Ni no Kuni II is coming to PC

>Ni no Kuni II is coming to PC
we can't keep losing exclusives, sonybros
they can't keep getting away with it

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Oh wow, wouldn't have expected this to get a port.

I was going to get it on PS4, but I guess I'll wait.

So, will we get nude mods of the Queen (male)?

stay butthurt exclusivefag


Stop this fucking meme

Can't you just be happy that more people are getting to play the game?


No. I put up with all the shitty memes YOU like.

Is the first game worth a pirate?

They changed the combat system. Yeah it was pretty shitty in the first one but removing familiars? That's fucking retarded.

Probably gonna get it for pc. I have the first one for ps3 and i personaly did not like it very much

No because it's being played on a platform I don't like

Damn they really make it hard for me to feel good about buying a PS4 just to play Automata early.

I guess I'll stick the the regular PS4 and just sell it after
Is the slim better? I didn't even realize theres two versions of the regular till yesterday.

I never even got around to playing the first one. Also will this be some direct sequel and if so, are they releasing the first one for PC as well or are they just gonna be lost?

PC gaming is for fat people

That's cool and all, but the first game was not that great in my opinion

I'm genuinely curious, why do you people want others to not be able to play certain games just because they happen to use/prefer a different platform than yours?

That's childish and fucked up T B H.

i wasnt planning to buy it
but now i can pirate it or get it for $5 on sale

When you let the wrong kind of people (PCfags) play your game, it's not good for your brand or image, or any sort of longterm community

See the decline of Souls and many other franchises that fell for the PC meme

The hard lessons have to be learned the hard way I guess...


Are you me? I would say fpbp but I just agree with you entirely, there are probably better posts.

This is a mainly PC board, this is not a competitive online tryhard title, and your understanding of the situation is that of a 15 year old.

People like you are the most detrimental to any community.

Danganronpa, God Eater, and Disgaea's communities would like to have a word with you.
Dark Souls is just popular in general.

Because PC gamers are elitist cancer who don't deserve to play good games

>a ps4 'exclusive' is coming to PC
shocking news

>they are elitist cancer

Jesus the irony is palpable man


if you werent 15 you could afford more than one system and wouldnt be crying about ports in every exclusive thread

This is a Japanese king (male)

>mainly a PC board

If you weren't 15 you wouldn't be butthurt about losing an "exclusive" carrot on a stick you bought your single system for.

Loved the first one. Was planning to get it for PS4 but I'll just pirate it now and save some money. 2017 is already hard on the wallet.

Its true though, every single survey ever done on Sup Forums has shown it.


Exclusives are the only reason to own a console. Since PCs are customizable, you can run the PC version of a game better than on any console (most of the time), and mod it to boot. Controllers can be used on them and you can hook them up to TVs if you're into that. It has all the advantages of consoles and more.

Anyone who brings up fanbases is retarded.

>it's real
wew lad

It's a shit game anyway. Enjoy the table scraps, PCucks.

The first was about a kid getting transported to a fantasy world because he wants to bring his mother back to life, and then eventually finding out why his mother died and why the fantasy world has so many things in common with our own.

This new game seems to be a completely unrelated story set entirely in the fantasy world from the first game.

>muh PC mustard race
>console peasants
>we're not elitist though it's those mean Sony fanboys
PCfats ruin this board

Pic related has really ruined all the discussion about this

So you base this on the very information that gets falseflagged here - or what is taken seriously on leddit?

hopefully a """"remastered""" version of the first game will also make the leap.

won't have to wait, it'll launch at the same time. It's even a worldwide release

Yeah, discussing incubi is now just backdrop to faggots seeking attention

>actual reasons
It can split dev time and the community

The need to rationalise spending money on a multiplat box +$60 a year to use your own internet connection

Nothing to see here.
Just terrible bait by terrible people.

Unless its cross platform online, a game going to other platforms has no effect on anything except company sales and hence more money to make more games.

If anyone here legitimately has a problem with a game being released on multiple platforms, you are either a child, very autistic or a child trapped in a mans body.

But that's a great doujin

>no ghibli style 2d cutscenes

into the trash, etc'

>Nier Automata
>Tales of Berseria
>Tokyo Xanadu Ex+
>Toukiden 2
>Atelier Sophie
>Atelier Firis
>Nights of Azure
>Berserk and the Band of the Hawk
>Zero Escape: The Nonary Games
>Danganronpa: Another Episode- Ultra Despair Girls
>Operation Babel
>Operation Abyss
All table scraps too?

Brother, may I have some games?

>this, Nier 2, Tales of Berseria and Nioh all coming to PC
>Sonyfags on suicide watch

Just chill. Your console may only have a single worthwile exclusive but at least that's still one more than what the Xbone and the Wii U have. It's not like your PS4 is COMPLETELY worthless, you have one (1) game.

Sony makes consoles for the everyday-man with multiple hobbies while """""""""""""gamers""""""""""" satiate their obsession with pricey PCs

why doesn't anyone understand this?

>console ports are always, always terrible
No thanks

Does this mean there will be mods to make the MC's voice a higher pitch so you're actually playing a princess (girl) rather than princess (male)?

i'm litterally shaking right now

still would never play a 60+ hr long jrpg on the PC, thats like just cancer

right up there on par with playing 60+ hr open world games on PC

looks nice, but just so fucking awkward playing sitting at a desk , using a fucking 360 controller because no support for ps4 controllers on PC

sitting on a couch/ bed comfy as fuck and relaxing and playing for days is how you enjoy jrpgs esp once a generation jrpgs like ni no kuni

I'm still waiting for NNK 1 on the ps4 with the ability to draw the spells on the touchpad.

>muh PC beggar race
>we're not elitist though its those mean PC fanboys
Shitposters ruin this board

and you wonder why absolutely nobody likes sonyggers

>all that weebshit shovelware garbage
Wow...PC really has...the best console ports...whoa...











This would be a nice game on the Switch

Additionally it can change how the developers approach some design aspects. Compare TW1 to TW2 and Morrowind to Oblivion

>no support for PS4 controllers on PC
But there is
>sitting on couch
But you can do this on PC as well

where i don't see shit

>no support for DS4
It works perfectly through BT.
If you have the TV in the same room its literally just a long HDMI cable to beat consoles in all aspects.

I'm still going to get it on PS4 so i can get it physically. Good news that it's coming to PC too, hopefully it'll get even more sales and keep it an on going franchise.

>azhukar reemi

Well, to be fair, besides Nier Automata, most of those really are table scraps.

If only there was some universal port that connected PC to any display you like.

That's really cool, I think the first game is very underrated. It has it's flaws but it's just very charming and nice. I don't know what to think about the second one though, the characterdesigns look weird.

I really hope they port FFXV anytime soon, with that, Ni No Kuni, Rime and Nier on PC I wouldn't have to buy a PS4 in the near future.

>Waaaahhhhh, Im not a special snowflake!
Dont worry man, we still love (you)

>splits the community
Didn't do this with God Eater, Danganronpa, or Disgaea

>no support for ps4 controllers on PC
It got added to Steam just recently.

I got the first one as a birthday present since I have the same name as the main character and I don't think I've ever played a more mediocre JRPG. The combat was kind of interesting but poorly implemented and the whole familiar system was just a lukewarm pokemon ripoff. Looked pretty nice though

what about a 3ds version?
the ds version of ni no kuni was superior to the ps3 one.

hopefully they'll fix partner AI.
I couldn't continue playing after getting a partner, she was so retarded

No, hopefully it dies so they can go back to a GOOD franchise like Dark Cloud.

>needing a partner at all

git gud

same but with my Vita/3DS
anyone vouch for remote play with Vita/PS4?

But both of these only go one way.
Making compromises is for consoles due to limited buttons and imprecise control scheme.
Having PC in scope cannot do that.

Maybe stop worrying about dev time and start buying games? Theres one reason they move these to PC - because you shits don't buy enough, or only buy them used which is the same as piracy.

you have to make an assbackwards setup specifically for it and sacrifice your desktop pc for it, id rather just have both worlds and not sacrifice anything.
>in during you try to imply the halfass steam controller support is on par with the innate xbox controller support all multiplats have always had

i havent even fucking touched that shit because i know its cancer. go and try to convince me otherwise

>>What is personal preference?

I agree though, except the shit about xbox controllers. They arent that different. Hell even a third party conttoller will do. As long as you got a controller and somewhere to lounge, jrpgs are comfy as shit.

you don't, but they love to burn all your items

ace combate in both pc and xbox one

Yes boys!!! Now we can piarate it and not pay a single coin :P :D

Is the first Dark Cloud good? I only tried the second one and it was pure trash.

> show us that it is about the fans, not the money like the other gaming companies
They are, by allowing more people to play it.
These petitions are just played for a laugh, right? No one actually has these opinions. RIGHT?


So we sorta getting a Final Fantasy Tactics Advanced treatment?

Good. I hope more people enjoy this game if it is as good as the first ni no kuni.

That's honestly pretty based.
Now watch it get shitposted to death when its revealed to have denuvo as well.

Just cancelled my preorder. Fuck pc gaming.

games with denuvo don't get discussed at all except after they're cracked.

>This new game seems to be a completely unrelated story set entirely in the fantasy world from the first game.
I'm betting Ollie and/or Drippy come into play at some point in the game.

Poe's Law, children on Sup Forums often end up forming actual opinions from people funposting, hence the people who vilify the word 'fun' when used to describe a game and etc

Same. First NieR, now Ni no Kuni, the reasons for me to get a PS4 are dwindling.

>Nier Automata
No release date, no demo. Cancelled or delayed into oblivion

And yes everything else on that list is the definition of table scrap
Low budget weebshit that they threw you solely to help recoup their costs

Eat up!

Zero Escape: The Nonary games is coming out on PC 1 month before the PS4/Vita version user

Ahh, so you are retarded on purpose.