You didn't forget about me, Captain Gordon - The 37th Defender of the Earth, right Sup Forums?
You are better than NIS, right?
Disgaea thread
You didn't forget about me, Captain Gordon - The 37th Defender of the Earth, right Sup Forums?
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Gordon was beyond ridiculous when you got rid of his shitty Gun and gave him an Axe like he deserved. His only sin was joining the team so late and having no AoE.
>he's stuck as a Monster unit in later games because NIS didn't wanna make new sprites for him
>has the worst Evility I've ever seen (attacks again if the first hit misses)
Truly a travesty, he deserves better.
Anyway post broken units.
>broken units
ez win from afar, the character
Does the PS3 collection of Disgaea 3, 4, and D2 come with all the DLC?
no love for his sidekicks either
only Kurtis somehow still around
Nooope, enjoy those prices.
Fuck, maybe I'd be better off just buying a used Vita and pirating the ports.
so when are they remaking Hour of Darkness with modern NIS sprites?
that's a one way to do it, yeah. only thing you'll miss is ability to use low res sprites in D4.
Only bad thing about Vita ports is slowdown in D4 item world 10x stages
never gonna happen, unless some mods for D1 will manage to do that.
enjoy your DD2
Nope. You'd get more for you money buying D3 and D4's Vita port and getting D2 on sale than you would getting the triple play and all it's DLC.
Vita ports also have extra content not found on the PS3 versions so it's all around a better buy.
>all those D1 characters that didn't appear in DD2
DD2 was a mistake.
well it got it's pros
Best Disgaea MC.
Disgaea's Master of Ceremonies? Don't remember her.
Looks like regular school girl for me
>DD2 was a mistake.
I think NIS know that now
>No Vita or PS4 DD2 port
Nice joke.
Speaking of, humanoid Asagi is playable in Disgaea 2's PC port isn't she?
Yeah she is, though you have to pass a bill to switch her from monster form to human form. Personally I like to keep her in monster form because she is really good for Magichange 2.
I liked DD2
It was a nice game in the series but it had a lot of problems
Back when DD2 DLC sprites were being revealed I remember seeing a silhouette that sort of looked like Kururu and getting excited that maybe her series was getting some recognition again.
Sadly, it was not Kururu. Marjoly is MIA since D3, too.
Only played 1 and 2. Thinking of picking up 5 when I get a Switch. How is 5 anyways?
Its a good game.
best mechanics of series, story depends your taste as always, post game content a bit less than previous ones
I'm almost done with DD2 and I gotta say its not bad, although its not as good as 4 or 1 Its decent I just wished the story had been better.
Are monsters finally useful?
>not useful
Monsters became useful for physical in and useful for magic in 3. Monsters where really only shit in 1.
Like I said I only played 1 and 2 and in those games there's no good reason to ever use them.
Alright thanks.
In the enhanced version of 2 they added a feature called Magichange which lets you turn a monster ally into a weapon and equip it to a humanoid. Not only did this usually give you better stats than normal weapons it all gave you the monsters special ability(evility) and access to there unique attacks.
The story was people's main gripe, the gameplay itself is smooth as butter. The story, while bad, was at least serviceable enough, I didn't want to pull my hair out mid cutscene or get ulcers from cringing so hard like I did when playing FE: Fates. When I heard Laharl was getting a genderbend, I was pretty upset, now I can't believe how much I like fem Laharl.
How do I get my FE loving roomates and friends into Disgaea? Hearing them complain about not being able to grind wounds my soul.
I only plyed 1 and 2 as well a long time ago. I got 5 for 25 dollars when I got my PS4. Its pretty much all i've played. Its fantastic dood
>Disgaea 3, 4, and D2
What did he mean by this
With Magichange, Pass+Throw, MonToss the Beastmaster class (RIP) and the split between Magical and Physical monster weapons, the gap between humanoids and monsters is closing, now it's all up to your own personal taste. In D5 just about everyone has a 3x3 AoE so you don't need to worry about range anymore.
Pic related a best.
>and access to there unique attacks
Yes and no. Monsters have special skills that can only be used during Magichange.
D2 PSP (and PC by extension) though, has a special version of Magichange that you have to unlock per unit. It lets you Magichange another monster on top of one that's already been changed, and this grants the humanoid access to that monster's regular skills.
Kinda wish they'd bring that back in current games. There's some hilarious stuff that happens with it, like dropping a giant Rozalin on an enemy.
I was referring to the collection of games that includes Disgaea 3, Disgaea 4, and Disgaea D2. What's hard to understand about this?
>Disgaea 3, 4, and D2
Wouldn't it be easier to say "Disgaea 2, 3 and 4"? Putting D2 apart makes it look like you're talking about something completely different.
Disgaea D2 is a completely different game than Disgaea 2.
are you dumb?
D2 is not Disgaea 2, my friend.
Best monster class.
Sounds like fucking shit.
I can't help but think it was cut soley because of the ridiculous shit you could pull.
>Vyers' final special involves him splitting into 4 and dropping a crecent moon onto the target
>in Magichange2, there was no moon, just a vastly enlarged sprite of the humanoid descending slowly
There's also M-Change2ing the Cockatrice class, and instead of laying eggs, you'd lay tiny versions of the humanoid using the move. There's way more shit I'm forgetting.
Why does everyone hate Disgaea 3? I kinda liked it
Never played disgaea, heard it's grindy. Is it possible to just stick with story mode on any of these games and just enjoy whatever class system and mechanics it has?
It has the worst story and characters of the series. Mao and beryl are fucking cancer.
Disgaea is probably the only game where I enjoyed grinding more than progressing the story. And its not because the story is bad, but the game is all about the grind and how fun and broken it can be.
Yeah pretty much. I've only played Disgaea 1 and I cleared the story with no grind, although I did put a few hours into the item world.
to beat story mode you don't need to grind at all in any game, as long you use just a bit of your brain
grind is for postgame, and grind by itself is a special one where you find the ways to use game mechanics to maximize leveling. Game wants you to break it and that's encouraged.
Yes, the story itself requires no grinding as long as you don't bloat your party and spread your EXP too thin. All the grinding is in referral to the postgame with superbosses reaching lv.1000 up to lv.9999, but for the story mode, not even close. You still get a good 20-30 hours out of the main story alone.
But how does it hold in terms of gameplay in comparison to the others?
I didn't really pay much attention to the story
>why do people not like it
>the story and characters
>but i don't care about those!
fucking autists
But it's exactly that ridiculous shit that made it great. Disgaea's skill animations are way over the top anyway, so it's not like it's out of place.
>There's also M-Change2ing the Cockatrice class, and instead of laying eggs, you'd lay tiny versions of the humanoid using the move
You can just do the story and be fine. Alternate stories like Etna Mode or Raspberyl Mode will take a bit of grinding but they tend to end at like lv300.
For comparison, main stories don't go past lv100, usually ending at 60-70ish.
no it doesnt
it's better than D2, on the level of D4.
it's good.
>it's better than D2, on the level of D4.
>thinks the cheat shop is a downgrade
wow senpai, what's it like to have objectively shit opinions?
Mounting is the worst mechanic.
No, I mean, it's a perfectly valid complaint. The story is bad and it's a reason people dislike the game, I see that. But I want to know if it's just that or there's more to it
>cheat shop is downgrade
where did I said that?
what I meant that D3 and D4 better than D2, tho I do liked dark sun mechanics in D2 - felonies sucked tho.
And that D3 and D4 sorta similar gameplay wise - therefore they are on same level
Best D1 character coming thru
The original release had some flaws that people weren't exactly happy with.
Damage formula was severely fucked up and made the game quickly turn into a 1 shot fest because of multipliers.
Staves no longer gave a damage bonus and only +1 range because of no weapon mastery in the game, and magic only went up to Omega level.
Unique characters were limited to learning only the first 3 tiers of their weapon forte. The other 3 you were required to teach through Class World and were only learned by later tiers of generics.
That's mostly what I can remember. The Vita port fixes most of those, but no weapon mastery still means monsters are favored by magic due to having 2 evility slots and Staves only giving that 1 range and nothing else.
My personal headcanon is that Gordon has a huge cock
story is ok, you just butthurt cause of school setting
I don't know what happened with DD2. It's like they didn't really care.
>Laharl has a sister that no one knew about
>Etna has a brother that no one knew about
>Almost none of the old cast returns
>Krichevskoy Wank Squad offer nothing to the plot
Laharl is best as a girl. Mizuhas hi has some great range.
>voiced Laharl, Girl Laharl, Big Sis Prinny, Culotte, Asagi (sometimes), Hanako, Marona, Shauna, Pram, Nippon Ichi, and probably some others I'm forgetting
>guys i have this idea for a new character
>ok, take etna, right, take etna and then make her completely unlikable
>right, so she's a cunt, and then make put her into the players face all the time. like ALL the time
>this is a great idea!
She's nothing like Etna.
>succubus childhood friend who has a dom streak
yeah, totally different.
see aside of tail she got nothing in common
you just jelly that you can't be as badass as her
>childhood friend
do you have brain damage?
Their personalities are completely different.
And who said Etna's a succubus? She doesn't have horns.
>not a childhood friend
yet more proof berylfags have brain damage
Etna didn't grow up with Laharl.
Only reason she sticks around Laharl now is cause King Kruchevsky died, she never cared about Laharl till D1 story.
>Play DD2
>Laharl has rank 2 Likability with Etna and Flonne
>Etna and Flonne are only at rank 1 with each other
It is laharl's harem, after all.
Etna has been around Laharl since Laharl was born, they weren't childhood friends or anything since Etna hated Laharl for being the spawn of Krichevskoy and Gwen, who she also hated, but they definitely were around each other growing up. Childhood friends is a definite a stretch however.
Best ship.
Where do i start in endgame of Disgaea 4 on Vita? Any easy map to get decent gear?
I miss D3 on Vita where you got Traps left and right. Saved so much grinding time
Depends on what level you are, but with Cheat Shops and the like, getting up there in levels and reincarnation is easy, cloning is also absurdly easy, getting a Trap takes a while however.
One of the levels in the 9th chapter (I think 9-6) has a bunch of Eyrengi on EXP+50%/Mana+50% panels. If you boost the enemy levels like, 2 or 3 times, they'll be lv.99 giving you lv.300 experience. Keep doing this till you can take out Mt. Ordeals 4.
As for gear, I usually just try to get it from Item World shops and work my way from there.
Should have mentioned that Im already at LoC and have enough statisticians to reach 9999 in like 5 minutes. Now I hit a wall and have to get better gear. My plan is to get a legendary Exodus at the last X-Dimension stage, get to floor 100, steal a testament and do the same shit for a trap. Guess this might be the best option, right? Im pretty much burned out at this point, it was the same time in D3 as well, as soon as you reached the "true" endgame (killing Baal) it starts to get super grindy all over again.
Oh, I feel dumb.
I'm suddenly forgetting how I got my first Trap, but I'm feeling really certain that you can steal a Legendary Exodus from Pringer X and work from there.
Best idea the devs ever had was turning Laharl into a girl.
Basically improves the games immensely. Why don't other games follow suit and just turn their MCs into girls?
Trash ship. Laharl belongs to Flonne. Flonne is shared with Etna.
I loved Captain Gordon and the fact that he never came back is proof positive that no one at N1 knows why Disgaea 1 was such a hit.
you goofed up, admit it. that's what you get when trying to lecture people about things you don't know shit about.
this meme need to die
>Jennifer is a super genius that earned her PhD at age 5.
>Miss pronounces coup de grace
Kills me every time.
>english dubs
>smug anime girl.png
I don't like listening to Japs squawking unless there's no other option.
get stella is a you need
Flonne goes back to Celestia in literally every iteration though, Etna is the one who always supports Laharl, unless she doesn't feel like it. The games are pushing LaharlEtna more than ever now, we're reaching Adell/Rozalin levels in D5.
I personally like Flonne/Artina.
I really wonder what the fuck the devs were thinking.
>Stellas stats can be doubled
>while letting the opponent lose 25% of his stats at the same time
>she also has a ranged 3x3 move just because
You really dont need to be smart to see that this is immensely broken no matter at which point of the game you are.
>Flonne goes back to Celestia in literally every iteration though,
> blinks.jpg
Flonne is a Fallen Angel living with Laharl in Disgaea 2 and D2. She's a fallen angel living with Etna in the Prince games. Far as I've seen she's a fallen angel in every reappearance.
in the Prinny games I mean.
I really only use her to beat the main story
She is too over power
God, he's so fucking stupid and annoying.
I'd take Jennifer and based Thursday though.
Has there ever been a single more broken evility? The only thing that I think comes close is D3 Yukimaru killing the Hero Prinny and taking his Red Scarf evility, making her able to revive from the base panel 9 times while being in possession of the strongest Ice skill in the game.
Every iteration of Flonne eventually goes back to being an angel though. Between D3 and D4, Flonne splits from the Netherworld and becomes an Archangel, thus her D4 appearance. In DD2 she constantly refers to wanting being an angel again and if you talk to her in the base in postgame, she states that she's planning to leave the Netherworld to return to Celestia. This was also a major plot point in Disgaea Infinite, though that's not really canon.
That is butts. I want her to stay and make half breed babies with Laharl.
>half breed babies
Here you go.
In D4 it's pretty much stated she had nothing to do as an Archangel, she just took an empty seat available. She's also the worst written, flanderized Flonne of the whole serie, which doesn't help.
Is it even worth the time to reincarnate over and over until you get 210 points? As far as I know most of the stats come through Traps anyway.
wouldn't their kid be 1/4h human, 1/4 angel and 1/2 Demon?
Thats racist.
you do it because you'll need it to max up the gear. even with all the tricks, you still need to kill that fucking item god.
>Disgaea thread
>No waifufaggotry, no shitposting, no memespouting
>instead discussion about the lore and game mechanics
Just one more reason I love that franchise.
>not liking Gordon
you probably hate Axel too, you terrible person