Jesus these Meleebabbys are insane. I hope EVO kicks Melee and keep UMvC3 when MvC:I comes out.

leffen's just a good ol douche

Why is Sunday better than Saturday? Isn't Saturday the more popular day?

>fighting game

Melee is fucking cancer.

Literally the worst Smash game.

>Fighting Game

Fuck Meleefags.

Melee is the worst of the Nintendo communities. It's fine that the game has maintained itself for as long as it has, but they could release a new smash bros today with every melee feature and it still would be unpopular with that crowd because it's not "melee".

>Will still be there to support the community
What a cuck.

i honestly think they did this in order to make for a stronger saturday show in general. GGrev is on saturday as well.

melee did have the most twitch views by far for last years evo. so their outrage is a little bit justified.

i think it's more about being on the bigger arenastage.

Normies don't want to see melee it's looks like shit. Modern game appeals to modern gamer woooow.

This is a business not happy Sup Forums fun time. The minority is just yelling louder.

Meanwhile think of the Killer Instinct group who's probably not even gonna make the thing altogether and could be beaten by Pokken.

Which ones have the poor hygiene? Smash 4 or melee


Let's get real, Sup Forums. Tr4sh and Meelee aren't EVO material. They aren't, and never will be a fighting game. Play a real one instead.

>fuck sm4sh and fuck melee not being on sunday
>EVO sucks anyways not like i care

Why do people like Leffen again?

when will EVO ban smash again? nobody outside of their fans actually like them and they always cause trouble

Melee by a country mile

>EVO's size and viewer count literally doubled overnight because of Smash
It's never going to go away. Too much money involved.

God I wish the ban Smash from EVO.

A retarded chimp can run a tournament better than EVO. It's all one big advertisement and money dump so Mr. Cholesterol can buy Wendies every day for another year.

>didn't mean it guys.....
What is wrong with meleefags?

>a video game that is a part of series that started as a game that's all about beating people up
>not a fighting game

Here's hoping marvel, ki, or pokken get in the 9th spot.

i really wish we could just have 1 smash game. it's gotten to the point where theres just too much money involved, so if either got removed, there'd be a huge backlash.

I would've loved to see marvel and KI in those 2 smash spots. I love smash alot, but KI is great and i want marvel to have 1 last good year. Pokken is pretty cool too but i dont think it'll win 9th spot.

this, pretty much. its too big

>4 has more entrants last year
>gets shafted
They should get the spot

Also have to laugh at the "MELEE GOT MORE VIEWS!", yeah it got second billing no shit it got more

Why is EVO even considered a big deal again? From my experience, it's always one of the most poorly structured majors of the year for Smash.

Let's get ARMS into Evo

you just described smash
it's a fighting game

Twitter screencaps should be a bannable offense


Its a big deal for classic FGC members. Then smash came in with their own community, rules and such. so clashing occurred, it was bound to happen.

fgc and smash community are seperate, as much as people would say otherwise

Shit, pokken is actually ahead of marvel, didnt expect that

>more shitters traveled and spent thousands to show up and go 0-2
How about you look at numbers outside of EVO?

Melee has literally always been higher.

I have to laugh at your ignorance. HA!

Well, you know, people are actually interested in seeing Pokken

Melee is grassroots. If Nintendo says "hey stop playing Melee" we can tell them to fuck off.

When Capcom says "hey stop playing IV and play V, the newest game" FGCcucks have to follow and eat the shit that they're given.

Get the picture?


Why would people put votes down for the serious ones?
It would be both amazing and hilarious to have a full on gimmick game or at least something not sidescrolling.

when 3rd strike or accent core fans raise $200,000 for their game to be included, then we can talk

I wish they would fuck off from EVO.

I feel sorry for sm4sh players. You guys can be part of the fgc if you leave melee behind

They finally get a real shot (like melee did at evo reviving the game) and melee autist freak out. So much for the smash community

if marvel doesn't get in it's the end of evo as a tournament

Actually nintendo could just ban melee streams

It's literally a vote for a fun game to get in, who cares?

All smash bros "professionals" are fucking scum

How do you "ban melee streams," exactly?
Like what legal principle exists to say "you can't put footage of a game on the internet!" How does that not fall under fair use law?

>KI not even in
>Complain your game isn't in the second best slot

All video game "professionals" are fucking scum, except those that have legitimate side careers.

Pretty sure they've tried that exact thing in the past.

They still own the game. They can just tell Twitch that they aren't allowed to stream it.

Super Turbo tried to raise hundreds of thousands of dollars the first year there was that mr wizard charity scam to get in and melee shit reported the donations until the page got frozen until after the time limit.

Fuck smash players for disrupting a cancer charity, suicide is too good for them

Okay, anything other than hamfisted "take it down or we'll sue you until you're broke" SLAPP tactics?

How about this

Let's have all the Nintendo "fighting" games fuck off and hold off their own events.

They got like 4 games now(Smash 4, Melee, ARMS, Pokken)

Cause holy fuck I seriously cannot take watching this shit anymore. All of their games are fucking boring from a spectators perspective. Smash is the worst offender by taking 2000 years just to finish up a set. Seriously they need to fuck off from the FGC.

But I know that'll never fucking happen since nintendo normies/casuals draw in the big bucks.

Both smash and melee are not fighting games iirc.

Ad revenue

Nope sorry, just smash and team shooters

>der muh copyrights
Fair use, you fucking mongoloid.

No they can't.

Tell me why MOBA professionals aren't scum.
Don't worry, I'll wait.
I'm sure this will be funny.

What ad revenue?

not really. just compare to sf community.
you have ltg, chavs and a literal shitposting hobbit there.

also on fightcade as well as kappa you can see that sf/marvel communities are generally the biggest dipshits around.

Melee is being used to make money. Nintendo could easily shut it down.

Go actually read the fair use terms you fucking party game children

What games are they having this year?

lol who gives a fuck

melee gets one bazillion more viewers at every national

i mean leffen is a dick but he's right about the melee scene literally not needing EVO

just stop crying and enjoy your other 200 nationals a year

Totally forgot ASSFAGGOTS because I completely ignore that shit. Of course those guys should all kill themselves

user, should I call the cops or something?

Because it sounds like you're strapped down against your will FORCED to watch all of EVO.

>replace older games with their newer versions (eg SF4 for SFV)
>keep the sixteen year old melee on as well as smash 4


Never heard of this, you got a source?

Why does everyone say fair use when they don't actually know what it means?

it would also be a suicide though considering nintendo fans they would even bomb nintendo yakuza hq

>including black dsp in the "community"

If they hate it so much, why don't they just back down from FGC events and have their own?

I mean, they already have their own events right? Why would you suffer the discrimination of the FGC instead of just sticking to your own events, or organizing new ones if there's nothing in your area?

This really confuses me. Fuck, even Catherine's competitive community has been welcomed by the FGC. The beef's clearly not about whether or not smash is a real fightan or not, it's just that there's always fucking drama like this every single time some big event occurs.

don't make shit up. that doesn't even make sense. if anything they would've done that to skullgirls.
st would never have made it.

By definition, how is smash not a fighting game?

I'm not vouching that it should be in EVO, but it is a fighting game. A complex one? definitely not.


Where does the "smash isn't a fighting game" meme come from?

It was the first year that mr wizard did this charity scam, the first year that melee got into evo.

Dunno how to look up info about it

Fuck you, you piece of shit. That's what actually happened. I hope you burn in hell because some grandma died due to your tantrum

Why does everyone scream "BUT COPYRIGHTS!" when they have no clue what it means?
Twitch pretty clearly outlines the fair use principles they operate on in their terms and conditions.

The creator of smash

The stream doesn't run ads within Twitch itself.

Being used to make money has little to do with how Jewtendo works on Youtube.


fighting games have life and you fight until you get a ko, some have optional ring out

wrestling games like smash have a life that you can't completely deplete, but it makes it easy for you to get the win condition like pinning or ring out and usually have items

Jesus Christ let some other game have the spotlight for once.

is this a meme now?
if not pic related

Fuck off with your "hurr durr if you don't like it, don't watch it" shit

These games are fucking taking away the limelight from games that could use the support

Because it's not part of the generic combo style games where you have to string buttons and stick movements for more complex moves.

>KI stands no chance
Well, shit.

Because it's the biggest fighting game event.




HD release of Pokken when? Surprised they didn't push it during the Switch presentation

all these people are in your community.
also again, look at kappa. that place is a pathetic joke of a fighting game forum. all this reflects at least part of your community.

>s-smash sabotaged my dead kusoge!
>it would've made it i swear!
nope. no way.

It has nothing to do with Smash's actual game mechanics or strategy/skill involved. Melee especially is a fantastically deep game.

People say that because even the FGC, which tolerates the likes of LTG, doesn't want themselves associated with Smash players.

>Last slot will probably still be Marvel
>Even if it isn't, donation drive provides a ton of free coverage/hype
>Also shows why certain games don't deserve a spot at all

>Brings Melee back
>On Saturday though
>This is already causing a huge backlash with boycotts and lower views guaranteed
>After a year or two of this, he can safely phase Melee out completely

Gotta admit, McRibs looks like a huge fag but there's a hell of a brain in there.

>According to this specific definition of "fighting game" I just pulled out of my ass, Smash definitly isn't one.

If you game only has ONE time to shine at what is a fucking marketing event at this point, it doesn't deserve any support.

smash melee is fucking shit to watch if you know nothing about smash its fucking infuriating real fighting games does not have that issue considering hits are clear and kos are understandable

kill yourself trash bro
fucking end it

>Meleefags literally this butthurt that they can't move forward
The only game in the main lineup that is older than 2010. Fucking move on already.

"Fighting games" is a misnomer because it makes people think anything with fighting in it is a fighting game.

What we call a "Fighting game" has timed rounds, blocking that can be circumvented with low/overhead mixups, one versus one gameplay, special moves, combos, and so on.

Smash Bros is mechanically dissimilar to a Fighting Game. If we compare Guilty Gear, Street Fighter, Tekken, BlazBlue, Melty Blood and Smash Bros, it should be obvious to anyone that Smash Bros stands out clearly against the others. It is not a fighting game any more than Streets of Rage is a fighting game. This should be obvious to anyone.

The Switch is barely any stronger than the Wii U so why would there be a HD port?

>I can't come up with any reason why that definition isn't 100% correct so I'm fucking furious

Because it is about attention

Melee has always had the limelight in its own environment, thus when they don't get everything they want plus more it is unthinkable

Switch is a lot stronger lad