So they're good again, right?

So they're good again, right?

They will be once I have DMC5 and DD2 in my hands, no sooner no less

Nigga they always been good, just because they make the occasional dumb business decision like any other company doesn't disregard their previous feats.


>entire 7th gen console is spent watching Capcom go to shit sans a few series like SF, MH and AA
>so many things cancelled including Megaman stuff
>at the same time see Inafune crash and burn on his own and realize maybe its ok if Megaman lays dormant for a little bit
>slowly but surely Capcom restructures and some better things start to come
>RE Revelaitons was bretty gud
>RE:7 is actually bretty good
>mfw i realize because of how bad Mighty Number 9 was Capcom is in a prime spot to plan out a new Megaman and keep fans loyal

I can dream. Glad to see they have calmed the fuck down and are just playing it safe and smart

Last gen forced them into a tight spot with budgets. I feel like they have no choice but to make actual good shit now.

>sfV is garbage sustained by sonybucks
>ace attorney has become a parody of itself
>monster hunter is milked dry on obsolete hardware
>dmc is dead
>one decent game later and Sup Forums retards suck their cocks
capcom is still shit

>so many things cancelled including Megaman stuff
>so many

Please, do name all the countless projects Capcom cancelled last gen that aren't Mega Man games.

>deep down/panta rhei are vaporware
>DD2 and/or DMC5 aren't announced yet

Not yet.



I also want to know which platform the franchise is going to next

Capcom was doing pretty well until around 2011. Then they started doing really shitty DLC practices and outsourcing several games to shitty western developers.

Not until they re-release Outbreak and make Dragon's Dogma 2.

>Capcom's back?

Fuck no where have you been this generation?
RE7 is barely decent and does'nt make up for all of the bullshit this past decade.

>they're good again, right?
As a Dead Rising and Mega Man fan, I'd say they're currently worse than they've ever been.

They have been and are still the best.
They got worse, but so did everybody else.

They've been good to me. A couple of fumbles but I still get excited when they do happen to announce something new.

I never really jumped on the Capcom hate bandwagon that was popular here around 2010 and on.

Same. I love their treatment of PC players with some of their recent ports. Lots of devs wouldn't bother releasing, like, RE0 or DR1 ports 10 years after the fact. Good ports too.

this game was alright, ironically forgotten though

Their PC support is great.
Street Fighter V has actual cross play with PC and PS4, which no other fighter aside from Killer Instinct has.

Other devs dont seem to give a shit about splitting their playerbases for their already really small games.

Gonna think twice about buying Tekken7 because Harada is too cheap to organize crossplay.

the only thing they've done well in recent years is make solid ports for Dragon's Dogma and Dead Rising

For some titles. RE7 is facing so many issues for a good handful of pc players and they're just flat out ignoring to give any acknowledgement that they're aware of the issues. They kept the business practice of ignoring you, once they got your money. There's was even a major crash issue in the RE7 demo that they couldn't bother to patch in the full game before release.