Kaidan or Ashley

Replaying the mass effect series and want to do everything different from my first playtrough. That means I'm gonna fuck up the universe and will be full renegade.

Now I dont know if I should choose kaidan or ashley this time. Last time I took Ashley because she's hot.. this time kaidan but I don't know if he's worth it.

Is there anything else I should know when going full rampage on the universe.

I was originally going to save Kaidan but then he made a rude jealous comment about Liara and my Femshep. So he died instead. No regrets. I really liked Ashley in 3 (mostly Citadel).

Ashley is racist so your renegade should love her.

Ashley is SEX

Ash is a red pilled QT, Kaiden is a low energy beta cuck.

You know what to do.

Yes, I thought so too.
But kaidan can be an asshole too, right?

Kaidan if a whiny faggot in 1, unreasonable faggot in 2 and full-blown faggot in 3.
Ashley is kinda racist in 1, unreasonable bitch in 2 and full-blown sexdoll in 3.

Can I make Kaidan my lustgnome?

No but you can turn him into a pile of ashes.

Kaidan actually gets some development in 3, but Ashley doesn't.

He's also far more useful as a squadmate in 3.

Ashley is a boring racist human, that somehow is still religious.

3 games later, she is a boring racist human that is somehow still religious. I pick her just to push her survivors guilt.

Don't mind me. Just posting the best some best bro.

Man I really fucked that sentence up

>not Wrex

3rd game.

Kaidan holds a higher rank and has expensive biotic training so I saved him.

Ashley is just some low-IQ grunt, easily replaceable.

Somehow I don't understand why everybody loves him and not Wrex

is it just me or is the KI in ME 1 really stupid without your orders?
I like your thinking

Wrex is a bro but he was ready to abandon you on Virmire. Garrus ALWAYS takes your side without questions

Well, he was a squadmate in all three games. I guess he gets bonus points for loyalty?

Holy shit, this. Wrex is the only squad member who seems genuinely happy to see you alive. Everyone dumped their points into edgelord, Wrex went full BFF dudebro.

Because Garrus is [our guy]

>Wrex is a bro but he was ready to abandon you on Virmire. Garrus ALWAYS takes your side without questions
He had a complicated relationship with his people, so finding out that the other side suddenly has the cure to your pain, what's slowly killing off your people is kind of a big thing.

Wrex has more growth than Garrus, I love Garrus, he was a total bro, but he kinda goes back and forth between being the same person who seeks revenge and is willing to bend the law to get revenge.

>low-IQ grunt
Coming for a high ranking military family, redpilled, loves poetry, would have a drink with you anytime.
The only reason for the lower rank is her grandads history with turians.
Only a faggot would pick Kaidan "Buttlove" Alenko instead

Wrex has other stuff he has to care about. That's why he leaves you later on, because he needs to watch out for his people and later un-fuck the genocide

Wrex is a good bro, but he is loyal ONLY to his species. He understandably wants the genophage cured, but is willing to let the galaxy be decimated by the reapers just because he can't wait a little while longer. Garrus saw his entire planet and a majority of the turian fleet get obliterated by the reapers and still understood there is more at risk than just his species while still maintaining loyalty to them and you. Krogan anger is justified, but curing the genophage wouldn't matter if the galaxy got destroyed anyways.

Ashley is a cunt but I hate it but it doesn't even matter because mass effect is a trash series and the next 2 games have whichever one survived use practically the exact same dialog, and the survivor has Ashley's personality so it really doesnt matter.

is that true? do they have the same personality? If that's true, I would stay with big boobs Ashley

They both end up looking the same.

Almost the same. Only Kaidan suddenly develops love for shepard's cock.

Fuck everyone who says is a tranny, she's my qt.

The only lines where their dialog differs in the next 2 are talking to them outside of cutscenes, in main story cutscenes they have nearly the exact same dialog with very few minor changes.
It *feels* more like Ashley's personality but really their personality in the main story cutscenes just becomes very bland and generic, its ashley's bitchiness but with nothing that made her unique.

Ashley's lazy eye does it for me, desu.

She only outright hates Turians, and a lot of this is because they assfucked the post her dad lead, and had to live with her family name being associated with surrending to them

Nah, she's bitchy towards all aliens in ME1 except Liara.

>light skin, brown hair and brown eyes
>tsundere but a sweetheart inside
Sorry, but i'll always go with Ashley.

This desu.

I usually let Kaiden get nuked to spare him the fate of being in ME3

I hated both, her having tits and ass saved her life

Everyone on your ship is bitchy to aliens, and vice-versa, there's a big theme of distrust in the early game, as the first bit of alien criticism comes from Pressley

And a lot of it's not because they're aliens, and more because every council race has been snubbing humans ever since they broke a Relay law people didn't even know existed at the time, seeing this as a sign that humans are horrible greedy monsters that have nothing by colonization on their mind, yet every other race still passive-aggressively uses Medi-gel

underrated post

She gets bitchy with Liara if you're playing a Male Shepard.

But that's only because she thirsts for your dick and sees the member of the alien race that has the ability of looking hot to all other races as competition.

hm you got the choice between a literal faggot and a redpilled qt
how is this even up for debate

>tfw Ashley killed Wrex in ME1 in my one and only playthrough of the trilogy.

Fuck her. Kaiden all the way.

Kaidan is a biotic, Ashley is just a normal human. You shouldn't have a hard time figuring out which one is more valuable.

the difference of people is amazing

This is your fault for not getting to know Wrex or helping him get the armor that was stolen from him, Ash just cooled a situation that'd end with you dying because all Wrex could hear was "GENOPHAGE" and "CURE" without reading the fine print

>Kaidan is a biotic
A reject L2 biotic that only existed to lay the groundwork for L3's

>being this bad

>kills a violent alien that's threatening your mission to save the galaxy

Failed her first mission against weak-ass geth and got her squad killed.
Try-hard always getting out of line.
Hates aliens, alien three-ways unlikely.

>loves poetry
Thinks white-knighting this cunt is the non-faggot path. You're not supposed to keep either of them once you get a fuck off squad and find someone better to romance.

kys yourself
Ashley best girl.

>survived being attacked BY A FUCKING REAPER
>not afraid to speak up and say what needs to be said unlike the weasel yes man Kaiden
>wary of Turians because of the shit they pulled, three-ways are degenerate and Ash is a pure and loyal waifu
>has an appreciation for finer historic human arts and culture

Looks like she's pretty much best girl.

Talifag pls go.

I miss the old mass effect threads

Because secretly everyone loves Mac Walters, who was responsible for him in ME1, and thus favoured him in 2 and 3

I was just talking to her but I was surprise there were no dialogue options to agree with her and her anti alien views.

>women get catty because they're fighting over a cock

Art mirrors life.

>Sup Forums - Tali Zorah Sup Forumsas Normandy

How do we go back?


When I first played Mass Effect 1 back in 2010 I would always pick Ashley. But replaying the game last year, I couldn't find anything redeemable about her character. Kaiden is an absolute bro and Ashley is just content for my dick. Always save Kaiden now. It's a testament to how good the characters are in Mass Effect and how people (me) can change as they grow up.

Probably didn't help that before my ME replay I had just played Dragons Age and fell in love with Alastair.

you might be gay user. sry

>he didn't go out of his way to only recruit 4 squad members until Virmire so that the game would automatically save Wrex no matter what because you need at least 2 people on your team.

Alistair was always a bro
That guy was fucking 10/10

Logically, you'd wanna save the invaluable one-of-a-kind L2 biotic at a higher rank than just another soldier girl. Gameplay-wise, Kaiden is a sentinel so he's a good teammate for variety as opposed to Ashley's basic soldier set-up that James does

Literally fighting geth on Eden Prime.
Implying Kaidan was ever called a man.
Nobody cares.
Having this small of a dick compared to a girl.

Tali just stays there until the space jew carnival is wiped out from Rannoch in my games. Does everyone think over the two nastiest cunts they can have?

In Mass Effect 2 they both use the same script for their dialogue so Kaidan acts more like Ashley for no reason, and there is a bug in Mass Effect 3 where you can't finish all of the conversations with the scottish/irish engineers and get their war assets with Kaidan because the flag that triggers their dialogue requires you to be friends with Ashley, and you can't if she's dead.

That said, they ruined her design in 3, and Kaidan is the better character if you don't have PTSD from KOTOR and Carth. Try to romance someone in 3 before you speak too much to him, that way the gay dialogue won't trigger. (It only happens if you're not in a romance, otherwise you get the friendship dialogue.)

>saving the girls who just joined the Normandy crew instead of the friend who's worked with you for a while

You can easily ensure he doesn't make a move on you

And now that I think about it, I wonder how many people were taken aback when this first happened to them

>fuck up the universe
You can't do that, that's why it's a bad video game series, your choices literally don't matter.

>Ashley kills an alien that's pulled a weapon on her commander
based desu. Wrex's fault for being a cunt and YOUR fault for fucking up his quest chain and not being able to talk him down.

just makes her a better character

"I can't tell the animals from the aliens"

Idk famalam sounds racist to me

Surprised no one has brought up the dumb retarded rumor that she was modeled after a tranny. how did that stupid rumor start anyways?

Not that hard to do as a new species, esp. with pic related, Vorcha, Yhag, Elcor, etc.

>Ashley is racist


Probably because she looks like one.

Ashley is hot.

t. space nigger
Cerberus did nothing wrong
gas aliens, space war now
