Will we ever get a KOTOR remake? Why won't Disney allow this to happen? The franchise is literally a gold mine

Will we ever get a KOTOR remake? Why won't Disney allow this to happen? The franchise is literally a gold mine.


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Even if it would happen it'd probably be a mobile game. Would you really want that?

Why would you want that shit? It's just going to be a garbage cash in like battlefront was

LucasArts is dead.

>The franchise is literally a gold mine
there are tons of franchises that are literally goldmines but wont ever be properly exploited becasue asshole in a suit cant read success from a spreadsheet. Where is open world hogwarts game with make your own wizard mechanic? nowhere because EA thinks thats too much work.

Nope, EA.

Also Bioware has the rights, and they are garbage.

>The franchise is literally a gold mine.

not when ea/bioware are in charge

Play SWTOR :')

I'm replaying KOTOR1 right now, those feels man, haven't played this game for like 10 years.

Star Wars is a kinda gay and homoerotic franchise which inspires the hidden queer in Star Wars fans


>you will never get a KOTOR 2 that's actually finished


Star Wars was a thing before episode VII, you know ?
Or you're probably too underaged to remember

Not exactly the track I would have chosen for feels moments but alright.

I've just gotten to Dantooine now, playing a DS scout and going to become a lightning flinging Sith. I've played a similar build before but I can't really remember any salient points except you kill like 80% of your allies at that time of the game.

Because TOR still exists. If they remade KOTOR then either they would be contradicting TOR or contradicting the new Disney canon. They don't want either.

I never got a chance to play it and I don't think I have a platform to play it on

Fuck remaking it just update it like they did with KoTOR 2. It's damn near unplayable in comparison.

Nothing in KOTOR violates the canon of Skywalker-era SW? There's like literally a 3000 yr time separation.

Fanmade mods? What are you talking about?

Forgot to add: so I really hope they can remake it. I'd be happy with just a remaster desu

You must be posting from a phone/pc

You can play on either one

I thought the entire point of setting them in the old republic was to avoid canon conflicts with the movies.

Is the TOR stuff really that bad? Can't they work with it?

>Is the TOR stuff really that bad?

Mods pale in comparison to native support.

Wtf since when was it an app. Do you know if it runs alright on that? My only other option would be to use it on my 360 through BC

Whether KOTOR can theoretically avoid conflicts with the movie material is irrelevant; TOR is officially still "Legends" material and grandfathered in because it's an MMO. They're not going to do a KOTOR remake that fits the new canon because that would conflict with TOR, and they're not going to do a KOTOR remake that still fits with TOR because that would be continuing Legends material. The most we'll see is maybe another "HD rerelease" like 2 got.

Or they can suck it the fuck up and remake the two games because it makes sense commercially and with FF7 paving the way it will be the perfect opportunity to pursue this

I haven't played it, but supposedly so. You lose nothing by trying it though, considering it's free.