What's a good spoiler free sign that im nearing the end of bloodborne...

What's a good spoiler free sign that im nearing the end of bloodborne? I've heard that a lot of people finished it by accident and i have the DLC, chalices, Cainhurst and a few other things to do but im also currently fighting Amygdala and dont want to go too far.

Also why is this game so flawlessly styled? Nightmare Frontier is just breathtaking.

If your Hunter's Dream is on fire, you're at the last boss(es).

Thanks, how far away is that from Mergo's base and amygdala?

Before Gehrman and Moon Presence, the final bosses

Delete this

It's pretty obvious what the ending is. The final boss arena literally has white flowers like MGS3

>muh story in Soulsborne
Do these people actually exist?

Yes, and stop calling it "soulsborne" you underage faggot

>caring about some nonsensical "story"
>I'm the underage
neck yourself Sup Forumstard

You're just further assuring my point with your new age buzzwords and stagnant memes. Get the fuck out of here. Have some goddamn courtesy for people playing a game for the first time you fucking child.

You piece together the story yourself. I admit sometimes its a bit useless - like apparently Iosefka was experimenting on the people you send there. When i turned up there and saw the aliens i assumed she was extracting blood from them and they broke out and killed everyone and she went mad, so i left her alone.

It's an entirely plausible, if not even probable theory but the game gives nothing to go on.

Im currently wondering why advent plaza's streets are filled with statues/remains of people trying to climb away from the middle. I assume the room full of mensis sholars made their first summoning there and some horror rampaged through.

>advent plaza
Bloodborne confirmed for Alien mind-control experiment, Commander.

Why are you so insecure?

>literally multiple threads daily about 'soulsborne' lore

I missed the non-imposter version completely my first time through - she isn't there in the beginning, the door is locked right from the start.
So I never felt the need to return to the first floor.

Iosefka wasn't experimenting on them, Iosekfa gets replaced by the bitch that's experimenting on people, who pretends to be her so you keep sending them. The real Iosekfa turns into the mushroom headed kin that you find in one of the rooms in the clinic, the one that drops 'Iosefka's blood vial'.

The door is always locked though. You talk to her through the door.

I know, the point is that you find the door locked right at the start, but she's not there yet.
So you have no motivation to ever get back.


That comeback doesn't even fit. How does insecurity factor into this? Who is meant to be insecure about what?

If you don't like the lore, good for you. Plenty of people do, evidenced by the daily threads discussing it.

How mad are you right now?

>but muh LORE

There's a difference between lorefags who are trying to imply and imagine story. And the actual story thats presented directly. Just goes to show you underage faggots fully adapted normalfag culture and only play for "ITS THE HARDEST GAME EVAR" meme. Story and atmosphere were one of some of the big reasons this franchise was successful all the way back to Demon Souls. But you subhumans cant appreciate shit, because you never played vidya when these qualities were the norm. You're the reason the industry continues to get worse as it tries to appeal to your demographic.

Shh, child. You lost. Exit the thread and go suck your thumb.