I am a gamer, I have many lives.
I am a gamer, I have many lives
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I can't tell if this is an autismo thread or if OP is trolling.
Either way, post autism
Haha yeah us gamers eh? ^_^
i'm a breather, i need oxygen
I play games because I have no life, really.
I'm a farter, I blow shits.
nigga you ain't a gamer till you know the name of this enemy
im a channer, im autistic
I'm a nigger, I rape.
I AM AN artist? I EAT ass.
Skelrocketman, easy
Did 9gaggers not get the memo that it's hip and trendy to be a "geek" these days? That means playing video games and reading comics like the BAZONGA guy
How is that edgy?
oh, that's an Archvile, easy
This level of delusion...
>fighting one of these in a completely open room with no nailgun ammo
I am a liver. I have many games.
fuck i forgot this happened
I am an autist, I have many lives
>I am a gamer, I have many lives.
Very true except none of it matters.
>One of my autistic coworker posted this
People like this get jobs? Or are we talking MacDonalds?
Why are his legs backwards (talking bout below the knee-cap)?
>this is universally considered cringe material
>i don't even disagree with any of it other than the part about the princess
yelly skelly
I mean, of course the fact that his tastes are absolute entry level is cringe, but the message of not giving a shit about the real world because it sucks is honest enough and something I can't just dismiss automatically. There is literally nothing wrong with enjoying escapism, and if you'll notice, the youtube comments are just full of people saying
>wow haha nerd needs to get laid lmao fat 50 year old cheeto dust buzzword virgin nerd loser autism
The dude is probably a fucking autismo, sure, but there is nothing inherently wrong with the message he is trying to convey.
Why is the term 'gamer' a thing anyway? Isn't that wrong? It should be 'player' to be honest with you families.
yes, there is.
Everybody indulges in escapism, to be sure. However, only a fucking child acts superior for over indulging in escapism. He scoffs at people who go on vacations because he can play skyrim.
He's a fucking manchild.
The real world does suck, and everybody uses escapism.. but don't try to justify it by claiming its better than reality.
No video game will ever come close to the feeling of actually accomplishing something in the real world.
That's your opinion. He is calling you a fool for spending your savings on vacations, and you are calling him a manchild for staying home instead and enjoying something that he finds equivalent. Sounds about even.
>tfw I made that original image to make fun of box arts in 2011 all having the same "guy walks away from camera" pose
>someone added a triforce for some reason and it became a 9gag faggotry icon
I play videogames because I'm socially retarded. It's easier to sit down and push a bunch of buttons than to go out and meet people.
If anyone defends this shitty video is lying to themself.
excepgt that it's not an opinion
you psychologically and physiologically have far more "gains" when actually accomplishing something or immersing yourself into a different culture / environment.
To pretend that it isn't clear self delusion when he says he considers skyrim equivalent to an actual vacation is not only dishonest, it's pathetic.
did you really?
I dunno man, I didn't feel a lot of excitement when I traveled out of state, a lot of boring fucking nothing and just walking around looking at shit actually. But I do quite enjoy playing video games.
out of state to where?
Not all travels are created equal, to be sure, but there is far more potential for memorable experiences than playing a fucking video game.
Them legs tho.
I always knew that picture looked off.
Yeah right, faggot. What are the odds, right?
Something something, golfer, something golf balls
I totally forgot about this.
This has to be ironic right?
I've been to Florida, Mexico, and a couple of "vacationy" spots in my own state. I walked around looking at shit, I swam, I ate overpriced food, and in general I'd say I probably prefer playing video games. Not Skyrim, of course, but maybe Dark Souls or something.
The point is that you shouldn't just dismiss people who have a different point of view on what's important or fun in life. It pisses me off that so many people don't even give a chance to ponder and write it off as virginal autist ramblings. Which it is in this case, but still.
>dont even get a chance to ponder
I mean, it sounds like you go on a vacation either alone or went to fucking tourist spots.
I can't imagine how dull you would have to be as a person to travel to a different country (why the fuck would you go to florida or mexico btw?) and find that less interesting or memorable than playing dark souls
You sound like a fucking loser dude.
dumb faggot, i hope your plane crashes on your next trip
Enjoying video games more than enjoying exploring different parts of the world legitimately makes you a loser.
Know how I know you're a loser? you replied to being called a loser by wishing death not only on one person, but an entire airplane's worth of people.
that's how I know the truth is hurting you.
This is fucking hilarious until I realize that it's actually really sad. But as long as the guy is taking care of himself and isn't leaching off of someone else, then he should do whatever makes him happy. If he is just leaching off someone else then he needs a good kick in the face.
I'm not the same guy, dumbass. I never said what I enjoy more. I hope your plane crashes and miraculously, everyone but you survives though.
Haha sure kiddo, whatever makes you feel better.
lookout folks we got a grown up over here
you seem to be really upset my child. Come here, daddy will give you nourishment
As long as you don't live in a small village that has a population of 6, including you, i disagree with everything you said.
Want to know how I know you're a loser?
You browse fucking Sup Forums.
In a way. I was a loser when I came here, but that was high school days.
Not everybody who was a loser remains a loser.
good for you, now go seek therapy.
was this intentionally cringe or a reupload?