What was the last game you genuinely enjoyed?

What was the last game you genuinely enjoyed?

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Dishonored 2.

Stellaris before battleships got nerfed

I haven't enjoyed anything since New Vegas.

Dragon's Dogma

Counter Strike Source

Team fortress 2. There's literally nothing that even compares for the depth of content or fun you can have.


I haven't played games for about 3 years. Took a break.

Currently playing The Witcher 3 and Dark Souls 3. Having a fantastic time. There is a also a huge list of other great games from the past 3 years to play as well.

most of them because i'm not a faggot wahh look at me i'm so le depresst i hate video games now blogposter

Been playing Resident Evil 7 for the past four hours and am basically in heaven.

such as?

Rainbow six siege.

Kingodm Hearts Dream Drop Distance.

Guys, either kill yourselves and just get it over with, or stop shitting up my board with your fucking whining about "mah hobbeh is not fun anymooaaahhh ;;;_____;;;;;;;"

Witcher 3. Although I only just got around to getting New Vegas and I'm enjoying that so far

Yakuza 0

Dark Souls 3

Oddworld: abe's exoddus

2016 was a fucking disaster and I found it hard to actually get through. 2017 is already looking up, recently completed RE7 as it arrived early last Friday. It was mediocre.

However I bought Yakuza yesterday and it's the best fun I've had in ages and I don't even think I've scratched the surface of the game yet as I've only just been given power over buying and maintaining property etc.


I'd enjoy it more if they didn't make coop a pain to hook up with mates. All I want is a fucking Souls game that allows you to specifically invite players to your game. How hard is that to do?

I played hyrule warriors legends last week. absolutely amazing.

Sup Forums drawthreads.

Shits fun.

Fallout New Vegas

Sfv last night

wiiu or 3ds?

>2016 was a fucking disaster and I found it hard to actually get through.
It's nice when you different hobbies to fall back on.

Gravity Rush 2 was pretty great, KH DDD HD is kinda fun as well, but man I forgot how retarded Kingdom hearts is in general, especially the Disney parts.

Shin Megami Tensei IV Apocalypse

Bloodborne is the first game in a long tie that isn't focused on multiplayer that I actually enjoyed playing by myself.

Shantae: Half Genie Hero.

Picked up Furi in a Steam sale and really enjoyed it

Rayman Origins was also kind of f*n


still enjoying it

quake iii

Ass Creed Rouge
holy shit do these Legendary Battles kick my ass
still love it though

play quake live

just play overwatch hipsters it's the same thing

Grand Kingdom.

I got about 100 hours of good times. After that, it began to feel like a grind when it came to maxing my units.

Nioh demos, BB, Guilty Gear Revelator, and This War of Mine I've been enjoying recently. But I make sure I actually play very little videogames to be honest, or I won't appreciate them as much. I'm brimming with criticisms for each game for example but playing them in short bursts only on the weekends allows me to enjoy them much more.

I have over 1200 hours on Steam on Quake Live. I've made the jump to Reflex for now. I'm just waiting for Quake Champions.
Overwatch has zero interesting mechanics and requires no skill. No thanks.

>>>thinks a team based moba with a firdt person shooter tie in compares to the series which made FPS multiplayer a thing back in 1996
>>>thinks a refined game with no random abilities can compare to an abilities shitfest full of broken characters and little to no real balance for meta to late game play

Dude are you delusional? I mean Im having fun with Overwatch but comparing it to Quake means you have no idea the difference between ArenaFPS and Moba-based TeamFPS, despite the fact that they are on opposite ends of the FPS spectrum. Case in point we're not hipsters for liking an older game better than a newer game, especially if the newer game gets boring faster than one we've literally been playing for well over 15 years now.

>TF players not liking Overwatch

I dare say that any person who first played TF2 and then claims Overwatch is a bad game is just a cynical shitbitch who's party of the hatetrain.
Every single person I know who first played TF2 and then tried Overwatch has either switched over to OW or admits that it's a good alternative to TF2.
The issue I hear them say most about OW is that it's more difficult to destroy an opposing team with a single character due to characters having hardcounters.

Pharaoh Rebirth+

I played a little bit of reflex but its too dead and I like CA too much.

Name a single mechanic in Overwatch that you can't master within 15 minutes of playing.
It's not difficult, there's just zero execution involved in its mechanics.

yakuza 0 im playing right now

The last one I played

Persona 4. Played it about two years ago on Sup Forums's recommendation. I was pleasantly surprised.


quake is for fucking autists who only wanna rocket jump and strafe jump their virginity away while overwatch is for people with lives that actually have sex

Yakuza 0


t. conquered

We're not TF players, primarily we're Quake players. I mean OW is okay but it will never compare in my opinion to Quake. The game mechanics we are allowed to use in that game are limited and don't feel smooth. Whenever I do a boost with Junkrat or Pharah I don't feel like Im using an actual game mechanic I feel like it's a buggy speedrunning exploit. Just doesn't have that nice feeling that TF2 and Quake have, which is why in my opinion the people who like the TF and Quake series won't ever leave. Nothing feels that good and nothing probably will again.

Crusader kings II
still enjoying it

hipster retard

Abilities != moba
You fucking mongoloid.


6 years ago.

atm I'm playing Overwatch, Order of Battle, Cities Skylines and Rimworld. Enjoying them all to be honest my mane.

FFXIV, but that has been all the time.
Aside from that rainbow six siege has been a consistently enjoyable game.
Hitman 2016 was the most singleplayer game I have played in a while. Most others have been kind of meh or just okay.

Bloodborne in early November.
Girlfriend got me a ps4 for my birthday.

Could not put that thing down. It made me really sad, because I realised how many hours I sank into it without realising, when with everything else I feel like I'm forcing myself to play.

Looking forward to Nioh and to getting the Dragonquests on 3ds.

Not a big fan of western developed games. There's a lot of polish, but in the wrong places.
They try to hard to gamify stuff without having genuinely good gameplay.
Arkham Knight for example. It's taking me over a month to get through it. Feels really responsive, great graphics, etc, but so many fucking chroes to slog through that's just a collectathon. Genuinely hate the predator aspects, so I'm left thinking "what the hell do I actually enjoy about this game?"

Before that I'd have said maybe Xenoblade Chronicles X at the beginning of the year was a lot of fun.

Dragon Quest 7 and 8 3DS

Shin Megami Tensei Strange Journey (emulated) Last Saturday I played it until midnight and managed to reach Corina.

Resident Evil 7.

>I only play the most popular video games because they're obviously the best


Whoa, why is she so lewd?

>stand behind wall
>rein presses Q

>play whatever hero
>press E for whatever defensive ability
>E key glows up on keyboard so it's 100% pressed down
>game doesn't register

>stand behind wall
>get hooked

>shoot someone above or to the side of their head
>it registers as a headshot because this game is pure skill no luck

>run to point
>stand on said point
>time runs out

Sure is a good game buddy

Ikaruga, still playing, I'll never 1CC it. Can barely get to Chapter 4.


OW heavily focuses on teamplay. Both Quake and TF allows you to dominate as long as you're skilled enough. You can be very skilled with a specific character in OW which can be countered by another character (or combination of characters) and I think this is the main reason a lot of people dislike OW

>Name a single mechanic in Overwatch that you can't master within 15 minutes of playing.
nice meme

You dont know anything about Quake gameplay then
how about:
>weapon combos
>item timing
>analyzing your opponent
>map knowledge
>circle jumps (more important than strafe and rocket jumps and provide the most movement ability)
>knowing when to use what weapon
>rocket juggling
>railgun flicks
>lighting gun levitation
>plasma traps(to kill enemies) and climbs (to scale walls in any direction)
>timing shotgun shots to maximize spread after doing dmg first with a RL, RG, LG, or PG.

Dude I could go on and on. Quake is the most complex strategic FPS on the planet and most of it's mechanics are so subtle and precise that knowledge is required to understand. It's also so well balanced that the game hasn't undergone a major change in core gameplay in well over ten fucking years. Try to tell me right now that Overwatch is so polished that its players would be happy for ten years with no real updates. Quake players were and are perfectly fine with Quake Live after ten years with no huge game changing updates. Polished, complex, and skillful. OW cannot compare

So you're just projecting then

>defending your tastes on an anonymous imageboard


Before that bloodborne
Before that mgsv

Ive been playing Quake since 2005. Im not young enough to be a hipster faggot Im just disappointed with where FPS has been going. Its a steady decline and I hate it with a passion.

lol dude you're fucking delusional. quake is DEAD for a reason, move on to modern competitive gaming... OW doesn't have any of the autist-bait "features" that you just mentioned because it's designed for fun and competition, not "memorizing timings and minute map details" get fucking laid then maybe you'll start to enjoy overwatch some more and leave your shell of a "competitive game" behind in the past where it belongs

I know people shit on it but I picked up Destiny right before Rise of Iron came out. Honestly first time I've sunk over 2k hours in a game since Dwarf Fortress.

Shadow Tactics. It was so good to finally see a return of Commandos clones. And it was a good game in its own right too.

Danganronpa 2 when I first played it 7 months ago.

>playing zero skill games
It's only fun if you're trash. Let the grown-ups play their big boy games, ok?

God Eater 2 Rage Burst.
Probably will be the last game i play and enjoy since i'll trying to getting myself a full time job soon.

if Quake is dead why are there still full servers around the world and why do well over 3,000 people bring their PCs to QuakeCon to play LAN games with other Quake players? Why are there still pickup games all the time? Why are there still tournaments set up by id Software, Bethesda, and Face It? Quake isn't dead, thats a fucking meme.

>grown up games
lol, when was the last time you spoke to a woman in a bar? or smoked a cigar? exactly, it's not a "grown up game," it's a "n33t bait game"

YU-NO for Sega Saturn

Civ 5.

I got introduced last summer. I liked wonderwhoring.

>quake live
>lots of content
tf2 also has a large enough playerbase that you don't have to wait ages and ages to get a game, unlike Quake Live

Gmod Bitches!!!!!!!!!!

I have a wife so not in a long time, if thats what you wanted
how old are you that you get this upset over your little meme game quake is more fun for me OW is fun for you because its the only thing your retarded brain can comprehend
youre a child and we all know it so shut the fuck up

FIFA 17 because everything is fun with friends

I'm 29. I have a house, car, girlfriend. I'm salaried for £62,000 working as L3 IT ops.
If you can name me some mechanics that require execution / practise and are fun in Overwatch I'm all ears. I bought the game and finished rank 68 in Season 1. The game just isn't rewarding or fun.

>being this fucking retarded
GOD i wish v was good again, what the fuck are you even trying to say?

Sleeping Dogs or New Vegas.


Theres an actual working server browser for QL, Ive never even had to wait to get into a full server with people I play with every day, tell me the last time you could say that source based server browser actually worked. Ive played TF2 for 300 hours and in those 300 hours Ive never used the server browser.

>I've dedicated so much time to a game so I need to defend its virtue on the Internet
Stop being such an autist user. Seriously, this is coming from a guy with several thousand hours in X Flight Simulator and IL2 Sturmovik


Haha you little naive baby.