Would you get it?

Would you get it?
Assuming they fixed the God awful Majora's Mask remake.

MM3D is fantastic. Fuck off.

No, OoT is extremely overrated and MM is shit

>The bomber's notebook is fantastic

not if it has that janky ass cover

Nintendo has to realize that we're all getting too old to spend time playing reports.

There was nothing wrong with the MM3D remake. That they changed the Twinmold battle doesn't break the whole game.

I know if you still believe this after two years though, you're a spoonfed Sup Forums Gerber baby who bought into the PC contingent's antiviral marketing campaign cause they couldn't play it.

What's funny is those same people are now pining to emulate it on Citrus3DS while you're whining about what they tricked you into believing.

would be too much effort/resources re-doing the assets for the sales they would get, and I doubt they'd be willing to release the 3DS versions simply upscaled to 720p fuck, imagine the shitposting here if they did

gimme Skyward with worst Zelda

though they might under the Virtual Console if they add 3DS games to it

No I want them to revisit Termina with the Breath of the Wild engine in a spiritual sequel. Return the use of Masks to expand gameplay and exploration and give us a story based on the civilization that made the masks in Termina and their return.

The changes to the bomber's notebook are pretty far down the list in terms of relevance. And they're not bad, either.

>most characters get an entry now instead of only an arbitrary handful
>functions like a proper quest log now
>doesn't outright spoil whole schedules up front like the original did

The biggest and most significant changes were to the visuals, performance, and interface (all massive improvements over all). This game even did quite a bit to the mask equipping system that I suspect a lot of people just took for granted. It's a lot less clunky now that you don't have to manually take off a mask in order to put on another or remove it from your inventory.

Also, I will fight anybody that doesn't like the new Twinmold.

They made fierce deity almost entirely useless now though. The only use for him is for ongo bongo samurai now. The added warps make the game much much easier, and I never found myself pressed for time.

>Moved things
>Moved pointless things
>Moved things that only a blind cave salamander could miss
>Switched random shit
>Literally redesigned some areas for no reason other than helping retards
>Sign telling you how to read signs
>Added out of character dialogue which only exists to tell you about these arbitrary changes they made to everything
>Restrict the use of one item to specific because you might dun hurt yourself if you think too much
>Entire sidequests reassembled just to make them "slightly" easier
>All this for one new shitty sidequest and a slightly longer Moon Dungeon

Fucking travesty

You never found yourself pressed for time since you're familiar with the game. Fun fact: time actually moves faster in the 3DS version.

Also, added warps? What? An owl warp got moved to an earlier place in the swamp but I don't recall any being added.

As for FD

>still by far the quickest way to kill him
>sword beams easily stun him when he leaps
>goes down in two jump slashes

>FD actually can outright kill it before it even makes it halfway around the track now
>N64 FD was actually pretty ineffective against it

>still by the far the quickest way to take put the first phase
>can still be killed with FD if you strategically use ice arrow platforms

>almost totally useless now, kind of a shame
>granted the core boss is a lot more interesting now
>fighting N64 twinmold with FD was also pretty unintuitive

>FD still completely decimates all forms the same as it always has

Exactly what is wrong with MM3D? I haven't played it.

>one new shitty sidequest
What was this?

Nothing. Sup Forums just loves to over-react like a group of entitled children.

They didn't fuck up much with the remake. Off the top of my head, the ice-arrows only affecting specific tiles of water, and Zora needing magic to swim fast are both kinda gay.

Majora's Mask is my favorite and I remember even having less of an issue with the revamped save system than I thought I would.

This would be great.

A much smaller, much more dense game set in Termina.

Talk to Gorman
Talk to his Brothers
Talk to Gorman again (With Milk)

I guess it gave a use for the Circus Leaders Mask

Nothing, it is basically a improved version of 64/GC

you forgot zora controls

Didn't it help when they chased you and Cremia?

Because we really needed 7 (seven) bottles

Ah, just the usual business then. Thanks.

Which would have been very helpful if you didn't have to have already done that to get the mask in the first place.

don't forget deku scrub spinning and the games atmosphere being brightened up

no thanks, I have like 3 copies of OoT by now

Control-wise the Zora form is actually an improvement, unless you're really that uncoordinated to the point that holding both the R and swim buttons bothers you.

>attacks are cleaner and less sluggish
>can recall boomerang fins instead of waiting for them to come back
>can now lock height in place when ascending or descending underwater
>the zora movement in that swimming dash is identical otherwise (the magic requirement is not a control issue)

The biggest issue with the Zora controls is that swimming is by default not inverted on the y-axis for some dumb reason. This luckily can be changed in the game options, though.

swimming in zora form was cool af and now it's not
>but you can still do it with magic!
yeah but not for any period of time and you have the magic field shit messing up the style and your vision

It was not godawful in the least. You autista complaining about the changes are fucking idiots. The game is better suited for handheld play and the graphics are better. If the changes bother you, play the fucking N64 version. Otherwise, they were all for the better minus Twinmold (even then, they were trying to fix a janky bossfight)

Adding to this, here's a funny little quirk that not many people seem to know about regarding the speeds of the two different Zora swimming modes on the 3DS.

Barring the first second of the traditional (now magical) one, they're both the same speed. Seriously, try it yourself and look at the map. The new magicless swimming just seems slower because of its animation and lack of a fisheye camera effect.

The magic thing is actually hardly an issue because of Chateau Romani. Great Bay Coast also has two sources of magic (a large bottle behind the lab) and a Gossip Stone near the pirates' entrance. Nevermind that you have a shitton of bottles and green potions are dirt cheap.

Also, the magic's visual effect has been drastically changed from the n64's to not really get in the way of your view. It straight-up nuked the field of vision to five feet in front of you with darkness on the 64, which doesn't happen at all on the 3DS. You just get a trippy color effect (that also looks pretty cool and changes with the lighting).

no because the originals are better

Literally only bad thing about MM3D are the changes to Zora Mask, everything else is a step up

>people defending the remakes
Looks like Sup Forums decided to make sense for once.

>God awful Majora's Mask remake
Every change was good though. Bosses aren't just a spam 1 weapon till they die, especially the new twinmold fight.

If they trash every change that Grezzo did ruining the arstyle and animations making a quality remake like the masterpieces known as OOT and MM are then sure, otherwise they can go die.

Nope. I already played the originals, so have no need for the remakes or some half assed ports of them, and I won't buy a Switch.

They would have to be properly done but on Switch they'd look like garbage.

Imagine a proper 4k OoT remake on Playstation 5. Now the thought of that makes me moist.

Only issue i had with mm3d was doing the goron bit for fierce deity link. Which was an issue with that fucking circle pad thing but holy fuck that made me want to kill myself.

>this starved for content

>be MM Link
>get with cute redhead farmgirl nee-san
>relive your three day relationship a hundred times
>she never knows who you are at the start of each cycle while you get to know her more and more with each one
>just the first three days, over and over
>she will never love you as much, or know you for as long as you've known her
>for you, it's been the longest year you could ever imagine
>for her, it's been 71 hours and 59 minutes, the last day of which has been spent in terror of the evident armaggedon
>she looks at you thinking you're going to die together, tears in her eyes
can you toot that ocarina

No, Majora's Mask is overrated and not very good.
There are plenty of much better Zelda games.

>more rehashes
>more rebuying the same game over and over
for what purpose?


Fixed a lot of baffling design choices of the original

>using the superior EU/JP OoT3D cover art on an NA box
you know this would never happen, you Americunts will get piss gold and you'll like it!

>Can't do the goron bomb great bay skip in MM3D.

Fucking shit, dropped.

I wouldn't mind getting it for Ocarina of Time. Majora's Mask I can take or leave.

MM3D literally made the game tolerable.

I played both already including remakes I don't want them again

you fuck off


>Assuming they fixed the God awful Majora's Mask remake.

The MM remake is the one that actually improves over the original significantly though. There are very real problems with it, but it fundamentally makes the core gameplay of questing much better in most ways that matter.

The original Bomber's Notebook was dumb as hell, but people accepted it because that's the original they were used to and they just accepted that "that was how it works". The remake treats quests most as mysteries to be solved and less as tasks to be done by trial and error.

I'd rather they remade PH and ST, but get rid of the god-awful touch-screen controls and obviously update the graphics. Out of all the Zelda games, they're the ones that could a remake the most.

The touch screen controls were the entire reason those games existed. And they were fine.

I'm glad they'll never use them again, but after playing them I'm also glad they experimented with them. They made them stand out in their own sort of way, and were pretty fun once you got used to them.

Touch screen controls were fine, just needed to tie movement to the d-pad instead of doing everything with touch.


>Are you a blind nintendo fan? You like the remakes.
>Are you everyone else? You like the originals.
This is the truth.


No, if I wanted to play OoT or MM I'd just take out my N64 and play them

>16fps with garbage graphics and archaic menu management vs 30fps with nice textures and convenient controls
I think most people prefer the 3D version of OoT, lad. It's superior in every way.

>digital clock for babbys
>Bomber's notebook for babbys
>saving for babbys
>bubble aiming for babbys
>babby Goron punches
>ruin Zora swimming

I'm a normal person and like them both.

Only issue i had with MM3D was the changes to Zora Link. Fuck I'm gonna play that today!
