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Is that who I think it is?

Has anyone else seen the new one?


No way fag

No way, fag.

Is this RE7?

Is this a porn parody?

Pewdiepie got swole

Resident Evil movies feat. Leon

Wow, 3D male is so disgusting

man if I squint I can almost mistake this guy for Leon.



>Porn parody
>Leon still doesn't go for it
The guy is a god damn treasure.



Who is this actor guy? He looks so familiar


When will the CGI RE movie come out?

Now that'll be the real thing.

I wonder what Mikami thinks of all these shitty movies.

>Saddler, you're small time




You don't recognize him?
It's the guy that's working with Kojima in his new game.

Dude is too manly to play Leon. Leon is basically a twink faggot.

Yeah. Viggo (?) is way to rugged and masculine looking for this role. He's an amazing actor though so hopefully the film will be decent.

>I haven't played RE6 and I only follow RE4 memes

I actually thought Chris, Leon, and Ada were on point. Jill and Claire were a little wonky.


cute shota.
what anime?


Is that aragorn?

For fucks sake user

Boku no Oozaru.


I thought the guy from Prison Break was Leon in the movies?

No - he's Chris.


He looks like a fucking idiot.

I wish. He'd make a great Leon.

What happened with Wesker in the film?

eh could have been worse. Finding someone who looks exactly like leon is difficult.

I, Vigo, the Scourge of Carpathia, the Sorrow of Moldavia, command you!


I agree, too bad he was as unimportant as everyone else against OC donut steel chara Alice

Best Lucifer

>says the fat neckbeard basement dwelling virgin

>This is what RE6 fags wanted RE7 to be

Nah thanks

No way fag

Holy shit, everything about that was perfect

Are the RE movies, the best B(style)-movies in recent years? Even when they're absolute shit, I find them fun in some way.

>gunshot is heard before the bullet arrives

Honestly it could have been a lot worse, it's not like RE movies complete garbage or something to begin with.

>Featuring Leon Kennedy from the Resident Evil series!

I didn't think the first one was even that bad even if it didn't have much in common with the game, but the rest are pretty bad

>the movies are actually better and have better story than all old RE games

really makes you think.



I cant wait to see what they will do to the monster hunter movie, I know its goignt to be shit but i realy hope it will be at least ok

Fucking lol

>his waifu isn't Alice

How's the life of a pleb?

What the fuck is this?

Yes, its milla jovovich shooting things in tight clothing for 2 hours, its hard not to like.

Underworld its the same thing.

>Playing RE6.

Your retarded opinion is discarded.

>no one complains about the giant licker at the end

Fuck that's some really great amount of:

>"pssssh.., nothing personnel... kid..."

Anyone who managed to sit through the movie to the end obviously doesn't care enough.


theres like 4 of them man...

>still no mainline Resident Evil game with Alice as a main character
Capcom so fuckin stupid.


he means the new one

This is an extremely poor representation on leon s kennedy

>Not okay


>implying the normie trash that watches this cares or buys video games

Not even close.


That was not the image that I posted. Fuck you Sup Forums.

but Jill in RE2 was hot

Viggo is god tier in anything he does.

>You should've brought more

You should all watch the last one in preparation for the MH movies so that you can fully understand what is going to happen

Fuzzy doggo is better than Reddit Letter Media.


Is that Jaime Lannister?

One person got maimed and another died for these shit movies.


The first movie was 15 years ago.

Their Barry was pretty good, also their wesker for the last two or three movies was so much better than this thing

milla a cute!


90% of the cash to make RE movies is to pay for Milla's performance.

Jammie Lannister from Game of Thrones.

Back to rddit with your shitty gripes meme

The sole reason to make these movies is to not keep her unemployed.


it's blud

No way fag
