Why MMORPG is dead
Why MMORPG is dead
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Because it's hard to justify selling someone a 60$ game that they must pay an additional 15$ just to play something that either has an intrusive cash shop, or is just like WoW.
There's no reason to play any other MMORPG when WoW and FFXIV dominate the market.
We're still alive and well!
Because nobody actually makes a real game first, then makes it massively multiplayer as well. Everything is a WoW clone to such a degree that people think mmo is a genre now.
Developers thought removing the community aspect from community-driven games was a good idea.
The age of 12 year olds bumbling through glorified chatroom online games in the early days of the internet with no wikis is over. An MMO needs fun, engaging gameplay and not just autistic grinding to be good now.
mmorpgs are dead because of shit gameplay and repetitive quests
>cow girl
>as in a profession, not a race
What did they MEAN by this.