The difference between Witcher 1 and 2 is staggering. Those animation, this combat, those awkward dialogues, those out of place cutscenes, those ugly women.
Sorry, Geralt, I can't play this shit.
The difference between Witcher 1 and 2 is staggering. Those animation, this combat, those awkward dialogues, those out of place cutscenes, those ugly women.
Sorry, Geralt, I can't play this shit.
I skipped directly to 3.
Okay. Whats the point of this thread?
Oh, sorry, forgot the status.
Mood: Gloomy Music: Crawling In My Skin
Posted on 25.01.2017 by user
You're missing out. Shame on you. Shame!
Too bad Witcher 2 has easily the worst story and writing out of the trilogy.
Also, the combat feels pretty terrible to be honest. It's like they tried to copy Dark Souls, but had no idea what combat in DS actually feels like.
Oh yeah, and the potion system is horrid. I get that it's trying to make you prepare for a battle by drinking a potion before doing something, but the potions only last a couple of minutes, and you'll never know that you have a battle up ahead unless you already tried to do it without potions.
I'm really glad CDPR went back, took what was great about both games, and polished everything to a mirror sheen for Witcher 3.
Kinda funny how W1 has the same production quality as any modern Bioware game
I think I'll find myself a nice youtube video that shows all the juicy parts of the game.
If at least the combat was good, I could play it. But no. Who thought that it was a good idea to reduce the combat to looking at the cursor and pressing the button when it turns red?
>tfw no Witcher 4 which would be even more perfect than perfect
>the fields of ard skellige start playing
You can't experience the feel of a game through watching videos, you're missing out. Shame on you. Shame!
The only thing Witcher 2 has going for it is its looks. It honestly looks better than Witcher 3 in some aspects.
Everything else is either mediocre or terrible though. The writing feels rushed, the gameplay is terrible, the animations are still a bit shoddy.
Shut the fuck up, Trump. You didn't even play either. I did experience the game and I made an informed decision to just extract whatever information I need to play W2 and move on to that.
Nowhere as bad as animations are in W1.
This. I actually got stuck on Witcher 2 having no motivation to play it after coming from the first game. I must have started and stopped it 5 times before I had to finish for the 3's release.
Ehh TW2 took you away from the monster killing and tossed you into hostile politics. Personally I enjoyed the story a lot as it felt most like a D&D campaign to me, that moment when you hit the inn in flotsam and you sit down with all your bros at a table and just talk about shit going on. It's execution left some things to be desired, like the way cut scenes ended leaving you helpless for a bit. It needed better optimization, and combat made you feel like a first time witcher instead of a fully seasoned one. It has its charms however.
Triss in the Witcher 1 is the perfect woman.
I don't think any other video game has portrayed a woman in such a positive way.
She is self-aware of her own flaws as a woman but embraces them and balances them out by her strengths as a woman. She is thoughtful, kind, and always does the right thing to help as many people as she can.
Also Shanifags can go fuck themselves.
>waifufag complains about having to actually play a video game
what a shock
>You didn't even play either
What? Of course I did. Read all the books and bought the collector's editions for 2 and 3.
YOU on the other hand are weak. Shame on you. Shame!
Damn what good acting. He even managed to make his face flushed
Because it was built off of the Neverwinter Nights 2 core engine.
Witcher 1 had a good story, at least. And combat is decent with mods.
I've completed W2 enhanced edition and slowly progressing through the mountain of content in W3. W3 is definitely better, but W2 was great too. Story got convoluted, but W2 had some really aesthetic dungeons like the mine and manor.
Just read the books if you want to waifufag on Triss
>has the same production quality as any modern Bioware game
>uses bioware nwn engine
really activates the neural pathways
>Nowhere as bad as animations are in W1.
Well yeah. What else could CDPR have done when they were on a shoestring budget and working in a shitty Bioware engine?
The key to enjoying Witcher 2 is to go the Elf route. Which is in fact not the elf route, but the stealth Dwarfbros brofest route.
I don't blame them.
>playing 2 before 1
>refusing to play 1 because its """"dated""""'
fucking nu-Sup Forums.
>Shitty Bioware engine
>CDPR does a better job of utilizing Bioware's own engine than Bioware itself
Just how incompetent is Bioware?
>Suffering through playing W1 because "MUH STORY"
>Not just watching a no commentary walkthrough on Youtube
Problem solved. I get to experience the great story in W1 without suffering through its shitty gameplay.
I don't care if a game has the greatest story ever written, if it plays like shit, then it's a shit game.
Too bad he's stuck at doing capeshit and vidyashit.
We won't be seeing him in any kino ever.
You better read my post again because I do not mention the game's age in my post.
You know how incompetent they are. You've seen what they've done. By their fruits you shall know them.
No, you didn't get to experience anything, you just watched someone else experience it.
>Suffering through playing W1
All you have to do is upgrade Igni and spam it from a distance.
Why would I want to "experience" the game's shitty gameplay?
You are the cancer killing vidya.
You are lost, flailing in the dark. The dark is your own ignorance, the cold wind that chills your bones is your own bitterness, the bog you wade through is your own stubbornness.
>tfw didn't play 1 or 2
>Roche seems like a total dick every time he opens his mouth
>Dijkstra seems like a total bro
>"betray" Roche and leave him to be dealt with by Dijkstra and his new regime
Not even half a fuck given.
The Witcher 1 had far better environments and better story. It was one of the rare games where I forgave the weak gameplay because everything else was just so good.
Roche is a dick, but so is "Count Reuven".
Dijkstra is a dick but he's all about realpolitik.
not TWO but ONE
now compare nwn1 to witcher1
3 is the worst of the lot
Witcher 2 combat is fucking awful.
The Witcher 2 actually has the best writing of the three games. You might not like the focus on Northern Kingdom politics and stuff, but it's really fucking well done.
Also Roche/Geralt buddy cop game.
>tfw no W4
I somehow slogged through W1 and when I began W2 I eventually lost interest. It seemed a little monotonous and I thought the gameplay wasn't very good. This series is weird. I want to like it but it just seems like a chore to play. I don't know how the fuck I managed to beat W1.
If you don't like it, stay away from it. Not like you'll go to prison if you haven't played it all.
Should i try out W1? I thought w2 was meh but absolutely loved w3.
You SHOULD play them all but if you don't like it you don't like it.
im more asking if youll think ill like it based on my opinion of the last 2 games.
didnt like witcher 2 much because I thought the combat was meh and the story was kinda not that interesting
I want to read the books but apparently they all take place before W1? Is that correct?
And then Geralt gets some kind of bs amnesia?
The games are all very, very different. I can't make comparisons like that.
Yes, the books all happened before the games, Geralt originally died at the end but then the games brought him back and the whole amnesia thing was so people who hadn't read them wouldn't feel like idiots not knowing anything about the world.
I got the Ciri is a witcher/Geraly continues on the path ending and it feels really depressing.
Both have to separate and just go around killing stupid drowner and nekkers for ungrateful villagers in perpetuity.
Also what exactly prevents Geralt or Ciri for that matter from living a normal life?
That one cat school witcher you confront with Lambert seems to operate a "normal" business so why can't Geralt do that?
He seems to be exceptionally smart, street-wise, sees through bs immediately and has good relations with key players across the entire continent and even in other parallel worlds.
And he's hunting down some nekkers again.
Give me a break.
Typical witchercuck desu. Can't even appreciate his own series, what a fag. I'm not the biggest fan of it but still played and somewhat enjoyed all 3 games, also read the first 2 short story collections.
> and it feels really depressing
It's the happiest ending.
>Also what exactly prevents Geralt or Ciri for that matter from living a normal life?
But Geralt does retire.
Witcher 2 had a shitty combat system that felt like a clunkier version of Souls combat.
I'd much rather take the monstrosity that was Witcher 1's combat over it since it atleast worked right.
He likes doing it and sees it as his duty.
Living with Yennefer is not a realistic ending.
She's snidy and annoying and Geralt would not tolerate that for longer than a couple of days.
She's also incapable of settling down since her goal in life is to pursue knowledge.
You'd just know they'd split a couple of weeks in.
>Living with Yennefer is not a realistic ending.
It's the only ending that matters.
He retires at the end of Blood and Wine as a bitchin' owner of a vineyard and manor in bloody Toussaint
That's pretty good as far as Witcher universe goes.
>play Witcher 3
>let's try this "horrible combat" I keep hearing about
>press square
>Geralt starts uncontrollably twirling and moves 10 feet in one direction to immediately hit the enemy (and usually kill it almost instantly)
>use the fire sign, forgot its name
>literally stuns any enemy enough to get a couple of free uncontrollable twirls in
>dedicated dodge button
>literally makes Geraly invincible and you can mash it forever and he just dances around so perfectly not even God can smite him
I'm not even sure if any of this is good or bad. The entire combat is like one big QTE.
Left clicking too hard for you?
>not settling down with Ciri and enjoying that sweet sexual tension every single hour of every single day
>a 10 year old game that has been developed on an engine most commonly used for isometric RPGs is not as pleasing visually as one of the best looking DX9 title
Whoa, stop the presses. No problem though, it's your loss. Whose size will be forever unknown for your ignorant ass. Time to go back to Inquisition, I guess?
>graphics make a game playable
Witcher 3 fans
What. I'm guessing you haven't read the books then.
>Sexualizing the daughteru
She was literally giving Geralt the "fuck me" look the entire game.
Witcher 1 Triss is just Yennefer
Did you read my post?
Also I didn't play W3 yet. I played W1 and a bit of W2.
>want to play The Witcher 3
>don't really want to have to slog through the first two games
>still want the whole story and lead up to TW3
Should I just watch a LP or do choices actually matter?
Fucking hell Witcher 2 didnt age well graphically speaking.
She has done that herself.
I find Witcher 2 pretty enjoyable so far. Try it.
It came out before Dark Souls, you fucking imbecile.
You can play 3 and not miss anything important.
The story in the first two games honestly has nothing to do with 3, and the most you would miss out on is some random references.
>Also what exactly prevents Geralt or Ciri for that matter from living a normal life?
Not sure what they did to Ciri in W3 (still waiting for the ultimate/GotY edition), but in case of Geralt it is his character. It is more obvious in the books (in the games you can project your own reasoning on him due to decisions 'n shit), but Geralt is a fighting junkie, who needs his regular adrenaline fix, and goes for targets who give his conscience no trouble (and create no social fallout).
Roche and Pascal at least are characters with strong ties to Geralt, missing their stories would surely degrade the experience.
>GotY edition
Its been out for months already you retard
How about trying them for yourself and not just deeming them unworthy of your time because you want to play the most popular one.
It's not needed, but you'll enjoy 3 a whole lot more if you know the story, lore and characters plus all the tons of references.
I can't really understand you faggots willing to play ancient games. If I wanted to play games that look like utter pixelated shit, I'd buy a console.
I enjoyed all 3 games.
W2 was the weakest overall and the first had the best story and atmosphere, but overall w3 is the best and dlc was even better still
That's because Witcher 1 was done with Bioware's toolset, and Witcher 2 was done entirely inhouse.
Really? I thought the main quest of Witcher 3 was horribly cliched and boring. Muh Space Elves coming to kill Ciri, and the White Frost just rocking up at the very end of the story after not having being mentioned since Witcher 1.
That said, the side quests in 3 were incredible.
I really enjoyed the quest of Witcher 2, because it wasn't all about "end of the world" stuff, but instead more centred on Geralt just trying to clear his name. Letho was an awesome character, and the split of the story between Roche and Iorveth is cool, because it required a second playthrough to get the full picture. Some people might find it pointless and annoying, but I quite liked it.
>tfw TW2 looked absolutely amazing in 2011
>now it looks so lifeless and uncanny compared to TW3
Witcher 3 has some really good animation that names down the subtleties really well like eyes moving, lines around the mouth movings, body language etc. Witcher 2 for the most part has the deer in the headlights look.
>now it looks so lifeless and uncanny
Not really.
Now show a webm with moving characters and landscape.
Who did you pick in W2, Roche or Iorveth?
Show a webm of a dialogue scene
Witcher 2 has ace texture work and model work that still holds up but animation wise it's janky compared to Witcher 3.
free temeria only temeria desu senpai
Man I wish some of those hooded armours were available in Witcher 3
You're right, TW1 is miles ahead of TW2.
A lot more than just shadows.
I'm pretty sure that poster was making fun of your screenshot for unrealistically oversaturated colors, just like in some well known Skyrim mods.
I agree. 1 is so much better its staggering.