What went wrong, Sup Forums?
What went wrong, Sup Forums?
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What's wrong?
>1. Making content too slow
>2. Focusing WAYYYYYYYYYYY too hard on props and sets
Where the fuck does he even live now? Or wherever he shoots, at least. He doesn't need props, we're watching to see him react to shit.
Starcade was a mistake.
Jon thinks that Production Quality = Overall Quality. So he won't fuck off from that shitty set.
Too many movie reviews.
Randomly tweeting about politics and architecture.
I don't know but the set he uses looks like what it would be like if PeeWee's Playhouse took a dark turn.
Politics and too many movies
he's not DSP
>He doesn't need props
This is why I'm confused why hes going through so much effort with sets and props. Some of the best moments he's had is just reacting to dumb shit in games
Hiroshima didn't make an eceleb/virtual friend board
what's stopping you from following him on twitter??
he lives in new York city, I see him on the street sometimes
I am following him on Twitter, yes.
be became a cuck. Sargon of akkad/thunderfoot tier "liberal but anti-sjws" are cancer because they agree with the principles just not how they are being implemented/discussed.
It shines though in his nu-male work.
Say what you will, at least DSP is the most consistent uploader ever.
Better than being on the progressive train like Arin and Douge are
Consistently shitting his brand of diarrhea called youtube videos.
what is this
Its because he wishes he was george lucas
But he knows his content HAS to be the same shit or hed go bankrupt
>cancer because they agree with the principles just not how they are being implemented/discussed
Literally what the fuck is wrong with that?
the time DSP got caught jerking off on stream
Eceleb thread
Pretty soon well have E! Celeb channel catching all thr juicest rumors out there.
wut r u gay...?
Being loud isn't the same as being funny.
there was no audio, so that gif is basically everything there is to see
A victim of his own success, but I reckon he doesn't give much of a shit.
fucking murder him
he better be since a robot does it for him
These days he just reviews bad movies, which I feel are less interesting overall.
1. Pewdiepie doesn't do video games anymore
2. I like Pewdiepie now
>doesn't do video games anymore
So he truly is /ourguy/ then.
Yeah pretty much.
None of his sets and props he's started on in the last couple years have been necessary to the comedy. The most they amount to is overblown sight gags. His hero AVGN has been making similar videos for more than a decade using just a couch and is basement.
The more money you pour into things that were charming because of their quaintness the less entertaining they'll be.
here he is quoting Hitler over the top of Horst Wessel Lied: youtube.com
As much as we can argue his quality decreased overtime, I'm happy for him. He wants to be a "professional" entertainer and so far managed himself fine without losing touch with reality (think of all the reviewers that decide they need a movie about themselves for whatever reason; AVGN's cool tho, not talking about him). And he still manages to be fun, i like the recent bootleg and werewolf tiddies videos
Seriously, it's like watching your kid grow, i started following him since his Joe and Mac video