
Other urls found in this thread:

the first was shit anyway

fucking boring easy game, only redeeming factor was the graphics and music

id' rather have Nioh that this tripe


Still not gonna pirate desu

never finished the first. I hope this one is better

The same company that has made games exclusively for Nintendo for the past couple of years, and delayed production of this game to produce even more Nintendo games, is backstabbing Sony?

Wasn't the original a DS game?

I wanted to do the same thread.
This day is going to be glorious.

But why?

I mean, the first game was a console exclusive (Sony?).

This is what I don't understand.

Why do you bring sequels of games to platforms that can't play the first one?

Before anyone accuses me of being a Sony shill or whatever, I don't actually own a console, I just don't see the logic in this, that's all.

Meh, level 5 games are shit

>rogue galaxy
fite me fagot

>bought the first one years ago
>still haven't played it
Is it any good?


I own both a PC and a PS4 for the exclusives, if they put a game out on both I'd definitely rather buy it on PC

Beautiful and fun but very easy and long


So, can I play as the cat boy?

The first one was fun and beautiful, very glad I don't have to buy console for this.

No, I get that. You actually played the first one, but what incentive/reason do strictly PC owners have for buying a sequel to a game they can't play unless they own a Sony console?

It's a good game?

Who gives a shit if its a sequel or not.


It's not a very intense lore-driven game dude, it's akin to buying a new pokemon game on DS despite not owning a gameboy for the originals.

You could always just watch a letsplay or something

Ive heard the two games stories are very unrelated. This might be an ongoing series eventually if its successful enough.

You know what's not coming to Nintendo Switch OP?

Oh okay.

I just figured it being a sequel it'd be more connected to the first game.

So what's the first one like anyway?

but ni no kuni 2 is couming out on ps4

Actually, Ni No Kuni was a DS game that received a remake on the PS3

Let me answer your question with another question:
Is Ni no Kuni 2's story a continuation of the first? Or does it just take place in the same world?

How does this btfo of anyone? Its good news when a game gets to reach a wider audience. I dont quite fathom the mentality of this board

>gookfest game is coming to PC

wow, sony btfo

Sonyggers dont care


Sony makes consoles for the everyday-man with multiple hobbies while """""""""""""gamers""""""""""" satiate their obsession with pricey PCs
why doesn't anyone understand this?

Why did the other 2 threads get deleted?

Multiple threads about the same thing and most of the people were just shitposting. Just like this one as well.

>no one cared about NnK2 even most people agreed the first one was mediocre
>gets ported to PC
>everyone is hyped to play it now

>Sup Forums users
>everyday-man with multiple hobbies

Just like with every port announcement. Have you seen what happened to Yakuza 0 last year when some website was clickbaiting about Y0 "coming" to PC? Nothing but shitposting for the whole day even though when asked most shitposters said they haven't played a single game in the series or even heard about it. Doesn't help that most people on here are mainly PCfags with no other platforms.

The point is it won't come out on Xbone.
Sony always wins, baby!


>Not Switch


but it's okay if it happens with BotW

>22 posts


More like disappointed.

Typical Scamco abandoning their fanbases and leaving money on the table.









Don't know about that as I don't visit Zelda threads, so I can't say anything. Overall, the mods lately have been even more retarded than usual though. I've been in a few threads today that actually discussed vidya but they got deleted out of nowhere.

We don't have to be so abrasive all the time.

Your thread got deleted, fuckboy.

>ac7 also comes for pc
Well goodbye sonycucks ill never buy your shitty console

It was. It played like Yokai Watch iirc. The PS3 version added a different combat system and an extra story


How? Is PS4 not getting the game or something?

>PC port most likely means SFM models
>I'll get to see this with 3D models
Best timeline

Why do you post this in every thread? Its almost like you are a desperate sonygger.

but anyways if you are going to repost this, i will to

>Sony makes consoles for the fat autistic neckbeard niggers while the everyday-man with multiple hobbies goes on PC

There was a translation project on gbatemp but I'm pretty sure it's dead. I like the PS3 version personally, it's one of my favourite games

>Why do people shitpost on the most shitposting board on this website? Doesn't help that the few normal people on here are mainly people who want to have a decent gaming expierence

never even heard of it. It supposed to be good? might pick it up if it's not a shit jrpg like Final Fantasy.

I clearly remember tons of threads about it after the game was announced.

Here's the million burgers question: Is it a good JRPG?

But NnK2 has Tales of combat so its cool

Can someone tell me why this keeps happening?

Sony promises games, exclusives
People buy the console
They flat out lie and say the game is coming to other systems
People are pissed off they spent $400 for a useless box of lies

How are they still in business?

Queen (male)

If people didn't buy the console on the promise of exclusives, none of the rest of that matters.

That's awesome. I really enjoyed the first one on PS3. I look forward to playing it on PC this time.

I just hope they have the good sense to not put Denuvo on it.

Thwy buy it for relevant exclusives - tlou, bb, etc.

I was kinda disappointed by ni no kuni

>finally make it to the white witch
>kill her
>"yes i finally beat the game time to play something else!"
>random head things with NO PRIOR MENTION IN THE STORY jump out and fight you
>they're 10x stronger than the white witch
>"guess you're gonna have grind to beat this meaningless boss if you wanna see the credits :^)"

Yes, Ni No Kuni is good, perhaps a little overrated just because of Ghibli's involvement but a solid title nonetheless.
However because the sequel's coming to PC expect a lot of people to say the game was never good.


Pick one.
Pick one.

So we can make nude mods for the loli and the loli (boy)?
I swear if there's not a nude mod on release date I'm going to be VERY VERY ANGRY AT YOU Sup Forums. Do not disappoint me or else!!!

>combat in NNK
the only hard thing in the game was trying to deal with soulcrushing boredom until the RNG finally let you capture good monsters.

Only autism will play on pc

They never promised neither this game or AC7 to be exclusive since they have no participation on the making of each game, here's you (You)

*Also on PC*

>Only autism will play on pc
what the fuck is that even supposed to mean

*also on ps4*

i just couldn't bring myself to grind. combat was so boring. i had to set it on easy mode, and even then that boss one shot me.

It means he is a salty Console cuck.
That lost his exclusive toy.

Oh god, the first tears are always the best

You know I have come to think this is just a strategy by Sony. Announce the game first for PS4 and keep ambiguous whether it will release on other platforms so people would rush and buy PS4's with the false illusion of being exclusive. I am pretty tired of it in my opinion. Either announce the game is multi or not since the beginning.
Anyway is still true, not many people have a reason to own a PS4 yet it seems.

Did someone actually beat the game and still think "wow this game is great"?
It's like they ran out of content at around one third into the game and just kept fleshing whatever hollow existence the game had, not to mention the stupid ass endboss.
I am especially buttflustered because I fucking caved in like a retard and bought the ps3 because of this """"""gem""""""

You do know that the series started on DS right? It makes sense that they want at least one more platform.

style over substance like all jrpgs if you like ghibli's comfy fantastical fantasy you'll like it

>will sell 50K
They will never make another PC port after that, like the others.

>>will sell 50K

On PS4.

It's not an EA/Ubi game after all.

Studio Ghibli worked on the first game. They have no involvement with NnK2.

Bamco has been in love with PC and Denuvo lately so this news is not exactly a big surprise.

Especially since the game has been announced as "Console exclusive"

its because they don't actually need (many) exclusives to sell their console right now

microshit and nintendo are both worse competition right now

If a game is good, it will sell well on PC
If a game is shit, it will sell like shit

PC gamers arent as delusional as sonyggers
I hope the game will be good

I doubt it'll sell more than that on your precious PS4.



>Japanese games released on PC in 2016
>can barely do more than 100K

Arslan: The Warriors of Legend - 6.000 (5.000)
One Piece: Burning Blood - 28.000 (16.000)
Steins;Gate - 24.000 (14.000)
Ray Gigant - 5.000 (5.000)
Stranger of Sword City - 14.000 (11.000)
Disgaea PC - 109.000 (90.000)
Phantom Brave - 12.000 (9.000)
htoL#NIQ: The Firefly Diary - 9.000 (5.000)
Yomawari: Night Alone - 11.000 (5.000)
Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc - 99.000 (83.000)
Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Dispair - 87.000 (72.000)
Zero Escape: Zero Time Dilemma - 27.000 (20.000)
Mystery Chronicle: One Way Heroics - 8.000 (5.000)
Dragon Quest Heroes - 36.000 (34.000)
I am Setsuna - 35.000 (27.000)
Nitroplus Blasterz: Heroines Infinite Duel - 10.000 (NEW)
Xanadu Next - 3.000 (NEW)
Senran Kagura Shinovi Versus - 77.000 (51.000)
Corpse Party - 18.000 (12.000)
Tomoyo After ~It's a Wonderful Life~ English Edition - 6.000 (3.000)
Harmonia - 5.000 (4.000)
Baseball Stars 2 - 24.000 (29.000)
Shock Troopers - 21.000 (23.000)
Twinkle Star Sprites- 20.000 (22.000)
The Last Blade - 7.000 (1.000)
Shock Troopers 2nd Squad - 6.000 (1.000)
Root Double -Before Crime * After Days- Xtend Edition - 5.000 (4.000)
The Labyrinth of Grisaia - 5.000 (3.000)

>If a game is shit, it will sell like shit
yeah spoken like a true cuck

Ubisoft games are all dogshit and they sell like hot buns

Fuck, just when Gravity Rush had finally pulled me over to the PS4

BlazBlue: Chronophantasma Extend - 75.000 (46.000)
Guilty Gear Xrd - Revelator - 14.000 (NEW)
UNDER NIGHT IN-BIRTH Exe:Late - 15.000 (13.000)
Arcana Heart 3: Love Max - 13.000 (10.000)
Battle Fantasia - 7.000 (5.000)
Inferno Climber - 2.000
XBlaze Code: Embryo - 1.000
XBlaze Lost: Memories - 1.000 (500)
Princess Maker 2 Refine - 13.000 (10.000)
Wonder Boy Returns - 1.000 (NEW)
Starry Nights: Helix - 1.000 (NEW)
Earth Defense Force 4.1: The Shadow of New Despair - 93.000 (70.000)
Onechanbara Z2: Chaos - 13.000 (8.000)
The Silver Case - 5.000 (NEW)
Deathsmiles - 18.000 (15.000)
Muv-Luv - 12.000 (10.000)
DoDonPachi Resurrection - 10.000 (8.000)
Code of Princess - 9.000 (9.000)
Hero and Daughter - 6.000 (7.000)
Sonicomi - 13.000 (8.000)
Hyperdimension Neptunia Re:Birth 3: V Generation - 157.000 (126.000)
Hyperdimension Neptunia U: Action Unleashed - 85.000 (67.000)
Megadimension Neptunia VII - 51.000 (29.000)
Hyperdevotion Noire: Godess Black Heart - 30.000 (23.000)
MegaTagmension Blanc + Neptune VS Zombies - 28.000 (16.000)
Trillion 15.000 (NEW)

>Trails is good
>Sells like shit
>Neptunia is shit
>Sells like hotcakes
Really makes you think.

And yet there have been more ports of Japanese games on PC in recent years than ever. And even more are coming.

>everything on this board is 100% serious and there is no such thing as pretending to hate something to get a reaction

Still more than the sales on Vita yet devs still support the Vita.

Why are people excited about this?

Idiort here so now console loyalty, the first game was bland boring shit, seriously one of the more boring RPGs I've ever played, artstyle was the only truly good thing.

Could it be that Sup Forums just loves doing shitty platform wars and will love anything that stops being exclusive?

Bandai Namco is the publisher for Ni No Kuni 2.

If you guys want to post PC/Steam sales numbers, can you guys post other Bandai Namco games on PC for comparison?