So much for being PS4 exclusive
Ace Combat 7
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Is the vr mode PS4 only?
Fucking hell, now I have to buy 2 copies of it.
Oh well.
Was it ever confirmed exclusive?
It's another multiplat to flop on the Xcucks Juan anyway.
>thread will just devolve into LE PC MASTER RACE
who even cares. I'm glad more people have a chance to play ace combat outside of sony consoles that isn't assault horizon.
That's nice. I didn't really want to buy a PS4, and I didn't want to pay for multiplayer if I did. Now I don't have to.
Would love a handheld ace combat, but I guess down ports are too difficult
Hell, it's running on UE too
>I'm glad more people have a chance to play ace combat
The thing is, why would anyone on PC want to play this when you could play actual flight sims (something that consoles will never have)?
You're the first and only one to bring that up. I'm glad more people get to play it too. And another less of a reason to get a ps4.
Glad console exclusivity is going out of fashion.
What the fuck. I'm running out of reason to go buy a PS4
>dem campy lines
I missed this so much.
The PSP ones are worth a look, I found joint assualt pretty fun.
I hear great things about the 3ds one too.
If you're even asking that then you've missed the point of Ace Combat.
as someone who plays flightsims and Ace combat.
Sometimes I want to play something that isn't 100% sim. I just wanna zoop through the clouds while good music plays and I hang out with my buddy.
Ace Combat games are generally Playstation exclusive and it was first shown off at a playstation event so people just assumed.
>this dub
It's far worse than what they used to be
>why would anyone on PC want to play this when you could play actual flight sims (something that consoles will never have)?
That's entirely not the point of AC and flight sims like DCS are pretty cartoony to begin with in actuality. Forza did fine on PC because, again, it fills a niche that doesn't exist on PC.
>Why would you want to play Forza and race Ferraris when you can play a safe driving simulator
Good. The more people that get to play good games the better. Hope this generates more popularity for the AC series.
Jokes aside, it feels better than VI so far, and not that far from the trinity.
That (those?) girls' voices bother me so much. Everyone else is fine.
I'm still mad I missed ac infinity
>not even a console exclusive anymore
I almost bought a PS4 to play this, fucking dodged a bullet.
I thought it was always just for VR?
Anyway who cares, I don't think there are a lot of people who were going to buy an entire console just for Ace Combat
ace combat 6 was exclusive to 360. if anything xbox lost an exclusive.
The 3DS one is fun but it's crazy short if you're not into catching them all, as it were.
>Yet, what is a nation?
>Cool it, convicts.
>ALL UNITS BE ADVISED: Destroy the Arsenal Bird
I think we're back, boys
Im@s planes when?
Because it's an arcade? The only thing in common with a sim is that they are things flying.
>What is a nation?
I was already grinning like an idiot by then. Its coming back, baby. I can feel it.
turns VR is a gimmick, like the Drive Club car showcase
Sonygers losing exclusives every second.
I honestly don't give a fuck how many platforms it comes out on as long as there's cross-platform online play.
I said generally for a reason. 6 and Assault Horizon were the only ones to break this. We try to forget that Assault Horizon exists.
The 3ds is basically a remake of 2.
>Come into Ace combat thread
>See ac and think armored core instead
I'm retarded
I think you're forgetting how bad 5's acting/dialogue were. I'd take anything in 7's trailer over that awful demon legends line from 5's.
Why would I want to play flight sims when I can play something that has good aesthetics?
>Why would you want to play a game with shit physics and controls instead of a game with non-shit physics and controls
I don't know why either
After Burner is better
Ace Combat 6 on PS3 when?
I'm glad we are getting this. Theres absolutely 0 fucking game right now on PC.
Because your puberty will eventually end?
GODDAMNIT. I bough this shitbox for this game
>do circles on the stick to win
>multiplayer ace combat
Adversarial AC is awful, the game isn't really designed for it and the worst part of combat is 1v1 air-to-air.
low energy bait
I got ace combat 4 & 5 at the store today
What can I expect other than Spanish guitar solo
>Because it's an arcade?
And how is the fact that the game is casual and dumb down a good thing again?
By puberty you mean good taste?
too bad I can't fucking buy climax anymore.
pc's stealing all our games, hold me bros
Doesn't mean it's impossible to improve it. Hell I heard ass hor's multiplayer was good.
Oh boy, so hype! I hope it has helicopters!!
>After Burner is better
Funny how when a game goes to PC, the the mustards jump on it like fucking crazy hounds screaming "LOL PC MASTERRACE, SONYGGERS BTFO"
It's not like you guys stole it from them. That whole mentality is fucking degenerate. Be happy more people will get to play this game.
>Anyway who cares, I don't think there are a lot of people who were going to buy an entire console just for Ace Combat
They weren't going to buy a console just for Ace Combat but for a few friends of mine it was almost a tipping point. AC7, Yakuza 6, and one or two other exclusives could be enough for a person to get a PS4. Now, there's less and less reason to.
>spanish guitarra
That's AC0, sorry buddy
>chink shovelware
>good taste
*tips katana*
Im happy everyone gets to play it. Good news i guess?
Radio chatter and superstructures
Spanish Guitars are only in Zero
Now that 7 is coming to Xbone, I just want them to make 6 BC.
like anyone says this straight, it's all shitposting or false flagging to stir up shit and provoke 13 year olds that take their brand loyalty very seriously, you neofag refugee
>good aesthetics
>neofag refugee
the fuck are you talking about?
Why would I want to play a sim, when I can joust with lasers?
Praise the fucking lord, I really didn't want to buy a PS4 for Ace Combat but you can bet your ass I would've if I had to. In no world am I missing this. Now if I'm really lucky they'll have my planefu in the roster.
>Not wanting Fighter Jet Opera.
>that music
I got chills already man.
neofag migrant detected
not him but I like seeing you this triggered to the point of making such an assumption of calling him a neofag refugee, whatever that even means.
>proving him right
>it's fucking real
PC always wins bby
Because ace combat is better than flight sims.
Hopefully this will have flight stick and pedal support on pc
that consolefag persecution complex though
good shitpost
let me take a shot at it
uuuhh, r-r-r-r-reddit i that way >>>reddit
Did I do good?
This would make me buy Xbone
Dumbed down from what? Is this game hurting you or something? Do you feel threatened?
Cant wait to play it.
I don't know, the RLM jiff seems lame
do try harder though, I know you can do it
i'm an idort actually. Except I don't own a Xbone because fuck that.
feel free to post pics to show everyone how much money you wasted on redundant plastic boxes
Is my nigga Keiki confirmed for the OST btw?
Happen to me some timesbut other way around.
But most annoying for me were fallout 3 news on sites when it was coming because I always expected flatout 3.
>i'm an idort actually.
you're using phrases that you don't even know the meaning for. good job proving him right.
glad to know you admit it was a shitpost, kys. reddit refugee. Now to take my last word and leave you up to dry and leave this thread, adios.
>Because ace combat is better than flight sims.
Maybe if you suffered a massive stroke and can't play games that require more than 3 fingers and half of your brain
Dude gross
you first, fuccboi
nah, i'm not as pathetic as you are. My word stands on it's own.
play the 3ds version.
it doesnt have helicopters.
aww shiet
cant w8 for the superweapons