how did blizzard manage to fuck up CTF?
How did blizzard manage to fuck up CTF?
By making it unbalanced as shit.
by allowing torb to be played on top of resetting the capture time every time you take damage
shit map design
shit balance
stupid shit like allowing movement abilities while carrying the flag
stupid shit like mei being able to iceform on the flag to stop you from capping.
Blizzard are massive incompetents what's new?
Yeah, the mode would probably be fun if the capper couldn't use any abilities huh?
Fucking think, nobody could score then. How are you going to get away from epople with speed boosts, jumps, snipers, aimbots?
Torb would not be a problem if you are working as a team. I mean, you're not trying to go and take the flag by yourself now, are you?
The most important point is: Mei confirmed for skinny.
maps in OW are too fucking small for CTF
Blizzard are already saying that was a mistake and she's not meant to be this thin. I suspect they just didn't like the fatties getting upset at them.
Pick symmetra
Hard camp your flag
Place turrents slightly apart, enough for a winston not to break all of them at once
Set shield generator
At best someone capped the enemy flag once
At worst its a draw
Symmetra is even more easy mode in this game mode with these shit maps.
it's blizzard
that only works against people that don't know how to play.
mei/winston combo easily goes in and takes that
I don't think it need both a pickup timer and a reset when you take damage. Just makes it into typical overwatch teamwipes to cap instead of giving the fast characters a chance to shine at getting in and out.
Have you actually seen it? Look from the side, her waist really is too small. It's incredibly out of proportion.
Only team based game with ctf I've enjoyed was titanfall. Any game with dedicated defensive classes tend to make it slow and campy
Her model is clearly glitched if you look at it from the side, that's probably what's getting fixed
Nah. Mei has to have SOME aim, with Symm you just Left click and the beam is hooked add to that the shield and turrent and you melt her.
Winston at best i can stall him till i can 2v1 him
No, they put up a shield/wall and then just take the flag from you and if you go to htem they kill you.
Well so far only Dva has been able to break through. Self destruct, breaks all my shit. Caps the flag
>i'm bad
we know
this brawl was clearly them testing the waters for CTF, and to see what's broken/needs fixing if they want to make it a real game mode
by trying too hard to copy tf2
Bullshit. Any competent team knows how to take out Symmetra. Unless everyone is going full turtle, Torb is more of a threat than Symmetra.
The gamemode is fine, Overwatch is just an unbalanced piece of shit and it's map design is fucking garbage.
Why is this game still shilled here?
>how did blizzard manage to fuck up CTF?
Talking about fucking, i'd fuck Mei any day.
>special gametype is multi-flag CTF
>finally the greatest game mode shooters have ever known is making an appearance, I thought blizzard was some kind of retards for not having it
>get home from work
>play it
>the distance between spawn and your own flag is the same as distance between flags
>it takes several seconds of standing still to grab the flag
>once grabbed, there is no way you can possibly stop the enemy before they return and score, unless you happened to be in their path when the grab happened
I can't believe they actually found a way to fuck up CAPTURE THE FUCKING FLAG
Because people still play it.
Funny that.
>more of a threat
>when the turret he pops down covers one angle only
>meanwhile symm can cover 7 different angles at once, resetting the cap by touching someone
>play Winston
>give people monkey dick until ult is charged
>hop on flag, put down shield
>use ult, jump away until won
you have /vg/ fuck off.
>talking about something is shilling
Why this concept is hard for you I don't know.
who cares except tumblr?
Unless you and your team can't aim for shit and not working together, Symmetra is not a problem. Torb can use his Ult to brute force his way against any team trying to take the flag. Symmetra and her turrets are too fragile to hold off a team by herself, even with her shield generator up.
Why is Sup Forums so obsessed with this game? I thought we all had no friends to play multiplayer with.
Sombra. She finally earned a spot as a broken piece of shit.
>grab flag
>teleport to home base
>instant point, no chance to reclaim it
can she cap while invis?
my premade is made up of strangers who just happen to be good
who are these 'friends' you speak of?
We don't have any friends, why do you think Sup Forums constantly bitches and moans about characters who are incredibly easy to counter if you use even a basic amount of teamwork, like almost all the tanks?
>muh aim
It's not about aim or a single player you retard, it's about the fact that Symm postpones a flag pickup for far longer than Torb can ever hope to with much less effort, thus meaning there's more time for their team to come by and help.
>People forcing overtime to get a draw
Fucking assholes.
>Blizzard on the launch of Overwatch - "CTF doesn't work"
>Blizzard adds CTF
She goes visible once she starts capturing.
don't think anybody asked for capture the flag
It's literally shit because of how the flag mechanics work.
A full second capture, and if you take ANY damage it resets? Are they fucking retarded?
>no overtime where the flags don't have capture time
Bullshit. It's always about the aim. It's why mostly lower ranked people bitch about Symmetra while everyone else is laughing at them. Symmetra is only a threat of you can't aim for shit and let her and her turrents stay up for too long, or people don't pick heroes that's meant to counter. A single Winston or Sombra utterly makes her competely useless. Torb, on the other hand, is still incredibly dangerous with or without his turret.
The worst part is that the distance from spawn to your own flag is the same as from one flag to another. So there's essentially zero chance of interrupting or stopping a cap unless you're already on the field or in the flag runners path.
>wanting it to be "Sombra wins by doing nothing: the game"
>disregarding everything else that was said
I accept your admission of defeat.
She only postpone if you and your team can't aim for shit and let her and her turrets keep hitting your team. Unless you are sending only one person at a time to capture a flag, Symmetra is not a problem.
"Nerf this!" folllowed by a Lucio speed amp = GG
Because the scout in this game has 500 hp and can leap across the map
Neither the game nor the maps were designed for CTF
That being said, I think it could work if they just at least made some maps deigned for it, and also gave a longer timer.
I think maybe converting the payload maps would have been a better idea but even then they'd be stacked for one side so I see why they didn't.
I think they did it on purpose.
There is no way they could have possibly released this thinking it was good or worked in anyway.
They just want to shut up all the fans who have been asking for it
>See! CTF doesn't work after all!
I care, look how dumb this looks.
Like she's no hamplanet but she's supposed to be thicc
Does Sombra hacking her disable all her turrets?
KOTH still best game mode
Oh god no.
Only EMP hacks her turrets, and that was only added with the most recent patch so some people haven't figured it out yet.
Her EMP does.
yeah try doing this when there's symm and torb every game
>kinda want tracer's new skin
>but I already have her best skin by far T. Racer
She's not thicc. If you actually look at her face and neck, she's thin and the rest is padding because she's fucking dressed for cold weather.
I hate to say it, but Sombra is pretty fun now. With her 8s cooldown, the Sombra on my team hacked all the medikits on the map before she just EMP into the enemy's team. It's so bullshit.
you can only hack one medkit at a time
>tfw Junkrat will NEVER EVER get a good skin that isn't the mad scientist
>even getting the smallest amount of damage from anything prevents you from even picking up the flag
>on top of that it takes 2 or 3 seconds to pick it up
This isn't a "capture the flag" game like any other shooter, and proves how fucking terrible of an idea the game type is for Overwatch.
I've played about 10 matches so far and I've only ever seen a game where my team capped 1 fucking flag. Every other match resulted in a 0 to 0 Draw because both teams just camp the flag as hard as possible with all their traps laid out. So fucking boring.
Yes, and?
>1 Torb turret
>Also a bunch of Sym turrets
>also there's a Junkrat trap on the flag
>also there's a Reinhardt there
>also there's a Mei ready to freeze you or herself on the flag so you can't take it
>and btw you can't even pick the flag if you're taking any damage whatsoever
sounds fun
That's more of a case of both teams having stupid/ignorant people. I mean, if you think about it, how is a full team camping a flag any different from your normal enemy team protecting a capture point in a normal game? People are treating this too much like a normal CTF and not Overwatch's version of CTF. Once people stop thinking that way, you'll start to see less draws.
You can hack one medkit every 8 seconds but they stay hacked for the full duration even if you hack another one, and that's not including the rare areas where there's multiple medkits in EMP range.
>People complaining about fucking Torb of all characters for CTF
It's called D.Va/Reinhard blocking literally all damage around you while you cap as a Sombra/Tracer.
And one Zarya/Sombra/Whatever Ult + another DPS later, no more problem. Again, this is only a problem if you're sending one or two people at a time.
>tfw I only see CTF as cock transformation after accidentally going to /d/
>tfw its ironic because rooster and cock also is a type of bird even though cock transformation is a benis and not a bird.
>OP is literally complaining about something bad from a game
I think she's thick, she has the widest and fattest ass in the game, is she wasn't at least chubby compared to the rest of the girls she'd be really weirdly proportioned.
She's not the bloated ham planet some people seem to want but she's definitely thicc
>defending pic
I mean she looks good skinny but her entire back just looks janky with that waist
The problem isn't that Symmetra isn't a "threat" you fucking idiot. The problem is that the game will literally not let you pick up the flag if you're taking damage. Even the most minuscule amount of damage like a single Symmetra turret prevents you from picking it up.
>Just take out all the Symmetra and all 6 of her turrets and the Junkrat and the Junkrat trap and the Torb turret and the Torb and the Rein and the Widow by yourself bro it's easy xD
Because it was meant to fail by design.
Overwatch needs a massive overhaul if it take CTF seriously. There's a reason why CTF was scrapped early in Overwatch's development. Blizzard couldn't find a way to make CTF fun without scrapping their other assets.
I wasn't complaing about Torb than so much as saying he's a better choice for stalling on defense on CTF than Symmetra.
>not playing drowned or hayseed
overwatch is too moba-like to have a traditional ctf style gamemode
>by yourself
fine I meant to click it, but I accidentally found it in /d/
If you watch the developers update they basically explain why they made it this way.
I cannot imagine a good way to play CTF with how overwatch actually plays.
you grossly underestimate how retarded most people playing OW are if you think they'd bother teaming up to stomp the enemy team instead of just running into a turret nest on their lonesome.
A shooter not designed for CTF does not sound like a shooter worth playing.
Why couldn't they call it "Year of the cock"?
"Big fat cocks? Disgusting!"
Except if the team is camping hard enough with all the appropriate defense characters, you literally cannot pick up the flag because there can be more than 10 sources of damage being sprayed at you from any given direction, several of which don't even require players aiming.
>you have to completely wipe any trace of the enemy team to make any progress whatsoever
sounds fun
>Go in with your team
Who's gonna defend your own flag?
>Release a 10 minute video where you explain CTF is unbalanced and making it work for overwatch will make it feel not like overwatch.
>LIterally tell people you just made it so people who keep asking for CTF can finally fuck off.
>Make it an arcade mode only since all the arcade stuff is not focussed around balance
>People still complain about balance in CTF
>"But just make movement abilities drop the flag"
WIth how fast you die when you are focused down, becoming FC will be a huge slog and nobody would want to do it. people would pretty much ignore the objective and focus on kills while yelling at their teammates to go cap.
Why didn't they just put one flag in the center of the map instead of turning it into Camp Simulator 2017?
It seems like we're talking past each other here. I'm saying if it was only either Torb or Symmetra is on defense, Torb is the better choice. You're talking about using Symmetra in a group defense while I'm using only Torb here. Even then, if you have that many people on defense, then you have almost no one on offense. Now, unless the enemy team is doing the same, the enemy should be using 4+ people on their offense, which means, they should be treating taking the flag as your standard 'taking the control point' routine. Unless the enemy goes retarded and decides to not take out your entire defense, the flag capturer really shouldn't be taking damage at all.
Then that would be more of a case of stupid teammates, not Symmetra being OP on CTF.
>playing team focused game
>how do I no tem?
you sound retarded.
>push really hard in the beginning to get one flag
>stay back and defend really hard
>wait until time runs out
Every fucking game.
Neutral flag is hardly even an objective mode if you're bringing it back into your base.