ITT: post your vidya game gunfu

ITT: post your vidya game gunfu

ill start with the famas

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>tfw mowing down nips in Rising Strom


Ayy that bitch is THICC

That's not FAMAS, you total weeb trash. It's FN Herstal P90.

>web gun owner


I like this gun

Is that a FAMAS?

No she is fat not thick.

outstanding taste, i can't think of a better gun sound than the CRAKCRAKAKAKAKAKAK lighting up 100000 sq ft followed up with a BZZZZZZZZZZZZZRRRRTTTTT booming from the heavens.

LMAO can't you fucking tell two guns apart?

How's your first day on Sup Forums newfriend? :XDDD

how does it shoot full auto if the bullets go in sideways

Thick and heavy

The round is properly positioned by the guns architecture when chambered.

is that a FAMAS?

Claiming the MG42

>yfw burgers have the BAR, m1919, thompson w/ 50 rnd drum mags, flamethrowers, and fucking garands as their standard issue rifle
>"americans aren't op at all wtf are you talking about"


thats pretty sick

clearly a glock


>tfw my older brother made fun of me for using the klobb all the time.

Belgium you are absolute madmans

>"no no no dude the garand can't one shot outside of a hundred meters like the type 99 can"
>90% of the fighting takes place within 100m anyways



The SVD might be my Division gunfu. She feels pretty nice. I still miss the pre-nerf M1A

The Seburo-c30 in that GitS game is also quite nice.


he was just trying to help you user, no one wants to see their brother grow up retarded

Stupid image dump shit.



Doesn't show up in enough vidya.

My favourite gun is the intervention!
I love quickscoping noobs with it :D

Love the look of this little guy
Muskets are really cool too, but they're not in many games


Who /AUG/ here?

Too bad it has a shitty feel to it in most of the games

this post made me so sad


if it runs on batteries

An absolute beast in Bad Company 2 though. Easily the best sidearm.


This thread kills the /k/

Why does the fat girl has ice cream in her butt? Is she fucking retarded? That's not where you put ice cream. What the hell.

That's an Klobb


shit taste user

The only right answer.

Any good magnum. Resident Evil does them well.


The musket unit is the strongest, you know?

Really? Usually devs respect that gun. The only time I can think of that feels relatively shit is in Insurgency because they gave it fuckhuge sluggish recoil for some reason, especially compared to the M9 and makarov

Don't know why but this weapon has the most satisfying headshots I've ever felt.

I claim my macfu

because it is a piece of shit

agreed, the ak47 is a classic

The A2 isn't that bad.


p90 lyfe




Get on my level.

Too bad it's usually shit

>nobody has claimed this sweet piece of German space magic


>Liking the Jew-zi


It's in R6 Siege at least. It's a piece of shit compared to the M4 varients tho.

Well, that's realistic at least.



Guns are nothing compared to a good katana

she's in 1, 2 and new vegas

yes I'm aware that you're being ironic

it's still no less cringe-worthy



Enjoy manually removing empty shells, I guess.

Posting my own.

Protecta is the updated version of the striker and has automatic shell ejection, I think.

Hmm, yes, doesn't have a wind-up drum either, instead you're supposed to tilt the front grip. Weird weapon family.

Sure, the default SUSAT sight is utter shit, but that THICC green cover over the barrel just looks so sexy.

I like how it uses the same kind of ejector rod but actually gas powered

someone should make a auto ejecting revolver like that for no reason whatsoever

Now this is a big sodding gun

P90 is definitely my weaponfu, if an FPS doesn't have it, it's automatically worse.


Knocking down nerds with my slugs in Atacama Desert in BFBC2 was very satisfying.

Best gun
Best girl

that's an AR-15 you shitter

That is one sexy gun

>first day in Sup Forums
But that's a /K/ meme you fucking retard.

Looking at that thing hurts my brain.

Pic related, it's a FAMAS

No, that's a bird staring at it's reflection

That's a P90, you dumb fuck.

why the reflection doesnt have ab enis haha

its a meme you dip

Knee mortars are pretty cool though.