Mass Effect 3

Forgiven me yet and accepted that outside of the ending I'm still a great game?

Fuck you.

The Citadel and Omega DLCs were better than the actual game (outside Garrus of course).

the co-op was pretty fucking fun

I hope that somehow it isn't removed/ruined in Andromeda

OP can you please explain what do you consider good in that game?
The DLC missions were better the the fucking $60 game

The multiplayer that people bitched because it was in the game was better than you.

Kill yourself EA

The joke here is that even if you turn a blind eye to the goddamn awful ending to the trilogy, ME3 is still a sad wreck.
MP is literally the only great thing about it.

>when your tacked on MP is a hundred times better than your "epic end to the trilogy"

Parts of the story involving Cerberus is still bonkers.
So all you got decent are the Tuchanka and Rannoch portions.

>The multiplayer is the best thing in the ending of a single-player roleplaying series

How fucking tragic is that ?

Played Turian Vanguard

So basically:
>Intro mission on earth is total fucking crap
>Mission on mars is even worse.
>Mission on Turian moon is meh as fuck.
>Finally the game starts, the genophage arc is fantastic, definately the high point of the game. There's some ridiculous hype as fuck shit like the Thresher Mama fighting a Reaper, pure fanservice, nice character interactions and pure excitement.
>Geth vs Quarians is also another great arc with you personally fighting a reaper, great damatic moments and concluding something that's been build up since the past games.
>Every Kylo Ren mission is meh, you hate him but not in a great way, you're more annoyed at the guy.
>Asari homeworld a okay.
>Game takes a full fucking stop and shits on the pacing with that last Cerberus mission, as hype as it got in the end.
>Final mission on Earth is okay, satisfactory enough, the last speech is a disaster tho.
>Ending is a complete joke.

ME3 is like 75% great, but the ending really shits on it too much for it to matter, you don't even care about the journey when the destination is so terrible.

It's like having the best date ever with the most perfect girl and when you finally hop on bed she's got tentacles and teeth coming out of her vagina. I mean you could stick it in her ass but it's not the same.

>Forgiven me yet

will literally never

Wasn't there an article saying the team who worked on the Multiplayer aspect is working on the single player for Andromeda?

As much as I hated ME3, I'm actually looking forward to Andromeda. The story is completely dead for me, but the gameplay looks fun.

The multiplayer was so much fun. If they don't bring it back for Andromeda in some form, I won't be buying it.

only if you play them in a row

The game was great including the endings.

Best game
Best waifu

Sorry wrong pic

Both wrong pics?

The rest of the game is just as shit
>we STILL don't believe in Repearz- oh shit Shephard help :(
>we found this macguffin on MARS of all places, it's probably good (spoiler alert it is)
>lol sexy robutt body for jokers waifu
>hid major lore behind DLC paywalls
>SO EPIC turret sections
>war readiness ties into mobile app and multiplayer
>previous choices don't end up mattering, here's another rachni queen, here's a stand-in character
>illusive man got cyberjacked oh no now he's bad??
>last thing you fight is marauder shields
And that's just off the top of my head
It's not all bad, like I will admit they did a good job making Hackett look exactly as I pictured him, there's just so much about it that makes me irrationality angry
it's been long enough that I kinda feel like replaying it now

Your nostalgia has been poisoned by Sup Forums groupthink. Most of the game aside from the original ending is great.

No, fuck Kai leng, fuck the "Oh my I forgot my keys in my room,if only I could waste Space Jesus' time by making him find them for me"filler , fuck the whole crucible thing that made no sense, fuck the shitty companion quests.
The pace was bad aswell, you're supposed to be in a sense of urgency but the illusion quickly fell apart after 10 hours. Cerberus makes no sense as an antagonist given how characterized it was.
It wasn't great. It was okay and had the same clunkyness the first two had without the consistency and writing of the first or the charm of the second.

best girl

EA pls. Any part of that game that revolved around the main Cerbeus/Stopping reapers main goal was a fucking shit storm of bad writing and Bioware clearly ill equipped to end a game they had no idea how to write for.

Replaying it right now (as part of a full trilogy replay), just finished the mission where you fight the Rachni with Grunt

Good parts

>Combat feels nice, especially compared to 1. The overheat mechanic being replaced by thermal clips was a bother but I got used to it. 3 has much better weapons than 2 and the loosening of weapon restrictions makes the game more flexible. (I'm playing a shotty + sniper rifle infiltrator). Enemies are also more varied than 1 (geth and mercenaries: the game) and 2 (collectors and mercenaries: the game). At least Cerberus and Reapers both have varied mooks.

>The whole genophage arc is good storytelling

Bad parts:

>Initial story is shit, and all the sections with the kid are cringeworthy.

>Why the fuck does Primarch Victus, the leader of the turians, hang around on the Normandy forever?

>So many fetch quests + no more distinction between "Missions" and "Assignments" is super annoying.

>No sense of urgency at all - I'm fucking around in some random star system looking for a Prothean dildo instead of doing productive shit.


>Cerberus going full retard for no reason.

>Saved Ashley for some reason in 1, she is annoying as fuck here.

>So many annoying unskippable cutscenes in the shuttle before missions.

How the hell do you go from this...

to this?


>pic related

>kai leng
holy fucking hell

Sup Forums having no taste as always

Marauder Shields