Why are you skipping this game in March? Do you have any good reason other than ubimemes and muh grafix?

Why are you skipping this game in March? Do you have any good reason other than ubimemes and muh grafix?

Already preordered it and the Switch. Looks pretty fun.

More interested in Nier Automata, I'll be picking it up and playing it as soon as I'm finished however.

Ah shit I managed to forget about Automata somehow.

Guy directing it made the worst Zelda game ever and in his 20 years of working in the industry he has never made a hit game. I don't think it's unreasonable to wait it out.

Also, sandbox games are fucking garbage.

Will probably get it in April

I wasn't able to get a special edition BotW. Fuck everything

Pirating it on the Wii U, too cautious about the Switch and the open world "fuck hueg" landmass they have shown.

If the experience is really good, Ill just buy it when the Switch gets a reasonable library around early 2018

I will play it whe I can emulate it well on Cemu. Not going to buy a £300Zelda machine just to be able to play it.

Is there an overlap between the NieR and Zelda audience? NieR is fucked.

Poor Taro, they delayed it to avoid FFXV, now it goes up against Zelda and Switch.

Doesn't look interesting enough to justifty buying a console.

I've never cared for Zelda. Wind Waker was the only one I liked enough to finish.

I enjoyed Skyward Sword, so I'm sure I'll enjoy this one too. Actually I'll be replaying SS in February. First time since 2011.

>open world with 'le big map' and ubisoft towers

Tell me why I should care.

I just built a PC and I have a lot of older games to play

The 90s had some really good vidya

Waiting for Splatoon 2 since Nintendo will do their usual shit of intentional short supply.

Why is Splatoon 2 making you skip BotW?

I'll get them both together I mean. Because

>Buying a launch run console with guaranteed defects
>Trying to find somewhere it isn't sold out
>Buying a console for 1 game
Why would I do any of those to myself?

Wii U has more than one game.

The game just looks boring to someone who's already sick of open world games. The new Bomberman is more exciting to me.

I'm waiting for the improved version of the Switch to get released.


I've been playing open world games for 15 years or so. I'm not exactly hyped for anything they've shown, and the game isn't going anywhere.

I'll either pick it up later on my Wii u or emulate it in Xenu, but I probably won't even finish it.

I like Zelda, but nier actually looks incredible and I'm all over that in March.

but i am not skipping it because i enjoy vidya

Cemu*. My phone thinks I'm a scientologist.

I'm not buying a switch until Xenoblade comes out

Don't worry, user, I kek'd a little at that remark.