Are you guys ready to see Splatoon 2 ads while watching EVO this year?

Are you guys ready to see Splatoon 2 ads while watching EVO this year?

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pls let there be tanlines in spla2n


I just want to have slightly older loli squids :c
They're too cute to sexualize imo

>watching EVO


disgusting pedo




There's absolutely no reason to watch EVO anymore

>all the games suck
>street fight is stale as fuck and V absolutely destroyed competitive interest
>evo has straight up sold out to the man and has ruined the culture of the scene because of it

Fuck evo. Sometimes, you just gotta let something die.


>he'll never win SF4 at EVO

I'm eternally sad.

I'm going to rape squidkids

Well ma'am i suppose i 'm seeking a deeper strata of truth. Perhaps you can answer that one question that has plagued thinkers for all time... What doth splat?

I'm just a conundrummer in a band called "Mind Puzzler"

I'll be too busy masturbating to squidgirl porn desu.



>splatling and Slosher pretty much unchanged

no feet no buy