Why MMORPG is dead

Why MMORPG is dead

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Because it's hard to justify selling someone a 60$ game that they must pay an additional 15$ just to play something that either has an intrusive cash shop, or is just like WoW.

There's no reason to play any other MMORPG when WoW and FFXIV dominate the market.

We're still alive and well!

Because nobody actually makes a real game first, then makes it massively multiplayer as well. Everything is a WoW clone to such a degree that people think mmo is a genre now.

Developers thought removing the community aspect from community-driven games was a good idea.

The age of 12 year olds bumbling through glorified chatroom online games in the early days of the internet with no wikis is over. An MMO needs fun, engaging gameplay and not just autistic grinding to be good now.

mmorpgs are dead because of shit gameplay and repetitive quests

>cow girl
>as in a profession, not a race
What did they MEAN by this.


It's not a profession, it's her favorite position.


vanilla wow is 13 years old, datamined and minmaxed to the boot, yet its still alive, the world feels alive, its all about the community, not everyone is going to go full on autist on every mmorpg

p2w and click to finish quest shit

>tfw no goblin slayer simulator
I want to creatively, brutally, and practically hunt goblins, not cycle through attack animation loops to grind numbers and loot. Like Hitman, only your objective is to murder everybody.

Both of them are the fokin same and 90% of other MMORPGs are the same wow cones so why bother


Because MMO aspect doesn't fascinate people anymore with how ubiquitous online gaming has become. Also, MMORPGs have helped their case by scaling back instead of doing even grander scale shit.

they go full jew, remove stuff and casualize their games over time

look at
>Dragon Nest biggest offender everything die sin one hit and there is no access to higher difficulties until endgame
If I remember correctly Korea passed a law that forces MMORPG devs to limit the time people play for health reasons

There are many other MMORPGs that fell for the casualize everything until endgame shit and that killed them since nobody wants to go through a mindless journey to endgame and quit 20 levels in

Is this the natural cause every online game?

They start out as an ambitious project that just wants to make a good game and if the game idea is good enough the community slowly grows and player numbers rise.
At this point the company is more or less forced to go "professional" or their servers will just catch fire and they won't be able to keep up with the demand.
With the whole professional thing comes commercialization which has the only goal of selling more numbers which leads to
A) the game being made ridiculously accessible so everyone can get their piece of instant gratification to increase player numbers and profit
B) the company tries to push the whole shitty e-sports thing to make money off sponsors.

it's the worst thing that can happen because those things tend to drive away the old players and the population decreases, making the entire investment pointless.

Also as this guy said games that were good because of their sense of community end up being completely destroyed by the casualization.

>used to form a party to take down this one big boss or beat this scenario quest
>a few years later a single unfunded character can take down everything so people never have any reason to talk to each other
single player MMORPGs are the reason people don't look at the genre anymore

Yes, the social aspect is important but all it really shows is that mmorpgs are just shitty rpgs with a lot of grinding / time filler stuff to keep you playing for long periods. Having a group to play with made it bearable but nowadays everyone wants everything to be super accessible and instantly available.

So mmorpgs are dead because they were shitty, got shititer after they were made even easier and removed any group requirements.

Also there are a lot of other alternatives that allow you to play in a group of friends without making the huge investment of time that mmorpgs usually require

MMORPGs were made for the people who liked delayed gratification through grinding and once they removed that they jumped ship

I can say MapleStory's grind was ridiculous but I would rather have that than what we have nowadays

jews in charge

The cost to create an MMO is too much to risk trying original ideas.

So the genre has been languishing in the same old tired design paradigms for over a decade now and interest has dimished to the point that investors no longer see them as viable development options.


>MMORPG dead
>When it's more alive than ever
Just because they don't pump out thousand of MMORPGS that dies within a month anymore does not mean it's dead.
More players are playing MMO's than ever.

Any proof for that? Blizzard hasn't released their sub numbers for a very long time and all other "bigger" mmorpgs are struggling to keep people interested.

let me guess best girl aka cow girl loses?

Because of dungeon finders, cross realm, WoW clones and korean MMO's, There is a reason the pre-wow MMO's are considered the best in the genre.

Best girl is obviously the priestess. What a lovely chest

How do you even jew on DFO besides RMT-ing karma coins?

So because a 12year old MMO is dying does that mean the whole genre is dead? WoW alone does not make the MMO genre.

And all other Korean and Free MMO's. There's more players playing now than 12 years ago, then there was only like WoW that people played and nearly every single MMO that tried to get into the market died.

> There is a reason the pre-wow MMO's are considered the best in the genre.
And still none actually wants to play them, there has been so many people trying to revive the "hardcore MMO's" but there's zero interests.

I want a game where information actually has legitimate value.

All fucking games nowadays are completely cracked open in a couple of days and you can wiki literally everything. There's zero mystery and good items are just balanced around artificial drop rates rather than anything fun or innovative, like finding them in secret locations or complex quest lines.


>and repetitive quests
Definitely not the reason. Mobile games are proving to everyone that repeating the very same things over and over is still a recipe that works.

>There's zero mystery and good items are just balanced around artificial drop rates rather than anything fun or innovative, like finding them in secret locations or complex quest lines.

Well first of all, despite wether you want or not want to wiki something, a lot of people actually do, so artificial drop rates is the only way to balance that, the item devalues when everyone has one.

You might like Old School Runescape though, there are several untradeable items that are only possible to get via quests or challenges that are actually the best item in that armor slot
(i.e: The Fire Cape requires you to win a hard gauntlet of enemies and the final boss can one shot you easily if you are not paying attention, it is also not an item you can buy so if you want the best of the best you HAVE to win that challenge)

It also has complex quest lines, with rewards that actually matter (As long as you are not using wiki for everything)

Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen is a perfect example of this, it's everything every always wants a MMO to be again: Hardcore, community focused and all the stuff people wants from an "oldschool mmorpg". The game didn't even reach it's kickstarter goal(But they're still going to release it tho)

And you can clearly see what kind of people that wants to play these oldschool MMO's, it's people that played the old hardcore MMO's like Everquest and such. The most popular "pledge" for Pantheon is the $1,000 one, which could be easily interpreted that it's middle aged people that takes interest in these games, as they have the money to spend $1,000 on a game.

The truth is that the "oldschool" MMORPG genre is a niche market and there's actually not many people that wants to play these games, it's just something people say to sound cool.

Those are all the females from GOBLIN SLAYER, and she is literally a farmhand that takes care of cattle all day.

No one can beat online communities, that's the problem.

For games to be like you'd describe, we would need to travel back to late 90's where wikis weren't a thing and you had to go through pages of newsgroups or forums to find the information you needed. (It was even worse if you weren't speaking English.)

Take a game like FF XI, pretty much NOTHING is explained in-game, from how stats are even working to quests, to how to unlock a damn map. Yet everyone was just using sites like allakazham and then wikis when it became a thing.

Because a lot of developers have fucked the Multiplayer, Role-Playing, and Game aspects to hell and back. Massive and Online are a glorified chatroom.

I like MMO animes.


Come on man of all the examples you can give you pick one based on Everquest, you may as well have said a vanilla WoW server at this point.

>a lot of people actually do
Which is why I want to reduce it. If information was actually valuable, it wouldn't be shared as openly.
But nowadays something like that is next to impossible considering the size of the internet.

Would be cool if in-game money had real-world value like EVE and that Project Entropia or whatever it was called, but I don't really see that working out as I imagine.

>TL;DW: WoW perfected theme park MMOs and developers should focus on sandbox MMOs because there is still a lot of room for improvement.

I mean he's right that there are no decent sandbox MMOs but is WoW really the pinnacle of theme park MMOs?

Both "community" and game design went to pure dog shit.
Nowadays, everything you want to know is easly found and you don't have to going around the shitty forum or find it yourself in-game by asking people around or exploring yourself or with your friends.

Upcoming content leaked by dataminer, ruining sense of surprise and because of this, bunch of tryhard will literally prepare for new content possibly will "beat" the new content in like a day or two.

Railroaded game design (or themepark), there's no sense of exploration, everything will be boring. You boot the game only for some side activity and gain no familiarity with environment.

Some games is designed to be played solo or duet with very few importance getting yourself a proper party, this caused lack of active in-game communication among players, making the game slightly feel dead or something. Because of this too, game content will be way too easy and boring if you happen to have proper party yourself.

because introducing good gameplay that retains players would alienate the 200 ping brazilian audience

Thanks for reminding me to check out Accel World, I haven't touched on my backlog for months now.

It's shit. Don't bother.

Really? Not worth giving it the three-episode rule?

Because theme parks became prominent and ran themselves into the ground. Now the genre will have to rebuild itself from zero while also struggling against theme park legacy. Shit will be harsh, I expect it to revive in 10-15 years. If not even more.

Personally I am so damn starved for sandparks like Ragnarok, Maple Story, Royal Quest, but apparently these will take the most time to appear again

Well there is never any harm in giving something 3 episodes. Just know that I, some random user who you have never met, fucking hated it.

Much appreciated friendo.

Goblin Slayer is legit far better than it has any right to be though.

Dwarf Elf bantz cracked me the fuck up


The man did one amazing work (reverse NTR Sailor Moon), but everything else has just been so bad.

What a waste of talent. To go from reverse NTR to /ss/

its trash
prolly even worse than SAO
LOG is a snortfest
dunno any other good mmo based ones

>cow boy
>as in a profession, not a race
What did they mean by this

Everyone wants to make the next WoW but they don't get that the only reason why WoW was a runaway success is that warcraft already had an established fanbase.

That's about 90% of why mmos suck.

Because people seek instant gratification, you don't have to grind 1 week, just to have 4 hours of entertainment.