Say it with me goys..
You have to pay for the National Dex
But you don't? Just google National Pokedex
>find a $5 bill lying on the ground
There. You've just paid for an entire year's worth of Pokebank.
Its ok when Nintendo does it
Its also ok when Sony and Microsoft does it.
I mean, hey, the consumer voted with their wallet, so that makes it a-okay!
>giving a shit about pokemon past gen 4
Literally its okay when game freak does it
this T B H
>sell game for 45$
>nobody gives a fuck and still people buy
>sell game for 40$ and an additional 5$ in case you played earlier games
>everybody loses their shit
no but L I T E R A L L Y
It is G E N U I N E L Y O K W H E N N I N T E N D O D O E S IT
Epic fucking meme if i do say so myself xD #memes #nofilter #cyalaterhaters
but gen 4 was the worst
Past Gen 2 you should say.
You didn't pay for the game, did you user?
I think you meant to say past the gen prior to your favorite gen.
> $5
Are there really that many poorfags here, or are you guys just stingy assholes?
half of these points are the most insignificant shit i've seen yet and others are just listing what the game does in a tone that makes them automatically bad
>Pay 5 euros to transfer my pokemon to Moon
>Never use it again
You don't have to pay for the National Dex
I already have National Dex pokemon by Wonder Trading, QR Scanning, and GTS
But I plan on getting the bank soon anyway because I want my own Pokemon from Blue version. It's 5 bucks a year, who cares?
I feel like there was thought behind the decision with the idea it would be more convenient but taking it out of the game is dumb.
I feel like I should be angrier but I already pay for Bank, but if you're mad about this you have every right to be.
trading is free. Just use the GTS, retard
>"Never use it again"
> Being this retarded
I've used it before with X/Y, and ORAS.
I'm using it now with Su/Mo.
And I'll use it again with Pokemon Star/Gen 8/whatever the next game is
I just wanted the exclusive Mew move
Gen 5 was pretty okay too despite the shit starters and meh region.
>get national dex
>have to pay for previous games to fill it
Why are you posting /vp/ rules?
This is Sup Forums.
>Pay 5 euros to use it once to transfer pokemon from X/Y to ORAS
>Pay another 5 euros to transfer them again from ORAS to Moon
>Pay 5 more fucking euros to use it to transfer pokemon to another generation
Migration was so much fuckin better
>Gen 3
Fixed that for you.
Except you don't, faggot.
Migration also existed in a single gen, which was 3 to 4. Otherwise you can't imply that 15 is worse than 100+
>post yfw you didn't buy SM after the ROM leaks showed just how rushed and half-assed it was, just like XY and ORAS
Has this ever NOT been true?
Pokemon is a series which is most notable for literally selling you the same game twice, because each one has a few different creatures from the other one and GOTTA CATCH EM ALL
They've been selling you the same game twice since the 90s and the problem you have is the $5 for Pokemon Bank?
>cheaper than a link cable
Biggest problem with pokémon games is that hardcore players expect the games to keep improving in what is needed and a game full of single player battle content, when Game Freak have been working with the mindset of changing, trying new stuff and taking out old ones, not improving. The casual players just want graphics and what they have been used to and don't care about everything else, which is why the sales keep getting bigger with the 3d games and a focus on the most known pokémon.
If you're the first kind of player, stick with your favorite older game because things are not looking pretty so far.
The funniest thing about this post is you assuming that these hardcore players are an actual thing.
They exist but they are pretty much the minority.
I mean sure of course they exist, but a very small minority.
Where were the people playing the Frontier in Emerald days?
And in P/HGSS days?
And where were the people playing the Subway in the BW2 days?
Nowhere. They started appearing after XY's release. And they don't have the Maison trophies either.
I won't defend getting less content but if someone never actually bothered to play through it when it was there then that someone should just shut the fuck up.