What's your favorite genuinely bad game Sup Forums?

What's your favorite genuinely bad game Sup Forums?

resident evil [spoilers]all[/spoilers]


Tenchu Z

something went wrong here. i can't exactly pinpoint where though.


Black Ops 3.

Unbalanced bullshit but I have too much fun when I play it.

Deadly premonition


I like guns and anime tiddies.

Two Worlds

What's some good DeVito kino? I've just seen the Romacing the Stone series and he was pretty good in those, wish he appeared more tho.

Boiling Point

Twins and Junior


Fuck off you cunt

Sonic '06

Just use Ctrl+S my man

Last Action Hero

Kane and Lynch 2: Dog Days.

Batman Returns, faggot


Anything Musou but that one piece one