What if we had a late-night Grim Dawn thread?
What if we had a late-night Grim Dawn thread?
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give it a try
What build is that guy in the pic? Dual wield pistol elementalist?
It's the inquisitor mastery coming with the new expansion, pretty sure. Uses like artifacts or something. Also probably a focus on dual-wield ranged weapons.
Great game, but not much to talk about.
I was disappointed that the first DLC was just a low-effort single-room gauntlet, since what I enjoyed most about the game was the exploration aspect.
"Expansion" is that their term for patch, or is it paid DLC?
It's an actual expansion, user. Paid DLC.
ah neat. Still need to get around to getting my dual pistol pyromancer to max level, but im looking forward to inquisitor
I have one of those but he's a glass cannon :-(
Does the game get good at any point? It just feels so repetitive.
At least Diablo 3 did a decent job changing the setting frequently and keeping the story rolling.
oh yea, I'm a glass cannon too but I output a decent amount of damage. its pretty fun, just gotta keep kiting and throwing flashbangs
it's extremely dull and you lose all interest in your character once your build becomes somewhat workable, so you move on to a new character. rinse, repeat.
For sure. It's definitely intensive.
im just dropping that satan sigil on the ground and using a curse for kiting
What builds are you guys working on/thinking about starting? I'm thinking about starting a retaliation warder build for the hell of it. Saw some guy on the grim dawn forums make one that was more or less invulnerable and had like 24k health
Mainly working on my Cadence build right now, level 65.
hows that going user? running into any troubles?
I just started this and am having a blast playing as Shaman
>Generally really bad with builds and stuff in these types of games
>Somehow manage to just hodgepodge my way in an attack speed + life drain set up
>Just run up to enemies and start swinging away like a madman
>See my health drop like a stone and then rocket back up because of Cadence life drain
i just need a markovian set and i'm all set for this lich knight
fug i forgot pic
Just beat vet with a pure shaman elemental caster. Absolutely obliterated everything and everyone. 35 flat elemental resistance reduction on wind devils is so strong.
Thinking I'll off spec into demo since more end-game gear supports that combo.
nigga it's 10 in the morning
Is Cunning a dump stat? I hardly see any builds recommend it. Usually they're either "go all in Physique" for melee fighters and some ratio of Physique and Spirit for casters, but still heavy on the Physique.
it increases your offensive ability and physical damage (pierce/duration damage) so its up to you
cunning is literally the damage and crit stat nigga, physic is just hp.
This game has been sitting in my library for a while
What is the absolute MOST fun build to play? I always feel bored with Diablo clones unless they've got some kind of outwardly fun way to play on top of all the generic 'go here, spam abilities' kinds. Oro's Flicker, for example
Then why does every single physical build I see have maybe 10 points in Cunning and the rest in Physique?
if you don't know then you obviously didn't understand their builds, there are many reasons why they didn't dump points in cunning, i personally dropped a lot of points into cunning and just a bit in physical so that i can wear some heavy armors.
So if most of these people that constantly make builds and run them successfully through Ultimate ignore Cunning, it's a dump stat?
people who make ultimate build shouldn't really focus on cunning and more on spirit since magic is op.
i ran a physique only build through ultimate but it was a retaliation build but whenever i swung at anything i would never crit and only had like 80% to hit
Pic related is my current Pyromancer, got through veteran no problem, on elite now and still not having much of a problem yet. Pretty fun class tbqh
Pretty much.
Physique gives you Defensive Ability (which you need a lot of to not get crit on Ultimate)
Cunning gives Offensive Ability (which you need a lot of to hit and crit mobs on Ultimate)
OA is generally easier to get than DA and a few spells and passives will also debuff the enemy DA which makes you require less OA to hit/crit them.
There were a few people running cunning only builds which focused on killing before getting killed but I wouldn't recommend it until you have the gear, and not on HC.
How old are you? Serious question.
Really loved my first runthrough with the game, but I keep trying to do a second playthrough and keep bouncing off of it.
I not sure why either, because I happily go play Titan Quest again in a heartbeat.
i want to make a dual wielder with two of these
what second class should i use
There a few skills and abilities in Demolitionist that deal with lightning/electrocution that might compliment that sword nicely
well considering it gives +3 static strike i guess i should go demo
Saboteur or Trickster
pls respond
I just want a fun build
I myself like dual pistol pyromancer, keeps you moving and you gotta manage energy as you burn right through it.
If the idea of tanking hits is fun to you, Id recommend looking into a Warder build, because some of those builds are insane with the amounts of health and resistences they have.
but I'd actually recommend going to the GrimCalc website and reading the class names, and picking whichever one you like the sound of and taking it from there.
just build what you like
i have a hard on for shields in this game and last build i made was a cleave build with an axe focusing on poison and bleeding damage