Don't spoonfeed the babies.
Filename Thread
it would be better if the 3rd person got exchanged with the 6th
What happened to the fifth girl on the top?
rightmost ate her
This is why Trump wins, his supporters are fucking bosses.
And god, look at these motherfucking arabic mofos, absolutely shameful.
>a literal kike lover
>neo-Sup Forums will defend this
what the feg
Every time this.
For fucks sake, how hard is it to just make a new IP? You really have to drag up some 10+ year old game/movie/whatever and then bastardize it to hell and back to make your millions?
>people like this exist on this planet and breathe the same air as you and live and share their opinions with other actual living people and may one day procreate and create more people with whom they will share their opinions
He's got active mitigation now that trump's president
>When tank can't hold aggro
what kind of stupid American meme is this?
Why put avocado on everything? It only works on guacamole. Otherwise avocado is complete shit.
God damn first one I've laughed at in a long time.
>this is why Trump wins
You mean loses by 6 million votes than gets handed the presidency anyway?
>they are actually more likely to procreate than the people who aren't retards
>the future will contain proportionally more of them than the present
Non american here.
What the fuck is up with your voting system? What's the idea of voting if the electoral college is going to decide whatever the fuck they want anyway?
You guys really need to do something about your "freedom" and "democracy"
ouch the salt
it's your own fault though, who the fuck though the american electoral system was a good idea in the first place?
someone's upset by something that's happened 3 times before
i mean it was never a problem before, now suddenly the other side can't handle it
you should contribute to the thread as opposed to just whining if you want anyone to give a shit about your opinion, as it stands you're just making the shillary cunts look like whiny bitches
>it-it doesn't count, it's not fair! Trump won by the rules of the electoral system but it's not fair waaaaah!
Using the old franchise is less work and it guarantees a bunch of sales to blind nostalgiafags
That's kinda creepy my man
Consider me spooped
The electoral college was originally put in place because of the US's size. Rural areas wouldn't be fairly represented because candidates would never bothered visiting areas with a low population density.
Now that the internet, broadcast TV and other such means of instant communication exist the electoral college is outdated and archaic and really should just be thrown right in the trash.
Correct me if I'm wrong but it gives vibes of being a selected elite voting instead of the people. How far is that from reality?
Not even shitposting, i really want to understand what the fuck is going on on your country.
>it was never a problem before
It was.
I just didn't mind Bush.
Yes, because America is not a democracy, it's a republic.
And it shows how you don't even require the majority to win!
The founding fathers recognized group think would be a thing, and also recognized that inevitably there would be a handful of cities where lots and lots of people lived together in, concentrating a huge chunk of our entire population in these cities.
They crafted the electoral college system in such a way where those concentrated populations of group think wouldn't be able to control the entire country and fuck over people that live throughout the rest of the country. It's quite ingenious really.
it looks like someone really wanted to do nausicaa artstyle but couldnt think of a story or draw people as well
no one cares
TFC is boring as fuck
Good, democracies fucking suck and the founding fathers didn't want one.
I'm glad we're a republic, and I'm very glad Trump won considering he's going through with almost all his campaign promises right away.
Understand that the founding fathers fucking hated mob rule and wanted people from all areas to represent, not just places that have the majority of people.
>How far is that from reality?
Far from the reality because rural voters vote for Trump, city cucks vote Hillary.
Fat chick didn't even bother to try.
Heh, nice
>The founding fathers
You mean you're still using rules set 500 fucking years ago? You guys really should update your systems.
Democracy is mob rule, I fucking wish California secedes.
How do you trumpfags ignore everything he says regarding the environment?
I know you aren't stupid. I know you know coal isn't a clean, renewable resource. I know you know global warming is something the largest countries in the world should worry about.
no one cares
Learn how to count and it was 306 to 232. Electoral votes are all that matter unless the end up tied
Ha ha oh wow, democracy is older than EC, try again.
>You guys really should update your systems.
Don't worry, Trump will. He's gonna enforce voter IDs.
if you're not contributing, no one cares
What on earth. Why did he think that was a good idea in the first place? Why didn't he just let go when it was tipping?
Why isn't the 8th in line an emo cunt and the first 3 mentally retarded?
To this day I still don't understand the point of I have no mouth and I must scream. I saw a let's play of it and it was just so ridiculous I didn't understand any of it.
I don't give a shit about the environment, friendo.
Trump is making us richer and more energy dependent with the oil pipelines.
Now we only need more fission nuclear reactors.
>Now that the internet, broadcast TV and other such means of instant communication exist the electoral college is outdated and archaic and really should just be thrown right in the trash.
You're retarded.
Remember that Hillary didn't even visit Wisconsin in like 7 months. It was plain as day she didn't give a shit about the rust belt and thought they would just go for her anyway.
The electoral college still blatantly serves a purpose and this election was proof of it.
Because the EPA is a sham that twists data in order to get outrageous amounts of funding for their pet projects that go nowhere.
Of course coal and oil aren't clean, but we can make them cleaner than they are. Throwing away a source of cheap energy and job creation is stupidity.
no one cares
>They crafted the electoral college system in such a way where those concentrated populations of group think wouldn't be able to control the entire country and fuck over people that live throughout the rest of the country. It's quite ingenious really.
Fact: When people live close together, they matter less.
>pulling too much aggro
>no one seams to give a shit
It looks like the weight of her hair is dragging her to the right.
These people didn't major in physics.
no one cares
Democracy was invented thousand years ago. Communism was only around 100 to 200 years ago. We should just go communist by your logic.
Rules that were set to last, retard.
There's a reason the US has the longest lasting form of government in the free world.
your posts are pointless, retard. Report thread, hide and move on.
>Ha ha oh wow, democracy is older than EC
But its been updated multiple times with the objective of /kinda/ adhering to the new times.
My stupid third worlder country has a better electoral system than yours my man, and the corruption rate is way lower than in the US. What gives?
what a catastrophe that would be
Yes, they do, because they think for themselves less and tend to just mimic those surrounding them.
It's an observable truth that those in more densely concentrated populations tend to vote exactly like the rest in that population, and you get enormous swings to one side or the other.
Im not an expert but I feel like it was better this thing wasnt put to use.
Not an argument