Ok brehs, it's over, Sony won

Ok brehs, it's over, Sony won.

>Every game lower than an 8.8

Tales to the west is over

What is a breh? Can you eat it?

Yyakuza 0 deserves more

>resident evil

you can eat me, breh

Let's hope

Exchange them with Nioh and Project Diva Future Tone then.

Fuck kh2.8 I'm waiting for kh2.9

AMAZING, psbro I hope you enjoy actually playing every one of those.

Nomura said they won't offer a bundle with 2.8 + 1.5+2.5.

>tfw want to buy GR2 and Yakuza Zero
>tfw it will cost me more than $100
How do people cope with these costs?

We have jobs.

With multiplats and 7/10 shit games that should be scored 4/10?

Are you falseflagging?

What I bought this month:
>Hatsune Miku Project Diva Future Tone
>Gravity Rush 2
>Dragon Quest VIII 3DS
>Yakuza 0
>Resident Evil 7
>Kingdom Hearts 2.8
>Tales of Berseria
Get a job or neetbux.

Have you ever had a girlfriend?

I did. Why do you ask?

why are video games named after decimals.

Nomura was a math teacher before he became an artist.

How exact are the numberings in terms of games? How does he measure things?

Do you currently? It's just that you spend so much money on video games that I can't imagine you have much more to spend on anything else besides groceries, gas, and stuff like that.

Learn to save money during the dry months. You can then splurge like that.

KH is shit tho

sony always wins

>best Yakuza game

HAHAHAHA blunder of the century!

85 is the maximum note a non-meme or non-Nintendo game can have on Metacritic, so it's pretty good for something as weird and japanese as Yakuza 0

KH1 + KH2 + KH3 + KH1.5 + KH2.5 + KH0.2 + KH2.8 = KH13

13 is always the answer. Unless it's 7.

Only interesting game on that list is RE7 and it's out on the PC.

I'm getting too old for console AAA releases.

why western vidya journalism so fucking racist?

$0.02 has been placed in your account, Sanjay