
What's your biggest buyers remorse? Pic related
Also fell for MGSV meme and bought Mafia 3, but BF1 takes the cake, no guns no maps no balance
I also bought Battlefront 2016 and played it three times as much as BF1

Wow racist much?

witcher 3, fallout 4, six siege

t. shitter

Battlefield 1, runs like shit on my gtx 1060

God Eater 2, bland piece of shit

I thought it was alright. Got a couple of weeks out of it.

same boat, man

I bought a cdkey off kinguin for $60 because I've been skeptical about EA since battlefront

>No balance
>No server controls
>Terrible anti-cheat
>Automatic weapons and weapon prototypes everywhere
>at least half the server has +300 ping (lol no server controls 2 bad)
>Almost no trenches to be found
>2(?) updates since release that broke more than they fixed
>Very important bugs that have been in since beta still haven't been fixed
>EA/Dice being silent with these bugs and instead pushing new maps

"then why are you playing it if it's so bad??? lol???"

They've cornered the market, it's either this or Titan-dead-fall 2. Operations is 100% dead for oceanians too, it died like a week after release.

I want to play bf4 again but
>empty or low pop servers

It's just bad.

You too?
It runs like utter shit on my 1060 as well.
I tried running it on my sister's rig (970) and it runs WAY better.

That actually seems to be the case with most of the games I tested...

Fucking Sup Forums shills

If only there was a machine that let you just pop the game in and play it!

Yeah if only, to bad such a thing doesn't exist

>play BF1 on console
>have to download multiple patches and updates before starting
>horrid input lag
>game takes 10 minutes to load
>menu delay
>runs at 30fps and dips when's there's too much action
>the game is generally much slower with more camping
>all the while having to put up with using a controller for an FPS game

I got it for 50€, still it hurts
>Almost no trenches to be found
This, also the Trench gameplay on Argonne is the most fun I had, why is there non of it? it's not even realistic but its really fun

>I haven't played the game: the post


I once had a system where I ONLY had to!
>put in the game
>install the game(can take hours)
>download patches (takes hours do to throttled connections)
>Start the game the next day
>"Oh what's that? that game is online? 60 dollars please!"
>"$ee you next year!"
>play game at maybe 30 fps with controller

Gee that device is just so plug and play.


LOL that user got btfo!


from last year xcom 2 overwatch and human divided

Superman 64.

At full price, the day it came out.

oh shit


Why would you even buy those games. Own fault op.

I have a 1060 and it runs as smooth as butter with everything on Ultra you probaly have shit CPU

Not him, but it has literaly no weapons and it plays like shit, every cancer I thought where gone forever, grenade spam, sniper faggotry, wehicle whoring, .....
Also add no customization ond CS:GO skin bs

even playing with friends was boring

Most recent biggest remorse has to be No Man's Sky but the biggest disappointment, which is a different thing, is MGSV.

I don't regret buying MGSV and seeing it through, I'm glad I finished it and saw what an unfinished mess it was and now the series is finally over. It was like seeing your dear pet die of old age, it hurts but there is a sense of relief that the pain is now gone and you don't need to fear how and when it will end anymore.

That's right, historical realism is racist!

>last mgs i played was sons of liberty
>buy mgsV
>enjoy it
>hmm okay repeating some missions here but i've been playing for 40 hours already so no big deal

>visit Sup Forums


BF1, was actually somewhat hyped for it.

Luckily I bought it second hand and also resold it, so no EA money

>this kills the faggot

Change control panel power management to performance and reboot. This shit is quite buggy with this game.

boring and dead(PC) waste of money.
>Battlefield 1
bought it on PS4 this time.
90% of the players are mentally challenged
>10 minutes load
bought it on craig's list?
>runs at 30fps
>the game is generally much slower with more camping
you must be part of the 90% ;^)

The nvidia control panel I mean, not your pc's.

>buys something on console
>complains about performance
Are you retarded?

MGSV was a legitimately great game desu and I don't get any of the complaints except the boss fight complaints and that there was no real lead in to The Man Who Sold The World.
The fact that there was no Skull Face boss was retarded but the game was great.

this, I got it as a gift and still.have buyers remorse

It's only racist if it's at the expense of a human.
Blacks, Arabs, low caste Indians and the Chinese are free game.
