Why hasn't there been any good vidya involving the civil war?

Why hasn't there been any good vidya involving the civil war?

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North & South is GOTYAY


because FPS games are all about fast as fuck autism, and the slow reload time of guns back then would ruin that, unless you make it some gay steampunk shit that has steam powered ak-47s or something.

The only way it could work is as an RTS game.

because unless the developers of the game understand the moral complexities of the civil war, it will always devolve into "norf gud, souf bad"

There's strategy games about the civil war but people generally want a game with an interesting setting, not something boring as fucking ass

Napoleanic Wars exist.
It doesn't have to be AAA trash to be good.

>civil war


pleb detected


cause southerners will most likely get triggered

>fire once
>45 second reload


The Call of Jaruez games were pretty good.

>slaughtering thousands of confederate losers
i want this game so bad

White people would get triggered and throw a hissy fit as soon as it was announced.

make it a shooter, but just fuck around with the history and make the muskets take ~5 seconds to reload. Also, fill the game with carbine rifles and revolvers.

play as a southern soldier bombing the fuck out of Fort Sumter, play as a southern soldier at Bull run, play as a union soldier at battle of Shiloh, have a few naval levels, last level is Gettysburg

>civil war

You mean the war of northern aggression?

How old are you?

There are so many civil war games out there. It's just that most of them were okay at best.

>b-but muh states rights

Sherman should've genocided the entire south.

but I like slow, methodical fps games. re7 is the best fps I've played in years

but the north was good and the south was bad. they were traitorous slavers


good and bad are spooks

>southern soldier bombing his own fort

You could make it calvary based.

Calvary had repeating rifles. Could be pretty neat.

because nobody cares about your boring "history" americuck


t. irrelevant europoor

There are good civil war strategy wargames

>if a civil war aaa fps game came out everybody would just run around with revolvers and bayonets