Video game industry prepares for coming of possible trade tariff

So Sup Forumsidiots what do you think of this news?

The Entertainment Software Association is in the process of formulating a plan to deal with the possibility of U.S. President Donald Trump rolling out trade tariffs, a source tells Polygon.

A tariff is essentially a form of tax that is used to make goods and services that are imported in the country more expensive to consumers than the same items made domestically.

Those possible tariffs could have an impact on the cost of game consoles and other hardware, much of which is manufactured overseas.

There were rumblings in the lead up to Trump's election that his team was floating the idea first of a five percent trade tariff, and then a possible 10 percent tariff. On Monday, Trump signed an executive order to withdraw from the Trans-Pacific Partnership. He also met with business and union leaders.

If an across-the-board trade tariff were imposed it would likely impact games and gaming consoles that are imported into the United States, like Nintendo's upcoming Switch console.

Polygon reached out to the Entertainment Software Association Monday morning to find out if the association, which represents video game developers and companies, to ask what sort of impact the association thinks the tariffs would have on the industry if they were passed. We also asked if the ESA was lobbying against the tariffs.

“We are looking into the issue and can provide more information shortly,” a spokesman told us.

CNN Money pointed out that President Trump would likely not need support from Congress to levy tariffs. He could instead use several different existing rules to do so.

While he could impost tariffs fairly quickly, experts have said any significant tariffs could lead to a trade war, with other countries imposing tariffs against U.S. products.



This IS videogames you tard

Look forward to increased prices



>the possibility

thats a great thread my man

I think you're a retard for linking to Polygon instead of the archived link.
Also, I don't buy video games.

Pirates win again

Will this effect digital prices though?

>Most american video games suck dick.

Looks like I'll just buy LESS american videogames then to play the best shit japan has coming.

Is the tariff for all countries or is it just for some shitholes like China? Because god forbid if bootlegs become expensive and stop being made for the American market.

Digital only releases

What if they are made in another country majority like most games are now a days. Like what percentage has to be made in the USA for it not to have a tariff? I mean Witcher 3 is 100% polish for example.

So that's why Nintendo made the switch non region locked.

good thing i dont play video games anymore

Buy digitally then?

Pretty much.


But I'm not murrikan

Journalism threads were considered vidya related until GG happened.

Pretty funny, that.

You know most game disks and boxes are printed in asia even for xbox right?

Where are the high-end PC components made? Talkin video cards, CPU, and the like?

Would this increase the costs of building?

Now Trump is president America is literally a real life TV-show

I love Trump though, never fails to entertain.

trade wars are like MAD. (((experts))) say you can't violate it, yet other nations do so behind the scenes. levying tariffs only starts trade wars if the other nation legitimately did nothing wrong and you acted first. reacting to retaliatory tariffs is an admission of guilt

.5% tariff and free for first quarter after first unit imported

Would that bother anyone? I mean you gotta get started on that there debt fagets

So glad I dont live in the country that voted for this idiot.

>no pastebin
fucking newfags

China, so yes. In fact enjoy paying more for everything, but at least now foreigners won't take your sewer cleaning jobs :^)

Southeast asia.


Yes we do.

worked for switch leak threads

just buy american video games and support your country, commies

>unironically reading polygon
>unironically linking to polygon
fuck off back to where you came from

t. microcuck

Intel's chips are made in the us but the cpu is assembled in asia. The same goes for amd.

t. filthy slant eyed commie

Good thing you can't put a tariff on Steam downloads. Can't wait to play Persona 5 and SMTV on my PC once Trump destroys the console market.

>American """"""""videogames""""""""

Sorry but QTE, walking sims and blizzshit don't really appeal to most

It wasnt supposed to be like this

Yes. I hope you did not vote for this guy without knowing every aspect of your life is going to become pricier.

Whatever fag

persona 5 confirmed PS4 only and SMTV confirmed switch only

>muh pantsu and bug eyed blobs squealing at a really high pitch

go be a sweaty fat virgin fedora lord somewhere else

>yfw you didnt vote Trump

>10% trade tariff
>10% of $60

OH NO, MY $6!

What are some games with loads of endgame content?

TL;DR me.

Is it good or bad?

You need funs and congressional approval to do those things you know. You don't just sign a decree and thy will be done.

And he's going to fail on trying to attack states on sanctuary city crap. There's prescedence from the supreme court going from 1850 to 2012 on the subject.

>make TPP thread
>instantly deleted
>make trade tariff thread
>gets to stay
Boy, I wonder who the janitors voted for...

>$300 Switch before extras like games

really makes you think huh

hahaha yeah so many fat neets crying because they will run out of autismbux faster and have to be a good boy so their mommies will buy them one more game a month

I am not american so I don't care too much, but I find it funny that trump is a xbro.
I doubt that it will save the xbone anyway, and for console gaming will be mostly a pain in the butt but it won't change anything substantial. Also digital relases, and I think that if the game are on american produced disc they count as manufactured in the US anyway? But again, 5% might be not worth moving the production of physical releases.

On the other end it would be nice for computer hardware if smaller company might use this as a platform to promote themselves. I doubt that the silicon giant will move, but motherboard and peripherals might.
I won't comment on other stuff since VIDEO GAMES

>cry abou taxes
>Being robbed is ok if Trump says so
kill yourself

Over the long term assuming you buy a lot of games it does add up.

Plus any extra expenditure where it was previously avoidable is unwanted.

>no more mexicans


it's good
now the NEET virgin weebs will have a harder time convincing mommy to pay for the new loli molestation simulator

>a source tells Polygon.

I love Polygon cares about politics now.

>You need funds
which he has

>congressional approval
isn't congress the most republican its been in forever?


user you should know this place is run by sjw libtard idiots.

Learn the difference between propaganda and news.

Trade tariffs like this typically and historically at between 15 and 25%. Look up Mercantilism.

A good book to read up on this is Bad Samaritans by Chang

Doesn't this hurt the consumer more than it hurts the companies?? I thought he was trying to punish companies that send their jobs overseas, and some thing have to be imports, this sounds dumb

Donald Trump likely doesn't play video games at all, he's a fucking dinosaur, very old fashioned mobster-like man.

Sonyggers on suicide watch


Wow its fucking nothing.
Don't give two shits about Trump, its just irrelevant.
Big deal, its just money, its not like blowing an extra $6-50 is a big deal at all.

Because the trade tariff exists still and is worth talking about, TPP is over

Good for hard-working American video game companies such as Microsoft.


>Polygon using vidya to push political narratives
What else is new.

Someone please explain to me how digital goods are affected by trade tariffs?

Like, if CDPR sells Witcher 3 through GoG, do they have to pay tax on that?

If it's through a seller like Steam, that technically buys an allotment of keys, do they pay tax on those keys?

That's the dumbest shit explanation I've ever heard and in no way justifies threads instantly getting deleted on the subject.

Mods are biased. Don't hide it anymore. This shit is tainted with NeoGaf people.

At least video game companies will be happy they can finally push their digital shit onto us. Fuck digital downloads.

Pirates win again!

>Donald Trump likely doesn't play video games at all

Pretty sure hates them. One of his tweets has him claiming vidya "makes monsters." Of course, its not like he's gone beyond that point, Shillary Cunton campaigned against violent vidya for fucking years.

Even the genius of our time supports Trump. The future is bright.

If you want to read an Polygon article, then you should also be willing to give them that one meaningless click.

It's not like they get any money from the advertisers, as you use adblock like any sane person.

if anything, they care about politics more than they do about vido games

You actually believed Donald Trump was looking out for you? After all the shit he's backpedaled on, you still think he has your best interest at heart?

Digital will be safe, worry not my dear little user; just physical stuff.

So basically oversea companies now have to print games domestically opening up more jobs for you poorfags so ultimately we end up better economically?

Sounds good to me

So does it mean that game devs and hardware companies now will refocus from 30mil USA market on 1bil China market?
Shit, looks like Trump loves China very much.

Why is no one talking about the possible destruction of Net Neutrality?

the games are still made in other countries. The tariff could be put on digital downloads too. We don't know what this Dinosaur moron will do. This is why people should have voted for Johnson!

>Sup Forumsidiots
>Not pastebining something from Polygon

>COULD affect video game prices
Ok then, I could murder someone, doesn't mean its gonna actually happen though.

Just like Metal Gear, Nier, Final Fantasy, Disgaea, Dark Souls, and Earth Defense force, right?

>ard-working American video game companies

Uh, he's president now.

He doesn't have to buy the wall you know, but he's doing it.

> Polygon


If the digital company is being used in the US it will affect them too since they were within the law of selling within that country.

Trump killed TPP.
Net neutrality has been saved! But of course we wont talk about that, instead we must concentrate on smearing Trump for some shit he said in a trailer ten years ago while speaking with some jocks.

I never supported either sides, I just heard that punishing companies that send their jobs overseas was one of the things he'd crack down on

No, it means you will be paying more for any game developed or produced overseas.

Companies will be moving their fucking operations to expensive ass America. You will be eating this price hike thanks to Trump.

>linking to it
get out shill. come back with an archive.

Yeah wahtever, call us when Tesla becames profitable.

>a source tells Polygon.

>I am not american so I don't care too much

What do you think will happen when your country responds with a counter tariff on American goods? American games get more expensive.

You are very stupid

>Polygon sources

Delete the thread and then yourself OP

because Sup Forums are assholes who circle jerk over archlinux all the time and talk about bitcoin and the deep dark web shit.