What are some good games that will help me forget I am depressed and alone?

What are some good games that will help me forget I am depressed and alone?

Preferably time sinks. I have never played an MMO though I think they would fill that role nicely.

Money isn't an obstacle


please respond

bumping with rare-ish pepes


Play some league of legends. Its nice. And the latest Fire Emblem is a real treat.

if you want a good time sink just play WoW or XIV.

Or Donkey Kong Country. You'll always have Diddy

Rocket League can fill the void for a little bit

play with a controller

play smt games

don't forget to kill your friends kid

Dragon Age rpg series. Seriously.

I heard league is pretty much just toxic people all the time and you have to do all the work yourself?

I don't mind team games I just hate people who rage every game.

I guess trying it is better then killing myself though

have you played Zelda ALBW? it's not exactly a timesink i guess, but i've been playing it lately and quite enjoy it.

>ever recommending league

So you want OP to kill himself? Fire Emblem is a good choice though, don't play Fates though it's not as good as the previous game.

Persona 3 FES. You can get well over a hundred hours out of it, it's comfy and it gives you virtual friends.

Have you tried finding meaning in your life rather than filling the hole in your heart with pleasantries?

how? I only have a PC

Just bought it. Car soccer?

I have no idea what that stands for. Most of my friends left me, the others are hundreds of miles away.

I loved that series, along with mass effect, already beat it

Kill yourself, its better than standing that community of tryhard fags that rage over anything

Shit megami tensei

Anyone replying to OP seriously is cancer.

>how? I only have a PC
PC can play just about any console game before the last generation.

play dota smoke weed

Dumb reddit thread.

russian roulette

I am sorry I upset you user. What would you prefer I respond with?

Alright, ill try it!

kill your friends kid we need to build this new universe


Persona 4, easy to emulate and all the characters love you for no reason.

My state it's impossible to get a gun. I would play with 6 bullets if I could get one though.

Lee? Is that you?

Kill yourself, redditor.

I wish I could? I do use leddit you got me.

Hey, user. I'm drunk, but I love you. I think that if a dude like me can occasionally have things go right for him, you're in luck too. I wish you happy days of vidya, friends, and family this year. Also, I usually go replay something nostalgic when I feel like that, like Golden Sun or FF7 since I played the hell out of them in middle school.

It's legal where I live but I have no idea how to get it. No connections. Is dota like league with the toxicity?


what do you mean you have no idea how to get it? if it's legal where you live, go to a fuckin dispensary

Thank you kind user. I don't think luck has much to do with my life right now but, it means a lot.

I think trying diablo 2 along with some of the recommendations in this thread will help.

Never played golden sun, Ill try that out too.

Watch streams you fucking attention whore.

You shouldn't play an uncomfy game if depressed.

there are no dispensarys, the ones that do sell it are still all medical only.

NBA 2k17. Trust me, you can sink in 600 hours easily without being tired of it.

I know I shouldn't have added why, but context sometimes helps? What do you play when you're down user?

oh. you could get a medical card then. it's pretty easy, i got mine for depression and anxiety

Who keeps making these dumb "I'M LE DEPRESSED AND DON'T LIKE VIDEO GAMES WOE IS ME" threads?
They're fucking stupid and belong on Facebook/Reddit.

Therapist and doctor wont give me one, says it will only make me more depressed. Maybe because I don't have anxiety.

But really, is dota full of toxic fags like lol?

I love video games user. What games do you play when you want to kill a whole day?

I was really enjoying playing as an assassin in blade and souls, too bad my pc keeps stuttering, would love to play dungeons with others

Nothing better than letting an MMORPG completely devoid your soul. I used to play the fuck out of Adventure Quest Worlds, it was comfy as fuck.
Perhaps we could play something together user.

dota has toxic fags, toxic fags are apart of life. But dota had a new update that made reports more sensivite so you report someone for being a jerk they get low prio matchmaking filled with shitters like them. (the fact riot bans people after they pay them shit ton of money to unlock champs is a terrible business practice.)

seriously tho dota will help you forget everything and is complex enough to keep you engaged for an entire hour of matchtime.