Stuck on level

>stuck on level
>explore every nook and cranny trying to find the way forwards
>finally find a way out
>it turns out to be a secret area

I love those games, but fuck was this my experience. Rarely have the patience for that shit. Still has that wonderful old school Star Wars atmosphere, though.

I only remember a star destroyer level that i could not find an exit out of for the life of me. The rest of jedi outcast was not a problem

Shit level design .
Especially academy

What level?

Really sad there aren't more replies. Then I remember that 98% of this board is 16 and under and has no idea what Jedi Knight is.

Jedi Outcast was my fav though. So many hours logged on that fucker. Remaster pls

I can't fucking hit anything in Jedi Outcast, the shots are so fucking slow they always move out of the way

I finished the game at least 8 times and I don't remember the secret area the Op is saying.

That is hard to believe considering the AI has a tendency to stay in place

Movie battles 2 best mod