Build sentry

>Build sentry
takes ages, people keep taking your metal
>build sentry
soldier spams it from afar
>build sentry
demo spams it from afar
>build sentry
someone cheeses the AI and destroys it
>build sentry
stickies destroy it
>build sentry
enemy medic ubers
>build teleporter
Scout bonks behind and destroys it
>build sentry
rescue ranger it from stickies, get fucked by demo while its setting up
>build sentry
spy saps as entire enemy team pushes in

>enemy engie builds sentry
300 kills and no uber can destroy it


all about that placement man. you want choke points, not out in the open

you need to be actively involved in using and maintaining your sentry. passive defense is prone to new offenses not taken into account, dynamic defense can be adapted at any time to an incoming offense.

look up "Uncle Dane" and see how he plays

>300 kills and no uber can destroy it
You're on a shitty team full of Gibuses with about only 3 people actively trying to make progress, best just to save yourself the frustration and find another server.

Fucking hell get better.

Okay, here comes the aeroplane.

I haven't played TF2 in 4 years.

At the start of the match,drop a teleporter entrance and upgrade it to level 3 using supply cabinet metal. Now forget it exists.

Stick down a sentry and a dispenser in a safe location, that overlooks a choke point with a nearby ammo crate, preferable large. Medium will do.

Get you dispenser up to level 3 as fast as possible, 1 to rally team mates to defend you. 2. to feed you with load of metal for tanking later on. 3. to make sure no one is tempted to nick your precious ammo box for big metal chunks.

Get your sentry to level 3 as soon as you can.

Get teleporter exit dropped for level 3 reinforcements.

Shotgun any fuck who runs towards you that isn't firing their weapon. You'll catch any spies before they can start a sap.

Keep your back against a wall or pressed against your dispenser so you can't get backstabbed and instasapped.
Shotty all the stickies as they get laid by you.
A demo shouldn't have the range to airburst you to death.

Be patient and wait for the enemy team to push to your location, that's when you can farm the kills all round til the end and be MVP.

Trying to do this setup in active fight area is stressful and usually failure.

Employ friends to play engineers and help tank your setup when the ubers come.

Gee, if only there was a weapon that quickly relocated the sentry at will and another one that tripled its life.

Git gud at the shotgun, rescue ranger is for scrubs.

I suggest playing Quake.

I suggest picking another class if you want to be rambo.

rescue ranger + wrangler/short circuit literally makes your sentry invincible
git gud

sentries need a buff

Two reasons.
Your placement is likely shit.
Your team also is not supporting you by covering areas that provide demos and soldiers firing lines straight to your sentry.
The second reason is far more important and is usually the reason why a team either does or doesn't hold last on upward.

>bloo bloo I want my 128 damage/s aimbot to be indestructible!

Get a Pyro to help you out.

Airblast them away or shotgun them!
>Rocket spam?
Reflect them back!
Airblast them into a corner till Uber runs out.
Constant spychecking + sapper removal via hammer.

I feel you, getting the 5 kills on one sentry advanced portion of contracts was nigh impossible.

I once played a cart game where I got like 40 sentry kills in one before they destroyed it, and I don't even play Engie. Most fun I've had with the piece of shit class

Building them high up and far off from the choke point can be a pain to kill, but ultimately the effectiveness of a sentry depends on your team and the flow of a game. If your guys are getting steamrolled, no amount of good positioning will keep your front line full of healed up players or stop the other team from just running a train on your shit.

Really, the only situation where an engie is good is on a team where you're losing-by-not-much or better.

Engie is all about placement and situational awareness, so try looking up common sentry spots. If no one is helping you defend then you're on a bad team.

Should have POOTIS faster, fag boy.

the meta has changed. It's better just to switch to a tank merc

But I do that, I often put them in common places or a place where I think they can't be spammed from and still in a good position, either way or teams gets rolled to which I say fuck it go gunslinger and help some other engie out with his sentry

What Engineer is a new offensive-focused building PDA

one with buildings you can push around, maybe

It's almost impossible to keep a sentry up when the difference of skill between teams is big.

The only games where I get angry at my teammates is when I'm playing engineer, when my team is shit I pick a different class.

Could use some variants too. Like a dispenser with slower regen but wider range and things like that.