It's time to show whether you are a fucking filthy casual or not Sup Forums

It's time to show whether you are a fucking filthy casual or not Sup Forums.

Take that test and prove you're not a casual shitter and that you actually deserve to be here.

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I only use my right middle and index, and my left ring, middle and index.

OP, if you are going to start a thread like this then at least make sure you are in the triple digits.

Pic related I usually do a bit better on real sentences like typeracer (~120)

I'm also usually 120~ in typeracer.

fug, this is depressingly low given how much time I spend typing.
Maybe I should download one of those typing programs and learn how to git gud.

I tried

We're all gonna make it, bros.

casuals, are you even software developers?

This is one of the easier typing tests

tell us your secrets

Cool video games thread, faggot

Spend time doing productive things on the computer instead of reading VNs and jacking to futa.

111 WPM

if you dont' have a flaming score you must leave the thread

290, typing in english is hard


Yeah, instead go ERP so you can jack it to futa while you practice.

Quit acting like hot shit.


I type with two fingers.

The middle on my left and my index on my right.

Even use my index right to press the spacebar.


Dammit I was going for 420

Finally, one thing I'm good at.

>can start off with >100 WPM
>slow down and/or make mistake and lose focus

>Can't type worth a shit if it's just random words
>If I try to go fast I end up missing the space bar and it counts every fucking word afterwards as wrong
>If it's an actual coherent sentence I'm much faster but these tests are always jumbled shit

I hate myself

I'm not really familiar with this keyboard. It's a notebook

I'm also an ESL motherfucker so I'd figure I could do it a bit better in spanish; it's been a while since I've taken one of these

>tfw you will never get pretty firey digits
Oh well, at least I got more gud than you.

I know the feel of getting fucked by the words being random. Don't think English being a second language helps me any, either.

I got 47 wpm but I'm also pretty fukken hammered so

According to the histogram you're still faster than 50% of people

I'd imagine they inflate those numbers so people share the website on their Facebook.

I unironically use hunt and peck

Probably. People only do typing tests because they're already good and just want to inflate their ego.

I did ok

You do not. There is no way you could get 100 WPM doing hunt and peck, the very definition of hunt and peck requires you to look at the keyboard. Unless you're the fucking flash looking back and forth between your keyboard at hyper speed, this is not possible. Or you have some sort of photographic memory that lets you story all the words on the page and then hunt and peck them without looking up again.

the only fingers I use to type are my two index fingers and my right middle finger

I don't look at the keyboard

I only use my right index/middle finger and left middle finger. I could probably go faster if I switched to touch-typing but fuck having to re-learn at this point


protip: learn to type without looking at the kb and get a mechanical one, don't need the super loude clicky keys but the tactile response is amazing

> Anything less than 100 WPM
> Not casual

lol gtfo out of here scrub. This is first try. Pretty sure I could break at least 130 with a few more attempts.


>almost 130 subpar race

>misspelled "such" as "suck"
I've been here too long

130 wpm typing on a shitty laptop keyboard without a desk, i'm sitting on a beanbag. easy for me, i'm a systems programmer and i've managed bare min 130 for like a decade

sorry, forgot pic

At least you didn't type it as

>stop playing ezmode english

I only use my index fingers. How do I into using all my fingers?

English is more difficult to type than Dutch if you understand both languages

Prove me wrong

>351 CPM
>70 WPM
>three mistakes

Those random words are too annoying. Let's go some typeracer, niggas.

I would be faster if I knew how to type with all fingers

I use 2 on each hand plus the pinky for hitting enter

Litterly use a childrens typing learning program. It'll help you learn homerow and then you can evolve from there.

i did 97 wpm

how do you like that? i pass?

non-english speaking fag, would probably be able to do quicker otherwise

I was pretty slow tonight. I'm sleepy as fuck.


Jesus Christ user

Nah, most people are just slow as fuck. Typing is a skill, believe it or not.

That's not hunt and peck you retard.

Burden of proof, nigga, prove your post right.

>tfw too autistic to ignore fucked up words

I could hit 122 or something if I just ignored the fact that I misspelled something.

This is actually my personal best, and I'm proud of it in an odd way. I have terrible habits. I look down at the keyboard when I type, and I don't use the home keys as reference, which is why I have to look down when I type. It matters a lot less when I don't have to copy something, and instead have to type it from my head. Good thing I'm studying history.


>tfw when only have ond hand and can do better than most people

lol i type mid 50s wpm on my phone using my left hand thumb and right gand index finger

I can't touch type for shit and I have to look at the keyboard because I have a habit of hitting multiple keys despite have crstal therapy fingers.

Just getting over 40 is a trophy for a shithead like me.

>Good thing I'm studying history.

A shitty WPM is going to be the least of your worries user.

That's what the law school after undergrad is for.

But I am
I usually get 52 wpm or so

Just woke up and this isn't even my first language

The random words are fucking annoying and kept messing up my pace.

If you score under 100 you need to leave

lmao not even flaming letters

my cold fingers probably lowered my score

66WPM first time, had a really rough start. Been over a decade since I've done one of these.

Made a shitload of mistakes since my nails kept hitting other keys when I went too fast.


Cut them you girl.

I will

Still not too terrible, I suppose.

Fucking thank you, I thought I was the only one that had a harder fucking time because its just a bunch of jumbled fucking words.

the cost of rushing and being sloppy, I know, but I'm spoiled by predictive text and tab-completion in IDEs and shit

Don't bully.

Finally somebody who got a lower score than me.

I touch type with only my two index fingers and hit the spacebar with my thumb. I made a few mistakes on my warm-up test.

i'm fine with this