Any vidyagames with a storyline involving a Asian male & White female?
Any vidyagames with a storyline involving a Asian male & White female?
Anthony Torres
Adam Hall
As a White, how can you love a flat face, yellow skin choy mein smelling small dick motherfucker?
Sleeping Dogs
Oliver Harris
calm down ER
Nathan Bailey
As a white what?
Brody Evans
Was this thread made in hopes of gookanon entering the thread so he can talk about his adopted white qt sister?
Levi Hall
no wonder not even white girls like you
Ryan Jackson
Asians can have our women as long as we get theirs
Daniel Martinez
Pls tell me they fugged and are going to get married one day.
Christopher Gonzalez
Sleeping Dogs is Asian men fantasy game:
>get white American girlfriend
>fuck Russian prostitutes
>kill white boss who turns out to be a criminal because whites are criminal scumbags
Ayden Parker
as a white piggu