Does more damage than any DPS

>Does more damage than any DPS.
>Has more health than any DPS.
>Has a 300 self heal that fills fast as fuck.
>Can kill almost anyone in the game with the hook+M1+melee combo.

Why would anyone pick any DPS over him besides maybe S76?

Other urls found in this thread:

>Does more damage than any DPS.

>blizzard ruined the hook
thanks reddit

>Has medium range at the most
>Has no abilities to protect himself

>health, not armor hp, not shield
>short as fuck range
>4 bullets
>heavily nerfed
>huge hurtbox

here's your (You)

A 100 charge Zarya can out DPS any character. Combine with her ult and nanoboost and she fucking melts the enemy team. Its fucking terrifying.

>Does more damage than any DPS.
76 would like a word with you.
76 fires 8.8 shots persecond for up to 20 damage each: 176
Hog fires 25 every 1.5 seconds for up to 9 damage each.
meaning hog's DPS is more like 150 and 210 burst with the hook combo, but 76 has the helix rockets that tack an extra 120 on to his burst.

>Stand outside his range
>Shoot him

There is no universe where a roadhog should have more DPS than an attack character. I could see him having more kills, but if you have attack heroes on your team and you have a gold medal for damage done as streetpig, they are doing something horribly wrong.

The word you're looking for is buffed. They FIXED the broken shit that sometimes happened, but now he has an easier time one shotting after hook

u wot m8? Hook is better than it's ever been

Hooking people around walls was like 1 in 50 hooks, hooking a genji and having him randomly pop up beside, behind, above, or in me was 1 in 4

This was a MASSIVE buff

i only play roadhog and usually get gold in elims and always gold in damage.

But i've been stuck in gold rank in comp (ps4) since i started so maybe im ust playing with shits

Incorrect, Roadhog has massive range on his attack. It either does the most damage in a single attack or almost nothing even at close range. His attack is "RNG" and you are hoping that are getting natural "20s".

>Roadhog is always a must pick
>Always takes at least two heroes to kill him
It does say something about Roadhog

3v3 is a stupid game mode

>playing overwatch

kys, cucks

Thats probably the case. Roadhog can pick a lot of people off, but soldier has no downtime. Theres no reason she shouldn't be hitting shit all the time if he can.

Oh wait
That explains why everyones a shitter

i only play cause dva is life

>Does more damage than any DPS

Nah man, my fat bastard is fine as is. Speaking or which, I'd love a Fat Bastard skin for Roadhog

It doesn't matter. One shot with hog can kill 76. He dies before even getting a chance to shoot.

His range is fucking abysmal and he's slow as shit with a massive hitbox and no armour/shield, meaning he's an enemy ult charge battery. He's completely vulnerable for like half a second before and after his heal and can't move during it and he has zero abilities to protect himself besides running away very slowly.

Would anyone not pick him in a 1v1 situation? Except for maybe Mei?

feels a lot better to play him now

Tanks in general ruin this game co pletely.

Roadhog and Zarya are better Attackers than the Attackers. D.Va us still okay, Reinhardt it literally a mandatory character.


Staying behind a Rein shield fixes those issues. His hook range is pretty good. All a hog has to do is hook someone and he can one shot almost anyone.

Reapers can kill him if they stay really close and hop around. In that situation, the Roadhog is fucked unless he gets a lucky meatshot.

Dva used to be able to take him, but her nerf crushed any hopes of that. Roadhog tears Dva apart now.

Anyone else get pissed off by this?

>Pick reaper as 3rd DPS
>Pick Roadhog
>same fucking role
>doesn't tank at all
>provides no utility like Rein or D.Va do
>team doesn't complain

Why do people think Roadhog is a fucking tank? He's literally just a fat DPS who happens to be very good and durable

nice bait btw

I feel dirty playing Zarya, I only have like two hours play time with her but when we're losing I switch to her and fucking tear through everything and turn the game around 9 times out of 10. I dunno if I'm just naturally good with her skillset or if she's really that good but she can fucking solo half the enemy team on defense if you're not an idiot.

>implying Roadhog mains understand the concept of teamwork

>ruined the hook
One shotting winstons is fun

>no mobility
>fat as fuck, even a blind man can't miss him
>ult battery
>weak ultimate
>gets shat on by anything with range
>now has to actually hook you
Yes, sure as hell is OP. LITERALLY OP.

What is this, potato league? Who the fuck plays Bastion? What rank are you, 1000?

>he doesn't play the best hero


He still doesn't operate the same way as Reaper does. Reaper is kind of useless if you don't flank, while Roadhog is supposed to be in the middle of everyone.

>and durable
Well theres your answer.
Reaper at least has a teleport and a small intangibility.

>Largest target in the game after Genji's deflect
>Least accurate attacks in the game
>Lowest mobility in the game
>Zero tanking ability

Roadhog can dominate if his enemy is disorganised as fuck, if you stay alert and simply don't let him pick you one by one, it's easy. Roadhog can do practically nothing against multiple enemies.

Zarya is legitimately overpowered, with her M1 fix she needs less charge than she did before to completely destroy 90% if the cast. Not only does she have DPS through the roof, regenerating HP, but has one of the best Ults in the game. This game is supposedly built around "counter" characters yet Zarya has none.

It makes me fucking laugh that Blizzard thinks she's some sort of "advanced" character that takes skill to use fully. Being a good Reinhardt it astronomically harder than being a good Zarya.

It's about positioning, not luck. Roadhog's right click attack travels eight meters before scattering. With the right placement before enemies, you can deal 300 damage in one shot.

Rien shield and any healer can keep him alive even if the hog player was brain dead.
>Walk out behind corner.
>Mouse 1
>Step back to cover
>Press E
>Rinse and repeat until you win.

i rather play 3v3 than that new shit capture the flag draw mode.

>he hasn't figured out all the best strats for stealing the enemy flag while simultaneously keeping up a strong defense on his own flag yet

is it winston? let me in on the secret

>Being a good Reinhardt it astronomically harder than being a good Zarya.
As a Rein main, I do disagree with that statement. Both of those characters relies heavily on decision making. But the thing with Zarya is that your aim is weak, you cannot be good with the character. Sure, the bubble does save lives, but you'll still see more impact from a Zarya with mediocre bubbles but good aim, rather than a Zarya with good bubbles and mediocre aim.

Yeah, and Rein's shield is unbreakable, amirite?

All modes in Overwatch are shit because the game is a fucking unbalanced mess. I'm confidant at this point Blizzard actually wants people to stoo playing the game, so they make it as unbalanced and as shitty as possible.

Not true, Reaper has a whopping 8 shots, making him one of the best heroes against Zarya who is a cancer in every game she's in. I like playing Roadhog if the enemy has a decent amount of quishies like Soldier or Lucio that you can get free kills on, but if they have Zarya I sometimes consider Reaper because he can simply overwhelm her

I can't, or the secret cabal of Overwatch pros will disown me.

>"My Riens shield is about to break. I should take cover"
It's that easy user.

The tanks are fine, what causes tanks to be so good compared to everyone else is Ana's ability to out-heal ALL dps.

how come no one talks about this ability. If I get killed from a shot to the head thats fine but im so fucking tired of getting killed instantly because a sniper shot the fucking ground. Even as a tank its a one hit kill even if he misses me and hits a wall. fuck Hanzo.

Hogs damage is ridiculously higher than what you just stated.
Hook: 30dmg
Scatter 9 pellets at 25 damage, they won't miss because they're now in your face: 225dmg
Critbox 80+% of the time if you can aim: 225dmg additional
Melee: 30dmg
Total damage in 1 combo: 510
Total damage in combo against armor opponents taking into account 5dr for every hit over 10 damage: 495

I'm not complaining about Roadhog's damage output, he can be put down fairly quickly, and the hook whiff can be baited out, but you're a fool if you think he doesn't have the highest non-ult damage output combo in the game.


Pick one. Even the shittest player can steamroll with her M1. You'd have to be legitimately braindead to be bad at """aiming""" with Zarya. This bitch isn't fucking McCree or Widowmaker. Zarya is one of the most straight forward Tanks, new D Va now takes more skill than Zarya because now D.Va has FLAWS.

Being a legitimately good Reinhardt takes more experience, more nuance, more communication, and more skill than Zarya will ever require.

It is tricky to aim right. Especially on extreme close up.

The real question is why people still play this game?

If you take into account the crit, 76 still puts out more damage because he can crit too.

They aren't fine. Even without Ana they are leagues above Attackers not named Soldier 76.

Except he's not going to crit every shot in that burst unless the enemy is standing still. Roadhog just has to aim at a single, stunned enemy he has placed directly in front of him, and most characters have their head dead level with the middle of the screen when pulled to him.

junkrat is my life. favorite hero by far

I still like my dopamine after a good match.

>Gets btfo by 76, Mcree, and Reaper
>Gets walled by Rein
>Only hooks if you jump in front of him like a retard

Zarya arguably isn't fine.
Reinhardt is the most balanced hero in the game.
Roadhog is fine after the latest patch.
Winston has been pretty weak for a long time now.
D.Va is utter dogshit after the latest patch, unable to even kill Widowmakers.

>just because it's not press Q to wipe the enemy team, it's a weak ultimate.
It's does decent damage and is good crowd control, which the tanks ultimates are more about
Shit, a lot of the time Winston's Q is like Roadhog's E

its fun enough, most fun is in random mode currently where people are normal human beings.

What if they just reduced the length of hook? I think it's 21m right now, why not make it 17 or 18?

He has the potential to, just like Roadhog has the potential to miss a few of his pellets and not kill them. You can't just say his crit outdamages 76's not crit and say Hog out damages him.

rein has major issues, though more about how games play out because of his shield.

Hog aint fine.

Dva is still quite strong.

>killing nu-Hook Roadhog


Yes, you're right. But you have to take their health into consideration. Again, hog will kill soldier before he can even get hog to half heath.

return Bastion to beta status pls Blizz.

its not hard. When I roll Hanzo in randoms I always just shoot this thing without aiming into a crowd. more then half the time its a kill. Especially if its shooting into a hallway or small room. And if its up close you dont have to aim for the head just shoot the ground. Even if its not right infront of them its massive damage. I cant fucking stand being Winston to deal with the snipers and jumping to a Hanzo just for him to shred me with this ability.gskdfasuy

Rein's problem is he is a mandatory hero for comp. If the enemy team has a Rein and you don't you are losing. And the best way to deal with Rein is your own Rein, especially because Earthshatter is such an amazing Ult.

Rein's issues stem from the level designs, making Rein mandatory for 90% of the maps.
Rein himself is completely fine.
>Hog aint fine
Yes, he is, you're just terrible at the game.

Roadhog now one shots everyone in the game that's not a Tank, with a 21m skill on a 6s cooldown. How is that fine? And if Hog misses his hook he's still a mid range threat because M2 can one shot 200 HP heroes. There are very few maps that let you engage Hog outside of hook range.

Oh yeah, that Roadhog must be so damn terrifying when staying near a corner when Rein's shield is about to break. So it's ok, you can cockblock a roadhog for 15 seconds, by just downing Rein's shield in 5 seconds.

You're comparing McCree/Widow to Zarya, which isn't the same thing. You don't to track people with those 2.

>and more skill than Zarya will ever require.
Dunno man, I've climbed to master this season with my Rein, and yet I cannot play Zarya for shit. She works in a very different way than Rein. With Rein, you are the leader, so you can expect people to follow you, and care less about where they are.
With Zarya, you need to be on point when it comes to knowing how your team position, while also being in the front dealing damage (because yes, this is Zarya's fault, she's shit at medium/long range). Not to mention that you can carry a team with Zarya, while with Rein you won't do shit if your team doesn't follow you.Carrying on Overwatch is hard as fuck, but with Zarya it's somewhat manageable.

Even compared to other tank's ults it's underwhelming, but that's only because anything that can stun him can totally negate the ult. But you're right, I'm wrong for saying the ult is weak. I should have said that it's weaker than the other ones.

Different user, but hook into one shot is bullshit regardless of how reliable it is or how he performs professionally
If that's all he has then his entire design is bullshit

Give the hanzo who kills a winston that jumps onto him some credit. It is considered a counter matchup against him.

>Zarya at 100 Charge

>No armor
>No barrier
>Not mobile
>Giant target
>Limited range

>Still bitching about Hog when D.Va and Zarya exist

Getting tired of assblasted Genjis and Tracers

He can pop out, pick someone, and slide back behind the corner. Do you not know how small these maps are? He won't be taken out unless everyone is focusing him, which hog will probably be in the middle or back. Most people will be worrying about the enemies right in their face to be worrying about hog.

The likelihood of Roadhog not getting full damage or very close to it from his shotgun in combo is so insignificant by itself it's not even worth factoring in. When placed in comparison to the likelihood of S76 missing a few shots even in point blank range, his damage is outclassed to a ridiculous degree.

Flat math with no crits and S76 getting a full second of rounds into something along with his helix all doing max damage puts him at 296dmg

Flat math with no crits and RH getting full damage on his combo puts him at 285dmg.

With Crits, S76 outputs 472 damage in a full second, max shot damage with no missed and with every one of them being crits, while RH puts out 510 in his combo, 480 if they are fast enough to stop the melee damage.

The difference is that Roadhog can literally place an enemy in front of him at point blank range, who then cannot move or use abilities to mitigate damage at all prior to the shot going off, and again typically has the critbox in front of him at the end of the hook. He can also stand in one spot and take aim or spend a little bit longer out of cover lining up a hook or even a preshot with M2. S76 has to hit all of these shots, 100% accuracy, at full damage, while also strafing and taking cover to avoid being killed by a hard hit with his 200HP pool.

None of this takes into account armor either, which knocks S76s damage down significantly.

Again, you're foolish if you don't think RH has higher overall DPS than S76, and usually even prioritize kills better because he can just pick out who he's bringing to him.

You really did nothing but back up my statement that Zarya is overpowered. This is a TEAM game with six people per team. No character should be able to carry dead weight like Zarya, it literally makes 90% of the cast worthless. Zarya has a high damage, good range death beam that does constant damage. She requires no aiming skill on her M1.

I feel like now that D.Va isn't a permanent presence in every game that Zarya can be freely picked as the second tank to cuck Roadhog's hooks for free charge.

Just use your secondary fire on Zarya before throwing a hook on her and you can get her from 100% to dead in a second. She only has 400 health. Roadhog can even one shot her with a well aimed right click to the head.

>Sup Forums is filled with silver players

A 40%-50% Zarya out DPSs every Attacker. 76 only contests necause of his range.

Roadhog's ult, like every other ult that does big damage, pairs super well with shit like Zarya's ult and Rein's ult.

I swear to fucking God you guys just throw out your ults without thinking about setting them up.

> those people who pick symmetra on ctf, rush to your flag, put a tele, and base rape your team

>Does more damage than any DPS.
I'm pretty sure reaper does more DPS

Roadhog doesn't need DPS when he burst damage kills 99% of the cast. This is what's killing Overwatch, burst damage and burst healing.

Blizzard could actually just fucking buff Attackers in some way. Tanks are just too fucking powerful in this game.

Then you just give him hell with Tracer.
>m-m-muh bullshit hooks!!!!!!!!!
Dunno, just look at SoOn, he never struggles against Roadhog with his tracer.

>No character should be able to carry dead weight like Zarya,
Pretty much every DPS in the game can be as deadly, if not deadlier than Zarya though. They are even bigger carry heroes than Zarya in that case.

>pairs super well with rein's ult
No it doesn't at all. It just defeats it purpose by just spreading everyone everywhere.

Damage done in bursts is far more valuable than damage done consistently. McCree doing a flick headshot for 140 damage or flashbang - > fan the hammer for 240 is far more valuable than Zarya doing that damage consistently because that shit guarantees kills even if headshotting is hard to do consistently and you can only flashbang every 12 seconds and have to reload after.

You can heal through Zarya's damage, you cannot heal through McCree's burst on a 200 health target.

a good tracer can easily counter roadhog. zarya is the real problem.

If you carry as McCree you legitimately have amazing aim and situational awareness because of your low HP, that cannot be said for carrying as Zarya.

everyone still feels considerable butthurt when a hog just hooks you from behind and oneshots ya.

The big thing about Zarya is that she can compensate for her teammates having retarded positioning. That's the big difference between Plat, diamond, and Masters; people actually know where to position themselves at the higher end.

Isn't FtH 270?

Regardless, Zarya is still much better in most situations than McCree. You have to have amazing aim as McCree to even stand a chance against a Zarya 1v1.

Have you seen Moon_Moon? Dude got to Master just by jumping around and picking people as hog. Half the time he was reading his chat while he was doing it.

Yo Overwatchers! How is Sombra now?

>Literally a cam whore.

I just cheese a flag with tracer then defend mine with my life. Its just a game of who can play more gay.
Now if you have a team that can coordinate with you and pick a good split then you will steamroll everyone