bit slimmer."
>For some people, this is important! Fans love Overwatch, partly because the game’s diverse roster has been an inspiration to people of all outlooks, shapes and sizes. And Mei’s thing, apart from being a monster, is that she has what by video game standards you’d call a sturdy build, and which in the real world you would call a 'healthy woman’s body'."
>"So for Blizzard to seemingly change this would upset people who identified with the character because of this!"

Defend this, you snowflake faggots.

Other urls found in this thread:


Wearing a sinche


>thick ass parka and giant utility belt
>some thin chinese silk with a tight belt

how are people this retarded

While it's always funny to laugh at pathetic tubs of lard on tumblr, blizzard has already made a statement that there is a "glitch" with the model where her "waist appears thinner than it should be". So time for some adjustment.

3 literally whos flipping out on twitter is always an excuse for some "journalist" to vomit out 1000 words on the "problematic industry"

i don't even like overwatch and blizzard but the fact that those fanboys are making a big stink about it and defending their blizzard overlord is great entertainment. both shit company and fanbase deserve each other

Why don't they complain that she doesn't fucking look Chinese

Thanks Blizz!

In USA progressive tumblr culture, fat shaming trumps asian oppression in terms of priorities.

I wish I made that up but it clearly seems to be true.


>implying they give a shit about Asians
They don't care about them

>implying this wasn't always her body shape

Nice to see hypocritical faggots called out into the open.

People who thought she was fat were morons who didn't understand how winter clothing works.

Also, assuming Chinese girls should looks as fat as Amerifats is racist.

Beta bitch boys like hamplanets what more do you want op. I bet you a orbiter too making this hungry hungry hippo thread. Salad dodger.



the backpeddling is unreal

This can't be real.

>a bug
typical blizz


Mei's Chinese?
but she's white


Compare the models though.
The waist is like her parents forced her to grow up with a corset surgically attached to her skin because her father was disgusted at bearing a girl (her mother was killed because of it already).
Fucking china. It's such a disgusting place. Stupid monkies need to hurry up and choke on their own shit until they finally do something good with their lives and die for mother earth

that was a joke post, read the part with zenyatta

Why are le thicc faggots so cancerous?

>which in the real world you would call a 'healthy woman’s body'."
Being obese is not healthy

Did these people actually think that a character wearing heavy duty arctic clothing was 300 pounds and that her clothes were like a bodysuit?

Mei isn't fat, she just has that chubby chink face and is usually bundled up in mountain gear.

This is some fuckery the likes of which I have never seen


>thiccfags btfo

OP here. I think I may be being misunderstood - I'm implying the tumblr faggots loving her for being fat are shit.

Thank you, please continue.

I don't get why in a video game diversity would matter. Like what kind of moron uses video game characters as role models and something to look up to, it's a goddamn bit of code.


Remember when like we actually played games for gameplay and not for character designs?

When was the last time that happened? 2004?

yet another reason not to play overmeme

Never faggot

>blizzard pandering to the wrong crowd backfires

>We should pander to people this superficial
Being disappointed about a character is one thing, whining to have it changed is just ridiculous.

>Fix the bug where Mei is fat
>Don't fix he bug where D.Va will fall through the map and die if her mech blows up

they should reduce mei's obviously buggy overly-gigantic ass and leave her skinny

Not in your lifetime at least

Top of the morning to you, Seamus!


Why do people identify with fucking video game characters?

>Not expecting to find snowflakes in a blizzard

> is that she has what by video game standards you’d call a sturdy build, and which in the real world you would call a 'healthy woman’s body'."

>this character looks too much like a hero that would be fit from all that adventuring
>let's make her fat to be relatable

Reminder that Thick = Fat

Don't let faggots push their fat fetish onto you.


>Oh guys they're totally backpeddaling

If it's intentional it's the laziest fucking modeling ever. Look at this thing. Her ass turned into a shelf. I could lay a thanksgiving dinner on that thing


This is becoming more and more relevant. Fuck fat people. youtube.com/watch?v=oXhqmRYoR3k

im still mad they gave her that tiny peashooter instead of the ice rifle, it actually looks imposing and not like some 1$ watergun toy from the drugstore up the street

>she has what by video game standards you’d call a sturdy build, and which in the real world you would call a 'healthy woman’s body'.
Why does it always have to come down to shitting on skinny people?

>They didn't nerf Mei yet

>and which in the real world you would call this a 'healthy woman's body'
In what fucking universe is that considered healthy. She's a cow.

Do you even THICC bro?


Who the fuck are you quoting and why should we fucking care?

I just want my bitch so thick she can't take dick

All they need to do is stop her ice block from healing her. She'd be fine if she didn't have what's basically an extra life.

only thing I'd say to them is "LOSE THE WEIGHT YOU FAT FUCKS"

It looks a little too similar to Zarya, but I thought the same thing when I saw that drawing.

Reminder that Roadhog is a healthy size for his height and muscular stature.


Ha, what a fatty.

She still looks chubby as shit, what more do they want?

>which in the real world you would call a 'healthy woman’s body'

No, being obese is not normal nor healthy.

Female Roadhog

That waist looks super fucked. Even if Blizzard was like "Oh fuck people are complaining about Mei again, just call it a bug and it'll get fixed next patch :^)", that waist still looks really bad.

No, it's very real. There's a followup post in the thread about it.

>'healthy body'

This meme needs to die

actually, now that i think about it, it literally will die. 30 years younger than its peers, on average

>Healthy womans body

Alternative fats

>30 years younger than its peers, on average

This entire thread


>identifying with Mei
>not a bunch of fat and "thicc" fetishists crying about their waifu

3D not allowed in this thread, 2D only.

blizzard: its a bug... we are sorry... pls don't stop the credit card payments...

>When was the last time that happened?
When did we move past vector graphics? Because it was about then.

What is it with people and "identifying" with characters?
>I identify with this woman because she is the same weight as me. I will disregard the fact that she murders others with a robot and gun.
This is dumb. If you want to identify with characters wouldn't you play a game like an RPG, where you've got more choice to actually build your own character?

this picture looks bugged

The head doesn't match the body. It's like someone took an action figure head and stuck it on a barbie doll body.

Being fat isn't healthy you fat cunts, stop excusing this shit.

>now looking a bit slimmer
Wasn't she revealed to have a supermodel body a while ago actually?


Mei's waist is a bug in the same way that Widow's ass would inflate when she scoped.

I'm almost certain there are real outfits that make your backside look like that

Mei isnt obese you stupid faggot


fat people get shit on much harder in Asian countries

They already have a character for people to identify with, his name is Roadhog.

Why do I get the felling they planned this out again?

>make mei slim "by accident"
>people complain and write about it
>gain publicity AGAIN

Wow! Anyone else HYPED for Activision Blizzard's OVERWATCH™ new event?!

New skins
New modes
New crazyness

Don't forget to buy some lootboxes! You don't want to miss out on those skins, right?! Hehe, good luck heroes!


Why don't people just use the same pose

its a simple rigging error. stop giving overwatch free attention

How do you think they'll fix her?

Cause you can't change it if you don't own it

Is that really true? Jesus fuck, think of all the stuff you can do in 30 years. All the games you can play.

Then change the default one