The last console I bought was the 360. Then it rrod and went PC

The last console I bought was the 360. Then it rrod and went PC.
Red pill me on the gen 8 consoles, Xbone, PS4 and Wii U.

Pls no console wars.

Other urls found in this thread:,4388.html

Xbone has NOGAEMS PS4 has FEWGAEMS and WiiU has FEWGAEMS

So far this gen has a cumulative total of about 9-10 genuinely good games across all formats

Really no point if your PC is up to date

this pretty much sums it up

My PC isn't up to date but it can play Fallout 4 on Low. Is that good enough or is it time for an upgrade?

360 and PS4 are the same. Stat-wise, it's a game of inches with the PS4 slightly ahead. If you're buying a console though you won't tell the difference one to the next. Xbox online community is still more prevalent than sony's.
>I own a ps4 but all my friends have an xbone
is something you'd hear often.
PS3 has no games meme is still alive except the number is one higher. You only have a Wii U if you through house parties every friday, are a long time nintendo fan, or got it from nan for christmas. It didn't sell as well as the Wii. I think that's about it. Oh, also exclusives still exist for some god forsaken reason and the ps4 doesnt do backwards compatability. I believe xbox does but only one gen back. someone correct me


Ive been on pc since the 360 also. Recently i got a ps4 for weeb games/bloodborne and tlou. Tlou and bloodborne have been really good games, and weeb games will start releasing soon so thats that.

So if you like rpgs you could try to get a cheap ps4, dont bother with it if jap games are not your thing.

Also, xbone has no games, and wiiu will have good emulation in 6 months.

I still dont get why people post this pc, its full of multiplats, shit games and the quality of the photo is as good as the quality of the console itself.

Upgrade and go full VR.

This gen sucks user. I bought a Wii U just because I never had a Nintendo console besides snes and you can hack the wii u and have almost all the nintendo consoles on the wii u of course N64 emulation sucks and Bayonetta. I had a lot of fun with the Wii U, but is nothing compared to the ratio of good games with old consoles. Im honestly visiting more /vr/ now, I feel videogames need a new crash. PS4 only has like 2 games that I want to try, Nioh and Nier, not enough to spend money for it. Maybe at the end of the console life.

Here's a good example for you OP, look at this pile of shit consoles have this gen

>disc copies of indie games
>old indie games at that

seriously fucking why would anyone buy a disc copy of something like teslagrad

Get a PS4 bro you get Bloodborne, you get Neil, you get Knack. The works.

How good is vr porn because I'm not spending $600 on indie 10 minute horror games

Plus those games were clearly stolen.

WiiU is great if you and your friends like local multiplayer.
PS4 is great for several single player exclusives.
Xbone is great if you are a hardcore Halo or Forza fan.
You should always have a good PC for multiplats, the huge selection of cheap games, emulation and "backwards compability".

> VR porn
Unless you're a furfag or a sad lonely weeb, don't bother looking for VR porn.
VR is a meme.

Check list of Xbone Backward Compatibility.
Maybe some X360 games that you already own will be launchable on Xbone.

And check the list of games. I'd say:
> if you like Souls and TLOU/Uncharted cinematic experiences, go PS4
> if you like dudebro gaming, go Xbone
> if you like Mario, go Nintendo

Xbone serves me right, but it all depends on what kind of games you prefer. For example: I'm not too weeb so occasional jRPG on PC is enough for me.

kek, a literal sonygger

Guys Im trying to pirate Vehicle Simulator 2.6.4 for PC , can anyone help me find a cracked exe or something?

I'll say a buddisat prayer for you if you do

Thank you

It's because there's a black hand in it. That's literally the only reason it gets posted.

If none of the games available for Xbone, PS4 or Wii U interest you then don't buy one. Simple as that.

I sent you a crack, it's the same than the one for the Candy Crush FPS. You'll just have to modify a few files in your computer registry. As long as you follow the instructions and have about as much braincells than an oyster, you should be good. Don't forget to delete System32, it's the most important part.

I also sent you more RAM. Still, if your PC is a bit too slow, try to rub a neodymium magnet on your hard drive, it will make it faster.


PC specs?

Based on what you posted I'm guessing maybe you have an AMD cpu or a low tier intel cpu along with a mid tier gpu. Actual specs will help to figure out how much a good upgrade would cost you. Also for current hardware used in builds check

wait a minute

r u trying to break my computer?

You cant trick us you know

it wouldnt work

I'm not at my PC ATM but I have i5 and a 560ti if I remember correctly.

>Xbone really shat the bed on multiple levels, on average has the worst versions of any multiplat, and the only exclusive is halo. MS might merge win 10 and the xbox brand, leaving the physical console race.

>Nintendo is still nintendo. You know what to expect, Mario Kart, Mario Party, Smash, zelda. There is Xenogears and splatoon, too. The WiiU emulator is nearly complete, so it doesnt matter if you have a good pc.

>PS4: It and PC are closer to each other on the race. There is currently like 3 or 4 exclusives worthwhile, and a few more to come. The graphics probably look better than a old pc, but worse than a new one. Sometimes PC ports fuck up and end up much worse. Besides graphics, some PC games have modding capacity, dont charge you extra for online and you can always pirate most games. But overall they are real fucking close.

TL;DR: Xbone fucked up. Nintendo has its own well known niche, PS4 and PC are super close. Choose whichever you like the most. I went with PC because i have myopia and rather look into a monitor 50 cm away without glasses than a tv 2 meters away with glasses.

>>disc copies of indie games
>>old indie games at that
>seriously fucking why would anyone buy a disc copy of something like teslagrad
I thought the exact same thing. Shovel Knight is literally a 100mb file download for android. Having it on physical media is cool for the box art I guess but really fucking pointless.

No, I did it on my dad's computer and it got so fast he brought McDonalds to reward me. We ate it while happily laughing with my mother during the entire meal.

I see you

white devil

If your i5 is a 3570k or higher you can get pretty far with just a nice gpu upgrade (as long as your psu and motherboard isn't potato tier and can handle the upgrade).

If you're using an older i5 your cpu may bottleneck. I've heard that the 2500k is starting to bottleneck in some machines but it's still quite usable in the grand scheme of things.

Another thing worth knowing is if you built the machine or if it's some dell you got on ebay and threw a gpu in. Either way a RX 480 or GTX 1060 upgrade would be a huge leap, a GTX 1070 even more so. Here's a link showing the Hierarchy of current PC gpus:,4388.html

come on guys help me out here

Nice, thanks

>XBox One has games, PS4 has no games, WiiU has one game
Fixed that for you.

>Redpill me on X
Cut that shit out fag

I wont tell you what to think, but I'll tell ya what I like of each

I own a Wii U, and have a friend with a PS4 meaning I don't have to buy one myself
Wii U has a modest stack of shit to keep you entertained, pick whats good and get it if you can cheap.

My favorite thing about the Wii U, as dumb as it sounds, is the web browser in the home menu.
Anime sites work great, you can play youtube videos and browse other sites while it plays. The Youtube app is cack, but you get that smartphone connectivity that works for just about every console.

PS4 seems like a pretty damn good console to have or get into right now, a couple more games than just bloodborne now

I have a great PC but I barely play much on steam these days

Xbone I sincerely, no being a shit intended, can't think of a reason to get it over the PS4. Direct comparisons being shit and one sided aside, I just don't know what good an xbone brings. I've played on a few, but only ever multiplat shit.

tl;dr video games are great
Get a console that has games you actually might wanna play
Money? Then wait it out. Bundles are bound to be a thing for a good price over the next year.

They're alright, I have an xbox one but it's pretty much a $400 netflix box. This console gen has been extremely lackluster, and even staple titles like Halo or Kill zone have gone to shit.

Reallt only get them on sale.

>only "plays" watching anime on Wii U browser
Please don't post in my thread unless you have useful information.

>Anime sites work great

Kill yourself.