What was the biggest mistake in videogames?

What was the biggest mistake in videogames?

making it accessible to more people

Free to play business models

Any random plot point from Zero Time Dilemma. That game is full of characters making colossal mistakes and the game itself is a mistake




Western rpgs.

OP's mom saying "don't worry, I'm on the pill"


Developers don't care about making good games anymore.

Only good reviews, because decent or not it's free advertisement which means more sales. It's created an influx of half arsed games that thrive on name branding and excessive marketing.

I'd have to say indie games as well for the same reason. Who cares if it's shit as long as it panders to reviewers and their imaginary disorders.

Not using the Project Diva artstyle for Future Tone and instead going with the arcade aesthetics.


When corporate took over creative decision making.

Additionally, media outlets paid off by publishers, inflated budgets, and, DLC.


Vidya continually improves and is getting more and more accessible and diverse.

There are games for young girls, there are games for old people, there are games for Africans, there are games for everyone.

Waifu shit

Sony brought so much good stuff to the industry
but now they're ruining everything together with their fanboys that are worse than apple-zealots

>games for young girls

Fuck Luka

I'd love to!

>There are games for monkeys
This is where they fucked up.

>OMG people in different countries are making vidya for different audiences

fuck off


This isn't a result of journalism.

Those things have become even more fucked up.

if not for Wizardry, JRPGs wouldn't even exist


Ur mom lol

Can someone explain the appeal of vocaloid? Voice synthesizers aren't anything new and they predate vocaloids, how come they didn't become popular?

More money is spent marketing some games than developing them, also paid reviews are a thing.

You can't tell me it's not.


IBM 7094 isn't as cute

they are very hard to use with English

It's about virgin weebs jerking off, this has nothing to do with music

Nintendo letting Sony go, or Microsoft XBL not being flatly rejected by consumers.

>What was the biggest mistake in videogames?
Sup Forums

Not addidng dating sim elements to Tokyo Mirage Sessions

youtuber and streamer in general

soul series

Creating consoles.

Specifically, using pre-existing franchises to do it.

They streamlined use of vocal synths, creating a popular, simple way of making music that anyone can do for a low cost.

They built up a very successful brand with popular characters, which heavily promoted the product and made them the most identified name in the market.

They also helped create new sub-genres based around their product, creating a vast community of dedicated customers.

Then they had spin-off products including games, toys, shows, and so forth.

It's a highly successful, perfectly executed example of building a business. And they keep producing new products which diversify their offering wirhout compromising their image or disappointing their fans. Things like having celebrity vocaloid editions such as Gackt, or having popular brand associations, and partnershis with Sony, live shows with a holographic character that draws big crowds, etc....

They came up with an original twist on a pre-existing product, and kept re-inventing themselves to stay relevant.

Cultural Marxism.

How much is Sega paying you? Be honest.

Competing with Hollywood and hiring people that look down on the medium and only care about numbers to make important decisions.

I want Videogames to be sucessful, but becouse of Quality and effort, not advertisment and pondering to the lowest common denominator.

>without disappointing



First post always best post.


>Literally every system since N64 bit the dust

Stupid expensive voice acting and marketing.

There are still good games on these consoles.
The ps2 blew everything out of the water so the gc was in a tough position. (and had some terrible design choices i´ll give you that.)
The Wii was a success business wise and the Wii U was horribly advertised. Most people didn´t even know it was a standalone console.


Nah, it will die down eventually.

World of Warcraft becoming mainstream raped the entire online game genre, destroyed the MMO genre, and is still leaking over into even fucking singleplayer games and turning them into shitty pseudo mmos

Everyone trying to leech of it success was the problem. Nothing kills creativity and thoughtfulness faster then a Blueprint to Sucess.