This is Two-Step Goodbye a unique ballistic fist from the Post Nuclear Role Playing Game: Fallout New Vegas! Say...

This is Two-Step Goodbye a unique ballistic fist from the Post Nuclear Role Playing Game: Fallout New Vegas! Say something nice about her!!!~~~

Melee weapons > Unarmed


In terms of damage this is a fact

you are beautiful

Fallout 4 > New Vegas

Post your raifu

Not so sure about that
Am I being trolled??!?!!?


I dropped that shit the moment it kept crippling my limbs. I really don't understand the appeal, it's like a weapon that gives enemies that one perk that you see in FPS games where you drop a live grenade on death.

gameplay wise 4 is indeed better than an unmodded new vegas.

exactly this

except I made the mistake of giving it to Veronica. never again.


its the two step goodbye. you hit em and take two steps back

Okay, still, what's the appeal? It's like bloody mess without +5% damage, you're only making looting enemies harder on yourself.

>wanting disgustingly heavy scrap
just get a (You) and get out of this thread

Fallout 4 aint even an RPG
There is way more fun in playing interessting quest instead of walking around playing fetch

Yeah a Bethesda improved everything about Fallout that didn't need to be improved. Yet they forgot the RPG elements.

And worse in every single other way than a slight step up in graphics.

Sure I guess.

It still has absolutely zero replayability because theres no roleplay factor whatsoever, in a fucking RPG of all things.

hes right unarmed is pretty shit unless you abuse the vats bug

More like


What was so fun about the """RPG""" elements?

unarmed isn't shit, but melee is objectively better due to dead money's perk.

The replayability

Don't mind me, just being the best unarmed weapon in the game. Explosions? Yeah I don't need that, I'm just going to turn the Courier into fucking Kenshiro.

how about this

Better Game: Fallout 4
Better RPG: New Vegas

>Better Game: Fallout 4
hi todd

>tfw you can't click fast enough to keep up with its speed

The replayability alone makes New Vegas a better game imo. A game I can enjoy and keep enjoying.

FO4 did some great improvements to the core mechanics, but skimped out on everything else. Sure, I put about 150 hours into it, but most of it is was spent doing medial shite and scrounging around for junk, which I honestly did not enjoy.

Aside from the dialogue choices, I don't see how New Vegas stacks up

>chk chk

I wish Fallout 4 never happened and we just got New Vegas with all it's cut content finished.

>yes but i dont like doing it
>*grunt indicating yes*
>tell me more

>all those people ITT who aren't pros

Agree the dialogue could have been improved, but the gameplay overall is so much better. Survival mode and settlements add a lot the replayability

you can just hold the mouse button though, cant you?