So how many of you nerds actually have hobbies aside from video games? Hard mode: No anime.
So how many of you nerds actually have hobbies aside from video games? Hard mode: No anime
Other urls found in this thread:
Drugs & alcohol
Didn't that kid become some blond trap?
making memes
wait that boy is a girl(male)?
Video games are not even a hobby.
Shitposting opn Sup Forums
Learn Japanese for video games
I like to spend time designing and constructing masturbation devices.
Card games, painting minis, programming and electronics
Git gud.
You better not be bullshittin me sonny.
what is your latest model?
Programming, reading books (particularly fiction ones), and playing the violin.
I garden during the summer
Does masturbation count as a hobby?
>apparently this guy is a trap now
Drawing, writing, reading, programming, wannabe gamedeving
lmao don't tell me you don't have a hobby, OP
Lately my whole life has been consumed by university though, no time even for vidya.
All these nerds don't collect Pokemon cards in their spare time
I make porn games.
Alcohol, cigarettes and acting.
I'm a 26 year old straight red blooded beer drinking armored car driver who does muay Thai at my kickboxing local
Usually watch mma or football
My gf loves video games and got us a Wii, she showed me this site, i had not played a game for at least 6 years before that
Site kinda sucks so far aside from Sup Forums but the virgin robot board is hilarious satire
Imagine dudes being virgins past the age of 16 haha. Its fake role play shit right?
this, opiate addict here.
Why do video game enthusiasts live such pathetic lives?
MTB, motorcycles and screwing with my co-workers.
Drugs aswell , psychedelic enthusiast here
hey bro it's me your coworker, wanna screw with me relaly quick?
Playing the piano, writing mainly fanfiction and powerlifting
Been here since 2007. Kissless 17 year old virgin back then. Now I'm married with 2 kids, got a 9.5 job and a record label in the side. Still find time to play vidya 3 to 5 hours per day.
Booze, weed and cigarettes.
I also play drums and bass guitar.
>Now I'm married with 2 kids
I'm so sorry.
Reading, exercising and writing (when I can be bothered).
>Chad role-playing
I study Japanese. Finished the first Remembering the Kanji and Genki 1, currently studying Genki 2.
Let's talk about that sister of yours.
i hunt with the bow for fun and sometimes go spearfishing. i also like knitting stuff.
Taking a shit. Typing with one hand. 9 to 5 job. Also kids are awesome. That feel when they sit on your lap and their small hands reach out for the control.
I'm going to have lan parties with my little ones when they grow up.
Film I guess, if that counts. Particularly vintage horror
History (reading, podcasts, docs)
Music, vinyl/cd hunting and casual listening. Mostly metal.
Don't know if these are all hobbies or more just interests. I don't collect stamps or anything. I ride my bike a lot in summer, but I live in manitoba so currently I can't be fucked to leave my house other than work
>inb4 OP discredits all hobbies that he dislikes as "not real hobbies"
You know what, I think role-playing as a Chad is worse than role-playing as a furry.
You're not role-playing as an entirely fictional thing, you're roleplaying as an actual personality instead of actually trying to become it.
Makes you think, huh?
OP probably just wanted someone to find out who the person in his image is.
I play a few instruments, like listening to music and smoke a lot of weed. Are those hobbies?
I like taking care and breeding tropical fishys
I watch movies more than play games now
I'm genuinely curious since a lot of you guys seem like losers.
t. OP
I'm not a trapfag but I could probably check Fireden.
>playing guitar (though not particularly well)
>shooting guns
idk if you'd call it a hobby but I'm pretty into physical fitness too.
Oh, I also love American football and basketball. I spend a lot of time watching and analyzing those things. I'd love to be a sportscaster for my local basketball team
kek I know. My therapist says they are but I know shes just trying to keep me from an hero
I thought the guy in OP's pic was the singer from pic related
>tfw he died in a car crash a year or two ago
Painting miniatures
Can you tell me how you spend your spare time "collecting" cards?
I don't get it, it seems like a non-hobby. You don't do anything, you either own them or not.
Do you spend hours staring at them? Can you play with them?
Probably tracking rare cards down on ebay, driving out to flea markets trying to find cards etc.
I snowboard and love to draw
>pic related
In the majority of my spare time I browse slash vee on an chinese cartoon imageboard, to escape from anxiety and responsibilities
I go out drinking sometimes, or marathon anime with my only non normie friend while also drinking. Other than that I literally dont do anything but browse the internet and play video games.
Why would you think I'm role playing because I watch football and have a job?
I don't own any guns and I drive a 20 year old car. Am I still a role player?
Not everybody on this shit is a 4" skirt wearing Japanese anxiety nerd, get over it my man
When I'm not playing videogames I like to watch movies. I really enjoy thrillers, crime movies and one or two comedies (but bothing too stupid)
Also my favorite movie is Pulp Fiction.
>fitness related hobbies such as weight training
>learning Japanese language slowly on my own
>in University working on my degree
>still have time to shitpost regularly and play all the FOTM games
Just manage your time, faggots.
I work most of my day, what little time for hobbies I have is spent reading, at the cinema or with the girlfriend. I play games maybe once a month if I'm lucky
What's the record label? Or if you can't say, what kinda music d'you put out?
Hey... That's pretty good!
>thinks lifting makes you fit
>gook talk
>fell for the uni meme
>vidya games
It is you're btw
browse Sup Forums of course
>adding grunge effects to a movie still
MtG, board games, kickboxing
I just take classes at university and chill with my boyfriend when not playing video games.
Writing. Boxing/Muay Thai (k1 master race, ufc and pride fags get out). Cooking. Mixing drinks pretentiously. Hipster comics. Driving.
The ASM2 costume is so good.
You sound like you like males.
Is that ster?
Wait, that wasn't a girl already?
My hobbies are beyond your comprehension.
I play the piano and have been starting to learn the guitar.
pianist, music producer, drugs, singing and drawing
Does that look like the face of an emotionally stunted, married man to you?
I enjoy reading and I'm currently learning to sew so that I can also cosplay.
Also board games and card games are fun too.
Manga and toys.
Taking photos of nature, making music and making my own games. Working out too I guess but I don't consider it a hobby.
I like fit, petite hipster girls so pretty much guys, yeah. Anal is disgusting and dicks are a no go, though.
Videogames and internet is the only reason for living
I'm a semi-professional musician and I do some very hobbyist photography.
I don't even like most video games so I wouldn't even call video games a hobby of mine. I just have a habit of coming to this shitty board to shitpost.
>no to anal and dicks
Stop disliking things I like
it´s an addiction.
I play Bass guitar
It's a shitty timekiller with no merits whatsoever.
Could say the same about every other hobby
Are you me?
Na i aint about that, the splatters are premade brushes, but the rest is drawn by me
>pic related is a t-shirt i made for my gf
not him, but i just assume he's saying they are pathetic and don't qualify as a true hobby.
>tfw he's not wrong
Is weed a hobby?
If a braindead activity like jogging can be considered a hobby so can video games desu
Posting the same thread every day asking people on a mongolian knee surgery forum what other hobbies do they have.
narc was great though
Is going to the gym a hobby
I would but I'm not allowed to own most firearms in my country and the few that are legal come with very stringent restrictions
Much appreciated