What's your favourite couch co-op PC game?
What's your favourite couch co-op PC game?
Super deep throat
Perfect Dark
You'd need friends to be able to play coop games.
That seems like a pain to detect stains on.
Couch co-op PC game?
What a clever and amusing post, truly original.
Rocket league, though not really couch co-op but its still fun.
Also who else is looking forward to the Ni no Kuni II port?
Duck game 4 players
Over cooked 4 played
Enter the gungeon 2 players
Hyper light drifter 60fps version
Mother FUCKING metal slug
Genital joust.
Zombies ate my Neighbors(emulated)
Death Road to Canada
Rocket League
Everything else is competitive or we switch off.
oh man did he ever update it? had some good faps on that one
Just checked
The last update is from 2013 so would say it is safe to call it dead
Easy, mount your friends.
Overcooked is fun with 4 players
That's the worst looking couch I've ever seen.
yes, also :
Samurai Gunn
Castle Crashers
Battleblock Theater
This sofa remind me of Central Asia. I have never been there.
oh and Toto Temple Deluxe
both Rayman Origins and Legends
Streets of Rage series
Mother Russia Bleeds
pretty sure that is the point of the pattern.
Sonic All Stars Racing Transformed.
The most fun coop I've had was with my normie friend and his xbox360.
Top 3
>halo games
>army of two (surprisingly good first game, second one had good gameplay but a terrible story, either way clearly designed around fun coop shit)
>gears of war
Aside from that the only other really good co-op game I've played is broforce, but it's a good way to lose friends.
In general however coop is boring bullshit and I'll take hotseat like homm3 or civ4 or worms any day of the fucking week over that casual trash.