>VAs gets paid on average $14 an hour for just talking and grunting
Why is there a strike?
>VAs gets paid on average $14 an hour for just talking and grunting
Why is there a strike?
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Because those are shit wages?
You could be doing almost anything else and be making more.
They are striking because they want celebrity salary akin to Hollywood. It's fuckfaces like Troy Baker and so on who steal all the work and then complain they're not getting million salaries. Fuck them. Cancerous motherfuckers who not only ruined the lives of countless other voice actors, but now want to infringe on other people's salaries by demanding an inproportionate amount of money in comparison to the programmers and artists.
If you support the VAs on strike, you hate video games. It's as easy as that.
18+ kiddo
The personal median wage in the US is $15/hour.
I didn't even realize it was that low that is some wageslave tier payment.
>living in a shithole where that's all you get with shitty healthcare to top it all off
muh freedom must be pretty cool huh
TFW middling voice actors make more than you.
They are butthurt that they aren't put on the same pedastal as real actors.
I make $12 dollars an hour as a stagehand. I'm up in catwalks hanging lights and stuff. $14 an hour for voice acting sounds perfectly reasonable.
>tfw you earn more than American VAs just by getting student aid from the government
Sup Forums is also 18+
Because there are very few recording studios for video games and most are located in cities with high costs of living like LA.
I agree. You never see actually good voice actors asking for more money. Its always fucks like troy baker who can deliver lines one of two ways, either shouting or breathing every word.
Some love their job
shit wages? if this based on performance your wages is justified. best of the best get that 30+ dollars an hour
I make $17 an hour stocking shelves, try a new profession.
where do you live?
They want more because they think just having a job entitles you to always being well off, the bottom 10% makes 17 grand a year, if they can get a year's worth of work, most of them are bad with money so they'll burn through that shit in months, then need to get a second job to support themselves off-season.
I mean shit, man, just learn to live within means or get a better job, god damn.
wow I always thought they were just bitching for nothing before. Even "experienced" VAs are justified for those wages considering how often they're used.
You're making more than you deserve. Good for you, I'm satisfied with what I make.
>$14.00 an hour
Bullshit statistic. They're comparing commissioned work to a 40-hour salary.
I know for a fact that:
>FUNimation pays $50.00 an hour.
>Gearbox pays $200.00 an hour.
>Bioware pays $250.00 an hour.
Yes, most voice actors aren't making tons of dosh, but they're not working 40 hours a week either. They have nothing to complain about.
>t.San Fran
>shitty npcs make more money than you
>Troy Baker and Nolan North want more money to ruin AAA videogames
No fuck off. And take that disgusting cunt Ashley Burke or what the fuck she's called with you. You're ruining videogames with your phoned-in voices.
Try suburbs of Columbus Ohio.
If i wanted more i'd have to go into actual management, and fuck that, i'm content with just working with my crew.
I think based Nolan actually threw all the other voice actors under the bus when he gave his speech at the Game Awards.
can we get a source of that?
>do you get to the cloud district very often?
This. Voice actors are jewish as fuck. Troy Baker, Nolan North and Ashley Burke are desperate for Hollywood-like status. They want to trample all over the programmers and artists who actually make the game so they can be disgustingly rich working five hours a week.
If you support these voice actors, you hate videogames and the actual people making videogames.
How many games haven't Troy Baker and North ruined now with their mundane voices? I can't keep track. Every fucking AAA game I play and it's the same three fucking voice actors because of nepotism.
What we need to do is to get rid of the voice actors having a monopoly on roles and instead allow the hundreds who have to settle for scraps.
Now THIS i entirely buy, while they probably put in way more actual work than the hours paid for.
>What we need to do is to get rid of the voice actors having a monopoly on roles and instead allow the hundreds who have to settle for scraps.
Oh please. No dev is going to want to waste money on shit tier VAs if they believe it will harm the game. The successful ones are successful because the companies actively reach out for their talent, even though it leads to pidgeonholing and overexposure of a single VA.
Why the fuck do these piece of shit get paid so much for ruining our Japanese games?
fuck my shite up mate
its like you actually think some god is distributing jobs from on high
and they happen to give some people jobs while ignoring others
this is literally what being a NEET is
I wonder how much someone like Dan Castellaneta makes. I'm pretty sure he must make thousands per episode.
I'm glad someone else beat me to it.
The article trying to make it look like the poor VAs work 40 hours a week all year long is laughable.
Voice acting will never be a solid full time job for most of them, unless you're AAA listed, because they simply don't work as much as people in other professions. They talk for 2-4 hours a day, for a couple of months per project. Even with back to back projects lined up, there's no way it's sustainable.
This is bullshit. Game development have enough testing to ensure that bad voice acting is stopped at the recruitment stage. Do you know that they actually have to try out a role before getting it? It's not a blind bet.
Troy Baker and North and Burch are used due to simple nepotism. They know the right people and those people are getting them in an unwarranted amount of roles.
Maybe if American animu and vidya VAs weren't such complete and utter trash they'd get more money.
Listen to that shit. You couldn't be more generic and samey if you tried.
>unusual talent for changing their voices
The faster the VA market implodes, the sooner we go back to the era of non fully voiced RPGs.
Except they work a couple of months a year. What makes these entitled fucks think that they deserve a cushy life just because they grunt into a microphone every now and then. Get a real job and be glad you have extra income from voice acting.
More like hundreds of thousands. I'm pretty sure the main Simpsons cast are all in the 200/400k per episode range.
I make $10 an hour to browse Sup Forums
shitty IT jobs are the best
youre off by a couple 0s there friend
did you actually get a degree? or did you just pass a test in your knowledge of computers or something
Do you honestly think a studio that has produced an AAA game will leave things to chance and go through recruitment for large roles? No. They go with known quantities, and their so-called 'star power' helps bring in more people to their game because of their voices. Yes, a lot of it comes of as nepotism and favoritism...but that's the fucking industry, going all the way up to Hollywood.
A lot of VAs nowadays have to start their careers with kids shows and cartoons, and hopefully their CVs will allow them to be hired by a decent dev for a role they have no idea about so they can work themselves up into a decent position.
Nope, I just know how to punch a printer until it works properly
There exists hundreds upon hundreds of decent to great VAs. There is literally no reason to go with Baker and North every time unless someone from higher up is telling you to. It's nepotism. Simple as that. Baker and North don't have star power.
itt: we talk about things that we have no idea about
I never once bought a video game because a certain voice actor was in it.
You're a fucking moron.
>Baker and North don't have star power.
How many VAs do you know?
>$14 whole fucking dollars...
That's what European countries pay fast food plebs to shove burgers into a bag. What the fuck kind of horseshit economy have you got going over there?
This is why all games should only have Japanese voices
Murrikan voices are nothing but cancer
are any devs actually buying this strike? voice "actors" are a dime a dozen.
More than you do apparently.
>kids growing up on modern AAAs think Baker and North and Burch are the only voice actors in existence
Not him but I work for a tech company and the majority of our IT people only have a highschool diploma and a set of question that should solve 95% of the problem encountered. For the other 5% we have half a dozen guy with a diploma that do nothing else.
So, basically you admit they're names people know.
Isn't that an absolute garbage pay?
Some internships pay more in euros here. Granted, they require some form of education lmao.
Name recognition isn't even in the same ballpark as star power.
If they want more money, how about they get a real fucking job instead of sitting in an air conditioned booth and reading lines off a page poorly? That's fine payment for what they're doing. Actors are worthless trash.
They're names idiots like you know who have never played a videogame outside of the yearly Ubisoft/EA AAA.
Thanks for summing up the entire thread and everyone in it!
Newsflash, the normie market is what matters when you're trying to rake in cash.
It still reliably gets you spots on the cast.
Newsflash, normies don't care about voice actors.
I get $8/hour to carry boxes and scrub shit with chemicals
Sounds pretty good to me
Good. Maybe developers will realize VA aren't worth the pay raise and we'll start seeing more text in games with better writing.
Entry level secretary makes about 14$ an hour.
Or even better: we return to the type of voice acting seen in Resident Evil 1.
You earn almost twice as much as me taking exchange rates into consideration. Fucking UK is officially 3rd worldtier now.
>It still reliably gets you spots on the cast.
Nice reverse pivot,asshole.
>Do you honestly think a studio that has produced an AAA game will leave things to chance and go through recruitment for large roles? No. They go with known quantities, and their so-called 'star power' helps bring in more people to their game because of their voices.
We weren't talking about getting jobs, we were talking about sales - which, as said: "Normies don't care about voice actors"
who /70k+/ here
>Why is there a strike?- 72 posts and 8 image replies shown.
They think the should make the same as big Hollywood actors.
the average voice actor does not work 40 hours a week on fucking voice acting
No acting job is guaranteed, all-year work unless you're in demand and/or have an agent/agency to get it for you.
all that continuous grunting and screaming will eventually do away your throat. Some VAs legit pass out or cough blood because of the strain of some voices. Doesn't make them any less jews though
>Shit tier VA gets paid less than burger flipping
per hour if assuming that the VA is working 40 hours a week.
Which simply is false metric to use. VAs are grossly overpaid for actual working hours.
VA work is contractor style. They get hired for a week or two to do studio sessions, get paid that 10k and go back to their other job.
Troy Baker isn't part of the strike, and neither is Nolan North. There needs to be a better division of voice acting. Mocap is considered voice acting and that is fucking crazy. One job you can almost do from home and the other is a rough job for years. EVERYONE deserves to make the money they are worth. The artists and modelers and programers should be making a higher wage. There is always going to be someone that wil come in and do the job cheaper. That is why most of these strikes don't accomplish anything. Scabs will always exist.
Yeah right. You get 13 € / hour for flipping burgers in German McDonalds? I don't think so.
Let's not even talk about Eastern Europe. I'd take the lowest 10% VA wage any time.
Entitled privileged people tend to want more entitlements and privileges so they can stay on top. That's really about it.
plus cost of living too.
ausfags bitch and complain about game prices but they get paid a lot more + free healthcare.
14 an hour is a decent gig, but their hours are super shit.
ie, they get 800 bucks out of one day... but that's usually it for the whole month.
it's still going? didn't publishers said fuck you and hired another 100 people in the line?
Sounds like modern feminism/sjw crowd.
>14$ an hour
>37$ an hour
That's assuming they're working 40 hours a week. They don't. They only work 20 hours a week and that's only if they're the main character. And then that's only for a few months.
You ever notice that the voice actors going on strike are the ones that are fucking garbage?
>It's fuckfaces like Troy Baker and so on who steal all the work and then complain they're not getting million salaries.
Actually, Troy Baker is pretty reasonable about this strike and I don't think he even supports it. He thought the old VA for the Silent Hill games was entitled for expecting residuals when he was asked to return for the HD collection.
Tfw no job
that's for rpgs or other long games, it's twice as low for shorter games
I make 14 and work at a movie theatre
>Getting paid 13.50 an hour to run a well profiting company
i fucked up
I make almost twice as much as you doing the same thing. Join the union.
Conditions and bonuses based on success of the content medium. Considering the nature of the work weaving in a few more breaks doesn't hurt, granted I do not know the full verbatim list of demands
anyone know how much seiyu get paid?
There's a reason that pretty much all American VAs live in Los Angeles.
programmers should get 5% cut from sales then because nothing would be possible without them
AAA companies are there for tax reasons, therefore the staff is also there for the work?