Star Citizen

So at what point will this game be officially "released"? It's probably the only space sim game to feature fps shooting. Just how much more do they need to tack on before it can be released and have normal content updates?

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It still doesn't even have basic trading. It's not even a space sim until then. Most of the ships are meaningless as there's nothing to do but combat.

This is true. While the fps portion is nice there's fuck all to do for it's namesake. No trading, no system civil wars, no space missions to make cash and ear your ships. Nothing like in Elite Dangerous which is probably a more focused space sim. Problem is that Elite is only just a space ship sim. God knows how long it'll take to make walking into your ships and stations a thing.

>God knows how long it'll take to make walking into your ships and stations a thing.

I still don't understand how Star Citizen has made people care so much about this in space sims. I don't understand their belief that two mediocre games (space sim part combined with FPS part) is better than a game that focuses on one or the other. If you like space sims more, the FPS elements will seem superfluous, if you like the FPS more than the time travelling between places with combat will seem tedious. So why combine them in one game universe? One side will come to dominate the other in the end.

Because some people want both?? I know it's hard to grasp but sometimes things that are a mix of 2 great things actually turn out better than just one or the other.

I just like the idea of boarding into enemy ships and trying to silently destroy it while in a naval fight. That'd be fucking great if you had to manage the outside fight while worrying about a squad trying to plant a bomb on your ships core or something. Star Citizen could have been domething like this but Chris Roberts appears to be a fucking hack.

Obviously you need to donate more. The more money they have, the more people they can hire and the faster the game will be finished.

I would say the game will get released in 2019/2020 considering how ambitious it is

im mostly intrigued by the cult-like delusion from backers that this game wasn't spiraling out of control so many months ago

>So at what point will this game be officially "released"?
The business model depends on this being forever in "Early Access".
>It's probably the only space sim game to feature fps shooting.
It's just a techdemo, which barely works.
>Just how much more do they need to tack on before it can be released and have normal content updates?
That's not the point. The point is to make fancy bullshot demos for video game conferences and rake in moar money while promising the sky and releasedate = currentyear + 1
Then rinse and repeat every year.

Fuck no. Just like Eve online it makes it total horseshit spending money on virtual items that can get destroyed or stolen whwn you aren't on. There isn't even that much to do o Star Citizen either. No mining, no civil wars, no real galactic missions, no upgrades, no space anomalies like pulsar stars.

>still no console version for SQ 42 announced

Cmon, Rebertsfag, this is literally only PC exclusive game I want to play, you won't get my money otherwise.

>mix of 2 great things

You don't get my point, that's the problem, mixture like this are never 2 equally great things, it's one part is implemented well and the other is mediocre, at the very best
Yeah, Chris is a hack, he could have focused primarily on the space sim part, and left the FPS somewhat separate and it would be technically simple.

But no, maybe there's a "loading screen" as your docked ship depressurizes so you can enter the other ship's map, so that's not good enough for Star Citizen.

Post the image of the 12.000$ coffee machine that they bought with the kickstarter money

>Cmon, Rebertsfag, this is literally only PC exclusive game I want to play, you won't get my money otherwise.
You don't wont to play err watch Remastered, believe me!

1.0 of the MMO is looking at a 2019-20 if they can hit 3.0 by August.

First part of SQ 42 which should be over 20 hours of gameplay and cut scenes is coming out this year hopefully by quarter 2.

>Post the image of the 12.000$ coffee machine that they bought with the kickstarter money
It was $20k and it was actually cheap in comparison. They bought a custom-made spaceship door which did cost much more.

>if they can hit 3.0 by August.
3.0 doesn't exist.

Something Awful memes should stay on their containment website.

stay triggered!


>They bought a custom-made spaceship door which did cost much more

How can they get away with this instead of using that money to hire more personal?

>So at what point will this game be officially "released"?

When they complete all of the stretch goals promised during the campaign. Squadron 42, the singleplayer campaign, is getting its own release. The Persistent Universe, the multiplayer component, is constantly iterated on and updated with new content. There is no set release date for either because the entire purpose of this project was to avoid the deadlines and restrictions of working with a major development studio and/or major publisher.

They raised over $142,000,000 :^)

They have lots of personnel. That's not the problem with Star Citizen, the problem is Chris Roberts. He has no focus and makes everyone waste time trying to achieve every cool little feature that exists in any game ever, rather than making core gameplay that works well and is fun.

>acffeluxxe demo

You stupid assholes know what a demo is right?

>it's a "derek smart confuses LoD with SC" episode

It's funny someone put this together and couldn't read the tumbleets on the right. And yet neither can you guys.

Because it's a total load of bullshit and it's made up. The only thing even remotely similar between the doors is the mechanism by which is not even close to the same price as a full glass door. This is nothing but bullshit conjecture and they know it.

>between the doors is the mechanism by which is not even close to the same price


>between the doors is the mechanism by which it opens, which is not even close to the same price*


>I don't understand their belief that two mediocre games (space sim part combined with FPS part) is better than a game that focuses on one or the other.
Because you have some kind of mental deficiency that makes you think being able to pick up a gun and shoot it while on a ship is somehow an entirely different game from just being on a ship.

I just want to pilot a ship out to a remote part of space, investigate a derelict ship with a few friends, and get in a firefight with another crew as we duke it out on the ship and in our own ships.

Shit like the Eternal Silence mod was a blast to me; I want that kind of game again

I can tell you've never developed a game before. There is a whole lot of difference technically. In what you have to render, how you control things, in the client-server interactions, physics, etc. There's a reason why Star Citizen lags so badly and will always lag so badly.

nine women won't make pregnancy last a month

give them time, talking about it is literally pointless as everything changes durning this phase a development

t. banking web app dev

So you would prefer if it were the same garbage glued-to-your-seat space sim that we already have a half dozen of right? Fuck you Eite Dadgerous go back to complaining that you only have two hours a day to finish your gruelingly tedious and completely inane activities where you will meet absolutely 0 other players and find nothing of lasting value.

>as everything changes durning this phase a development
Everything changes two and half years past the announced release date?
They are fucking around with this shit since 2011.

>comparing game development to pregnancy
>4 years is apparently not enough time for game development

It's five and half years.

No all you need to do is have your glued to a seat space sim, and when you leave your seat you have a bridge door "loading screen", then you enter a FPS mode which works similar to how past games like the Eternal Silence mod mentioned which was great fun.

Technically simple to mesh your disparate gameplay and doesn't cost hundreds of millions of dollars.

>literally start with no studio, no money, and barely any existing assets

>build multiple studios across multiple continents while building a game from the ground up and retooling an existing engine to do things it was never created to do

>somehow people are surprised this game has been in development for four years

I wonder if kids these days realize that the only reason Cowadoot games get released every other year is because they all work on the same engine and 90% of the work is Art Assets.

I love how this game has become the vidya equivalent of Trump’s campaign.
>Naysayers keep predicting the end every month, yet the base keeps growing, more and more success shows.
>So certain that it can’t happen, it won’t happen.
>Right up until the night of the election.
>Still delude themselves into thinking that something will go wrong and Trump will lose.

I can’t wait to see how salty y’all are if this releases and turns out to be everything they dreamed it could be.

>i sure wish i could have the same broken, unintuitive, and immersion destroying experience I can get in [insert mod or game here]

Go buy Elite Dangerous it's right up your alley. The cut more than half the promised features and then sold them over a year later but I guess that won't bother you since your biggest issue is a developer taking the time and effort to create a game where you're on a space ship instead of attached to one.

>how salty y’all are if this releases
>amazing video game releases
Is something broken inside your brain?

>4 years is apparently not enough time for game development
for a game with these ambitions? no, it's not. MMOs take around 8-10 years of development. And CIG is literally 2 AAA games at the same time. would surprise me if it takes until 2020/21 until it's finished.

You underestimate people’s pettiness. They would rather be right and miserable than wrong and happy.

>MMOs take around 8-10 years of development.
They don't.

>same broken, unintuitive, and immersion destroying experience I can get in [insert mod or game here]
>to create a game where you're on a space ship instead of attached to one.

I've played practically every space game in existence including some slav one, I can't remember the name of (starts with a P, I think) that had your oh so vaunted, seamless getting up and walking around and shooting around in your ship.

Here's a little secret for you. No matter how seamless of a transition or "muh immersion" you have, you're still sitting at a computer not on a spaceship, and gameplay is what matters in a game.

You have some serious mental health issues. You should see a doctor about that.

Is that some Derek Smart insider information I see? I guess he's right, I'll be jumping ship to his superior early access game!

Oh wait, it was a fucking trainwreck and is in the process of being removed from steam, Derek is a hack

>Here's a little secret for you. No matter how seamless of a transition or "muh immersion" you have, you're still sitting at a computer not on a spaceship, and gameplay is what matters in a game.

Wow what a profound observation you've made there. I guess nobody has to ever play videogames again since you've just presented the mind blowing realization that they're just computer programs. Oh and let's not forget the incredibly insightful concept that "what matters about a game is how it plays." What a revelation!

It's my insider information, Tickle-Sandi. I draw a paycheck from you, but you don't know who I am.

Have to assume you are an idiot because you still don't understand what the problem with Star Citizen's approach is. Because of how the internet latency and client/server interactions work, you can make a good multiplayer space sim, and good multiplayer space combat and mesh them together with simple bridge and hanger doors as loading screens, or you can try to go for "muh immersion" everything is in an FPS engine and experience either terrible gameplay destroying lag, or so few concurrent players that it really isn't multiplayer.

Hi Derek!

Is Line of Defence 2 in production?


>all I wanted was some Freelancer 2
>it's MMOshit instead
Space games are still fucking dead.

>Space games are still fucking dead.
Chris Roberts successfully killed them by usurping 140 million dollars out of the market.

It's also dead because many games that were supposed to revive the genre, kinda failed. Elite Dangerous was so-so and X Rebirth was an abomination.

Then we have Volition working on randumb games with WOW SO CRAZY DUBSTEP GUNS instead of making a new space game, a spiritual successor to FreeSpace 2 since they don't own the IP I think, this kills the space combat genre.

>So at what point will this game be officially "released"?
Literally never. It's not even a game, just a convenient way to sell $15,000 digital spaceships to autistic morons.

I think so far out of all the shit Elite Dangerou is probably tbe only good space combat game.
>no retarded microtransactions
>no spending real money to buy ships
>actual space combat
>real missions
>faction wars
The only thing that can make it better is thr mew ship classes soon to be added, and thargoids.

Elite Dangerous fucked up because of Star Citizen, I feel. Star Citizen made anyone making a space-sim think they had to have multiplayer, had to have a laundry list of useless "cool" never-before seen features rather than a solid game.

But the really big problem with Elite Dangerous is how they made it all technically function in one multiplayer world, but the gameplay is all designed like a single player one. And because of how it technically works you can't mod it and fix the economy and the various other problems with the gameplay, yourself.

Star Citizen killed the space sim genre by sucking so much money that everyone though they would had to copy some of it in the future.

Of course these games failed on their shoestring budget. Because space games don't work with those restrictions.
Fact is: We had a spending potential of $140 per space game audience member, means 2+ full price space video games.
This money is gone/pocketed now and the market is dry.

>Have to assume you are an idiot because you still don't understand what the problem with Star Citizen's approach is

I have to assume that you are a retard since you seem to have some difficulty processing that someone an understand what you're saying while simultaneously denying your assertion. I've heard a hundred thousand people say "it'll never work" or "they'll never pull it off" and every single time CIG have surpassed expectations.

You also fail to realize how the system you're proposing leads to a completely disjointed clusterfuck. The entire point of going for the seamless transitions is to do something nobody has done before and they have invested significant amounts of time and money into making it work. Fuck back in the day they never thought they'd be able to get real time landings anywhere on a celestial body. Surprise, they pulled it off anyway.

What about that avorion game?
That game looks good.
some one sell me on it.

Well I don't really mind seeing it designed as a single player game because it really is considering how fucking big the galaxy is. You'd rarely encounter another player that isn't in the top community forum system for artifacts or engineer planets. And if you do find a player chances are your going to get killed.

I don't think budget is the problem, I haven't checked but I'm pretty sure games like FreeSpace 2 and Freelancer weren't exactly big productions. Space games are quite simple to make, no need to make shitloads of fancy objects and shit, it's meant to be quite empty anyway

it's more that developers don't care at all

>just a convenient way to sell $15,000 digital spaceships to autistic morons.
These guys don't give a shit "spaceships", they just use Chris Roberts as a trading website for money laundering.
A $15000 item means you can move a reasonably large sum of money through Roberts without getting it frozen and locked down immediately like on PayPal.

Oh, I would prefer if it was actually single-player too. I would have preferred if it was single-player, playable offline and moddable, though.

This. I want a space FPS version of Black Flag.

but black flag was repetitive garbage

>I haven't checked but I'm pretty sure games like FreeSpace 2 and Freelancer weren't exactly big productions.
FreeSpace 2 tanked worse than TORtanic.
Freelancer was losing so much money for Microsoft, that they got rid of Chris Roberts mid-development. (He abused the funds for his movie instead of developing the game.)

>Star Citizen shooting

so he was a con men before con men started the thrive in crowdfunding?

shame FS2 never sold well, it deserved so much better

this whole FPS meme shit is terrible, they should've made the game first then pitch an expansion with the FPS elements, it's going to end up with shit space gameplay and even shittier FPS instead

> I've heard a hundred thousand people say "it'll never work" or "they'll never pull it off" and every single time CIG have surpassed expectations.
>Surprise, they pulled it off anyway.

So Star Citizen is complete and out now?

So you deny my assertions because you have proof, or because you have faith in a rigged demo being scalable?

It's not over until Star Citizen is out and there is real tangible proof of their claims. Reality is, they are going the terrible laggy route, while convincing people like you that the next update will fix it.

Speaking about the game as a whole, yes I'll agree. But if you don't think that boarding ships was cool as shit then you just don't know how to have fun.

>board small ship
>kill 5 enemies to capture it!!
>board medium ship
>kill 10 enemies to capture it!!
>board big ship
>kill 15 enemies to capture it!!
>over and over again

Black Fag is one of those games that gets WAY too much credit on Sup Forums.

>so he was a con men before con men started the thrive in crowdfunding?
He was a con man right from the first Wing Commander.
(Origin got almost shot down by Lucasfilm, because little Chris bragged to much how he reverse-engineered Lucas' game engine for his own space game. Saved by the swindler was just making up bullshit.)

SC will end up being the example that all future developers use to describe scope creep.

>starsector may release sooner than star citizen
This is going to be a death race. Full version star sector should release by the beginning of 2018. Will SR release until then?

I honestly wish we had a good successor to freelancer that doesnt focus on WALKING AROUND and MUH CAPSHIPS, just fun flying with fighters and cool features

Hell no. Maybe during 2019 the earliest.

I really wonder if Scam Citizen will ever be considered released

the development really reminds me of what I heard about Duke Nukem Forever, that the lead guy always came back to the studio with a new idea they just had to implement, and this is why their company went under since they had to add everything.

They have more money than 3D Realms did with this business model of theirs, but they're bound to run out of money at one point. This is when Chris Roberts leaves his company and goes swim in his gold vault

I have my money on it being "finished" (all gameplay systems properly integrated and only thing to be added is more systems) by the end of 2019

I might even up buying it by the end of this year if they stuff they're adding up to 3.3 is interesting enough

Combat is probably one of the only good things about elite but the game is so terribly shallow in other areas that it can't pull it all on its own. Part of that is because the forum dads gutted everything remotely interesting in the game. Hell you can't really fight other players outside the dedicated combat mode. First you have to find someone in the game world somehow, then you have to pray they won't pull the cord on their internet when you interdict them.

Yeah I miss space games. I tried Strike Zero something something, and it was just terrible. I like X3 Albion Prelude but I enjoy combat more than trading and managing ships, and in combat the X games just suck really

wow their ship dissappears.
that's so stupid.
why doesn't it just stay there until they relog back on.

even modded freelancer servers had this 30 years ago

Forum dads.

All instances between players are p2p and there isn't anything really tracking what you are doing in the online portion of the game. Just saves where you start really. Never mind that the game gives you an option to avoid players entirely when you log in.

It's why you can't even trade or do anything with other players beyond talk and shoot at them. They updated the game months after launch so you could actually fly together as a wing but that's sort of it.

I don't know if it'll ever be finished, but the problems they have are entirely because they don't understand how to limit the scope creep.

>rigged demo

Oh boy it's one of you "it's a tech demo" faggots. Okay I think we're done here. Suck my dick.

I have a friend who works on it and I must have teased him about it being vaporware about two years ago.

Does anybody know when this thing is even going to be finished?

>but they're bound to run out of money at one point

Said increasingly nervous Derek Smart for the seventh time this month.

>the development really reminds me of what I heard about Duke Nukem Forever
Yeah, first engine switch confirmed too.
Next one will be UE4.

>StarEngine is a CryEngine fork
>Lumberyard is a CryEngine fork
>you people think merging forks is an "engine switch"
I wish I could live in the magical land of complete bullshit like you.

>engine switch

What's it like to be clinically retarded?

>95 replies
>31 IPs