How much influence, if any, did the N64 Turok games have on the Metroid Prime games?

How much influence, if any, did the N64 Turok games have on the Metroid Prime games?

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Personally, I don't see any, but this thread has potential to be great

A few devs from Turok 1 and 2 were part of team that made Metroid Prime.

You can see some of that in Turok 2 with the power ups and backtracking.

Yeah, you can see it in Turok 2 at least that the few people from Iguana who came over to Retro had quite the hand in steering Metroid Prime 1's direction.

It is funny though how the Turok games for N64 pioneered proper strafe movement and freelook in consoles before even Halo, only to have Metroid Prime utilize tanks controls and auto-lock aiming.

Also the weapon wheel, which is a god send for consoles.

I imagine that they didn't want Prime to play like a straight up FPS

more than you realize considering several employees of iguana entertainment (developers) went onto become a part of Retro studios.

the founder of Iguana and head honcho of Retro at its inception was embezzling money so Nintendo offered to buy the majority of the stock at a total of over two million. They kicked him out and replaced the CEO not once but twice

The second one is their current cheif and they went onto create their legacy of games, but many employess from the Prime 1-2 hayday have now moved on and are working at various other studios. Only a handful of the original remain.

Oh I don't doubt it, and I actual still like how it controls to this day even after fans disowned the original control scheme once MPT came out. Still it's a little funny how MP went "backwards" in that department where Turok was waaay ahead of its time.

Forgot to mention that Miyamoto had a decent amount of involvement in his brief visits.

He scrapped several of their game ideas early in development, and had them all focus all their effort on an action game that, after the fact, he allowed to become Metroid

Later in another visit he returned and yelled his brains out in Japanse at them, his translator would often just paraphrase "He says he's angry"

Many of the staff thought of Miyamoto's visits as being not-unlike Darth Vader wandering the halls.

Miyamoto shifted the game into first person (was third early on) and simply stated "what if Samus could see like a bug" which sparked the inclusion of the different visors.

Turok's controls were great despite being made for consoles. Whenever people bitch about the N64 controller for FPS' they always cite Goldeneye, which to anyone with a brain knows that the default control scheme for GE is hot garbage. They should've changed it to Solitaire, aka the Turok controls.

I liked the Forsaken series from Iguana

literally oldfags: the thread

feels brettty gud

>there will never be a Rage Wars 2
It hurts.

The similarities are most evident in the way Iguana seamlessly blended elements of fantasy and science-fiction in such a fun way. The whole series is basically what happens when a really talented team gets a game scenario written by an 8 year old spouting shit about how cool it would be if you played, like, an Indian with a machine gun mowing down levitating swamp witches and cyborg reptilian mutants all while riding a triceratops with grenade launchers mounted on top of it in a trans-dimensional, time-defying, Lovecraftian alien landscape.

It all works beautifully. You can tell the team had a lot of fun with the setting but never to the point where it got too ridiculous or self-aware.

If only the team was still together today. Imagine what kind of crazy guns and gore they could create with today's technology.

Oh fuck, I almost forgot about the Cerebral Bore. One of the greatest weapons in video games.

Definitely a great idea for a gun. My favorite however was always the Razorwind.


interestingly this is also everything that 360 reboot attempt missed out on. it was about as generically sci-fi as you could get, but with dinosaurs. such a shame.

Hopefully not cancelled

Nah, they said it was talking longer because of multiplayer. They recently released the map editor for Turok 1, so they haven't abandoned Turok yet.

I hope they make another reboot. one that doesn't suck please.

Why not just a sequel? Maybe a sequel to Dinosaur Hunter to avoid all the lame Oblivion shit from 3.

post turok memes

>I'm the only one who played Turok on Gamecube and enjoyed it

You're not the only one, though I played the Xbox huge version.

Growing up poor does wonders.


Preferable, sure, but unfortunately there's just no way it would realistically happen. IF any publisher were still interested in the Turok IP, it would have to be rebooted. Unfortunately the series was unfairly forgotten by the time even the 2007 game came rolling along.


Which perfect dark zero ripped off funny enough.

I fucking NEED IT.
God damn I wanna play 2 so badly.

>mfw I found it at Kmart for $5

>damage: 1 star out of 3

man, turok character design is so fucking cool

Except for Gant, that guy is shit.


he kinda looks like a jrpg character
he just also happens to be a dino

Turok 2 remains a fine game that is still enjoyable. If it was released today as an indie game ti would win GOTY awards everywhere

I recommend people pick up the PC version and see what I mean

what the fuck was he angry about?


the PC version runs on a toaster and is easily pirated, you could play it in about 30 minutes

>pc version

What are you implying? Better controls, better graffix, online play.... T2 on PC is superior to the N64 version in every conceivable way

Except music

>in every conceivable way
N64 has better music.

Retro was a big unfocused mess at the time.

Don't be a hipster, the PC soundtrack is exactly what the composer wanted while N64 is watered down shit because of hardware limitations.

What's up with Turok 3? Seen a lot of people talk shit about it.

All I can see is

>Weight to movement
>Actual tolerable first person platforming

But hey, those are some of the things that I love about Metroid Prime, so good on the Turok devs.

why did you upload a random chinese cartoon slut?

It's actually quite good, and foreshadows a lot of modern FPS design, but it was released near the end of the N64 lifespan, and was a console exclusive, so barely anyone played it. I dread to think how much copies sell for

Yep. Not to mention their original CEO was a massive douche, and the lost most of their workforce whenever all of their other games were cancelled.

If it wasn't for Metroid Prime being a massive success, Retro wouldn't be around right now.

In a sense, Metroid Prime was a real passion project, because if they didn't put everything they had into the game, it meant the end of Retro.

Until it gets caught behind a wall.

I personally like the plasma rifle.

The N64 tracks are almost universally loved over the PC versions.

I would say some of them technically are still together.

Just at Armature, which is a sad story really.

>Cancelled first person Mega Man game that looked promising

>Raven Blade will never be released

remember being really excited about that game when i watched the trailer (on a vhs that came with n64 magazine). a lot of supposed launch titles for the gamecube were cancelled, hell even kameo didnt get finished until the xbox

>Raven Blade will never be released


There's still a chance, r-right guys?

It strayed way to far from the feel and look of the previous games. Gameplay wise it was closer to Half-Life, ie more linear and heavier emphasis on story and characters. It also features almost no new weapons to the series, and the few it did sucked shit like the Vampire Gun. The PSG was cool but final weapon, so yeah. This meant all the guns were taken straight from 2 yet they were watered down considerably, in terms of animation, sound, and general satisfaction in firing them.

The multiplayer was pretty good but not as good as Rage Wars. It really didn't have anything going for it except being able to choose your character and each one having slightly different paths through the game.