Bannon Trump plays Heroes of Newerth
Bannon Trump plays Heroes of Newerth
last bump
Never heard of it
What's his endgame?
And your mom plays with my cock on a daily basis. Who gives a shit?
I feel sorry for Barron in a way.
Imagine all the stupid shit you did as a child. Now imagine all of that being known by the entire world.
How exactly does one get pussy while living at the white house as a teenage boy? The secret service always cock blocking you. when you're trying to run game on some foreign prime ministers daughter the news media catches you smiling at her and immediately blows shit out if proportion speculating that you are somehow breaking international law with your awkward teenage flirting, so you have to testify before congress that you didn't give away any top secret documents to her and are made to admit live on C-SPAN that you've never even kissed a girl . Then you get blue balls from some hot conservative girl winking at you and flashing her panties under her skirt and making sexy faces and blow job motions to you while you were going through some airport or public event, and when you passed by and shook her hand she leans in whispering she is going to diddle her clit thinking about you tonight and how much she wants to suck your dick off, just to fuck with you. Then you try to look up some porn when you get home just to relieve the tension but you just know the CIA is monitoring and 3 other govornment agencies are watching you beat off. Then you finally break down and Jack off in the shower which sets off some fucking biohazard drain alarm and the entire place is on lock down until they can find the source of the specimen and you end up getting debriefed by the joint chiefs of staff about your masturbatory habits and how you almost created a national security issue with your dick. Then wikileaks leaks your search history showing you looked up penis enlargement techniques when it was actually just some click bait you'd accidentally clicked and TYT spends all next week talking about your supposed micro penis. So you end up squirming a little since you are so wound up and being judged constantly and now people are saying you look like a fucking mental patient and you start to think you'll never get any pussy.
Like this
>The secret service always cock blocking you.
>implying the secret brosvice don't bring you bitches from all over the world to have wil orgies
But the little chimplet was around in parties getting stoned and shaking her ass like the animal she is
make pepe real
you're so naive its adorable. prostitution is huge in DC
>Played HoN when he was 5 years old
>replying to pasta
>The secret service always cock blocking you
The same secret service that parties with hookers?
>mfw wall is under construction
Good taste, it was best doto back then
No, clearly it's The Donald that played HoN. I'm sure Barron probably has his own email address.
And what do you know? The Donald actually has good taste in MOBAs.
Remarkable boy no doubt about it.
What am I looking at
indisputable proof he's autistic
A son taking a picture of his mother
>ywn be Barron Trump and have questionable relations with Melania
It's not fair. Why was I born into a family of lower-class peasants?
>yet another e-celeb thread
Is he our guy Sup Forums
He needs to punish her with sex for that trick.