ITT: underrated Soulsborne bosses

ITT: underrated Soulsborne bosses

Other urls found in this thread:'s_Dragon_Maid


no u

I unironically believe that the Four Kings is the best boss fight in the base game.

Laurence. Sure he's a redesign of cleric beast but he's a really fun fight

All the Chalice dungeon bosses were shit

I never got this far because fuck chalice dungeons.

I recently did a BL4 run and fighting the Pthumarian descendant was the hardest part of the whole playthrough. Orphan of Kos was easier than him

On my first playthrough of Bloodborne. Still have Orphan of Kos, Laurence and the final boss left to do. Fucked up the umbilical cord collecting so no true ending this run.

The game seems easier from what everyone's telling me it would've been so far.

I wanted to do the Chalice Dungeons just to see everything the game has but they're the most boring thing to play. I got up to Defiled Dungeon and haven't touched the game since.

Should I just forget about the Dungeons and go finish the game? The trophy seems tempting but Yharnam doesn't look like something I even want to attempt fighting.

I didn't know you could parry him, and I'm pretty shit at parrying, anyway. He was one of the hardest and most fun fights for me.

>that pthumerian elder throwing hooks clipping through the pillars

Hey guys, here's the first time I ever fought Orphan (blind run, no guides or videos seen).


>all those fucking beast dogs shits on the way to the blood starved beast
This game is brutal

>the route to The One Reborn
not a boss, but it was hilarious getting one-shotted by him

>he didn't take the teleporter shortcut

lel bloodborne is so hard, right goys?
lel im a hardcore gamer

It's fun as fuck honestly

Honest question but why? I've always hated the fight. Feels more like a DPS race and I have no depth perception when battling them.

How do you find the time to grind through that many chalice dungeons? Shit takes for-fucking-ever


>[autistic screeching]

I wish the Chalice Dungeons were actually designed. So much potential for some neat looking dungeons and it was all squandered for copy and pasted rooms.

I wish CDs weren't designed at all because procedural generation is shite and instead From spent the time making more real game areas.

b-but muh replayability

muh roguelikes

Objectively false.

Pthumerian Descendant v2.0 was the best fight in the whole game.

That's exactly what I meant, though


>it's a nintoddler gets triggered because he sucks at vidya so bad he cant even beat soulsborne games episode

Why don't you go play that new pokemon game with the gender neutral character creation instead of wasting your time crying here.


DAE unironically think Chalice Dungeons are fun? Once you get to depth 4 and 5 and create your own random dungeons, shit really starts getting crazy. It's a good dungeon crawling experience

Living Failures

>that boss area
>that fucking music
>that fucking music in the second phase
>that attack in the second phase where they all raise their hands to the heavens and the change in the arena just as the chorus kicks in

>Once you get to depth 4 and 5
but you've literally died of boredom by then or at the very least comatose

Did some animoo really had a Souls parody or is this an edit?

I wouldn't even say it's a reskin. Consider the fact that the moveset is very different, three phases, and then from a lore perspective, we fight him in the waking world and again in the nightmare. It's a challenging and fun fight.

>b-but nintendo

that one wasn't Laurence.

CDs could have been implemented much better. You have to do the story mode CDs first, and if you do that alongside the story, you'll end up overleveled. You're better off ignoring them through your first play through, then just burning through those first required CDs on your second play through, in my opinion.

I definitely feel like this guy is high up there. Practically everything about him is just amazing, but he got screwed over by being so ridiculously easy.

>that one wasn't Laurence
Any proofs? Not trying to be a dick, but it seems like it would be possible that it's Laurence.

Just finished bloodborne and all it's dlc so i don't know what the general thought is on this boss.

i never see anyone talk about it like they do ludwig or kos,it's prob my fav soulsbourne boss fight

He'd be "asleep" since he's in a nightmare. And be older, more decrepit like Willem and Gehrman.

Plus, the fire has to mean something. We'd be seeing a connection to that in the waking world version if it was him.

>3 phases
Thought he only had two
standing and then with no bottom half with the lava coming out

that was Pthumerian descendent; he's different


Maria a shit

Havent played BB yet. Heard its easier than the souls games though because of guns. Any truth to that?

underage redditors who think BB's dungeons are "hard" or "annoying" have clearly never played pic related

It's more like it forces you into a more aggressive playstyle focused on dodging, staying close to the enemy, and countering, which makes all of the Souls games pretty easy.

never knew why they didn't patch the parry glitch

I can't help you with the depth perception, but the fact that's its a DPS race is what sets it apart from every other boss. You have to run in there and put them down with extreme prejudice. It always gets my heart pumping in a way only Artorias and Manus can replicate.

Do you tank them or do you dodge their hits? I find dressing light and rolling through their attacks to be very effective. Hell, even on NG+ it only took me three tries to beat them with this method.

fucking this.
it`s a shame he gets neglected so bad just because hes a pushover.

Someone didn't play up improving their dodging skills playing hard as fuck games like ninja gaiden and hudson's adventure island on the NES

Souls games are not even remotely hard

Nigga, everyone loves Gwyn

>tfw the first time I fought him I literally filled up my diaper

My ass was chaped for a fucking week

Not sure if you're baiting but I've finished that thing numerous times. Really one of the only really hard and annoying parts in that is fighting Duriel solo.

Also D2 never cut my health and damage resistances in fucking half for entire 4 floors while not gimping the elemental damage enemies do, making it possible for many enemies to one shot you.

I did all of the other chalice dungeons and never even knew about this fucker until I saw a youtube vid, I wonder where the ds3 final boss trick comes from

great theme. too bad you only hear the first 30 seconds before his heads get smashed in

This guy had the best introduction but you never fight him after the first playthrough because of the master key skip

Unironically the hardest boss in DS1 if you dont parry him

I never managed to parry shit but maybe it's because I was playing the godawful pc port and I had to emulate my mouse to be able to use more than 2 buttons

I managed to beat him without parries mostly when I figured out that maybe now was the time to use the mushrooms and green herbs and whatever fucking items give you a massive boost of something temporarily

I'm really bad at this game

He's not easy at all, he's just an early game boss. Most people are overleveld when they reach him.
Try him on a low level run and you will see what i mean.

how do you miss this atrocity? he even holds the key to the next zone.

Same goes for Gehrman in BB. Hard as fuck if you don't parry, but just plain trivial if you do

I feel like O&S still have that spot, but definitely a close second, I should know, I couldn't parry him

Soulsborne isn't a thing stop trying to force it.

There's the Souls series. And there's Bloodborne which is separate.

Master key I am assuming

>tumblr gif

Its no fun using the master key until you've played through the game at least twice.

It's already become a thing.
Doesn't matter how much you like it.
I don't like it either

Vordt of the Boreal Valley.

It's not the boss itself, but rather his theme:

It reminds me so much of Demon's Souls.


you dont even need the master key

Posting best girl.

This is not true. He only hits hard but his fireball is both super easy to dogde, but really telegraphed, and his clones die quicker than he does. The Catacombs level is harder than he is and if you can get through the Catacombs then Pinwheel is always a cakewalk.

>being this autistic

Admit it. Her "teleports behind you and slits your neck" attack was awesome.


People forget that the parrying thing was almost easter-egg territory.
>every boss in the game until this point could not be parried
>failed parries are punished heavily
>If you happen to still have a light/medium shield at this point in the game, and you’re willing to risk a strategy that the game has tried to beat out of you by now, you deserve that riposte.

They didn’t build the game assuming that multiple wikis and online communities were going to come together and share strategies on how to cheese Gwyn.

It's pretty aight bossfight untill you try SL1 4Kings just for low level invasions, making the RNG a nightmare.


The former. Actually in the show.'s_Dragon_Maid

It's from Maidragon, airing this season. All the characters in the scene are dragons, except for glasses guy and glasses girl. And the guy playing is Fafnir.

Here's a webm of the scene with sound and subtitles:

Pretty fun anime so far if you're into cute characters doing cute real life things with dragons.

I think the dash for the attack was the coolest part. Just the way her scythes light up and she glides across the ground like a fucking ghost. Her animations were so fucking cool.

Her whole fight would be awesome.
If only I hadn't seen every single part of it in other bosses on souls before.

>I'm pretty shit at parrying, anyway.
>tfw the only game in the series where I'm good at parrying is fucking Demon's Souls. Also Demon's Souls will always have had the most fun pvp

I agree, it's surprisingly well designed.
You're forced to kill them as fast as possible, and their attacks work in a way that rewards being aggressive by doing significantly less damage when you're right in their face. But then you still have to pay attention to their grab-attack windup and possible second or third king spawning out of sight and shooting shit at you.

Make me.

Dunno if I'd say best but I don't understand the hate it gets.

Very few things in any Souls game feel more rewarding than walking in on Gwyn, parrying his initial jumping attack and then fighting him normally.

Good thing I haven't played Bloodborne then. Her black jets of flame, invisi-casting, and all around touhou spell spamming are moves I havent seen in a Souls boss. Her scythe stance hopping was really cool too. Made her look agile as fuck

so you didnt play dark souls 1?

Just because it’s possible to go to him right away doesn’t make him early-game.
The Catacombs is much easier than Pinwheel himself, regardless of when you do it.

If you choose Thief or Master Key, you can make Sif your first boss fight, and 4 Kings your second boss. Yet both are post-Lordvessel bosses.

Why is Gwendolyn considered a woman and why was she removed from anor lando?

when I was shit at parrying I just attacked him when he did his grab attack, basically just making this fight faster and harder Artorias.
I got my ass destroyed tho. This old fucker can jump half of his area

I beat him my first try without parrying using a BKH. I'm pretty sure I was a bit overleveled, but yeah, I was underwhelmed at how easy he was.

you dont need the master key though

You haven't fought Priscilla?

The combination is unique don't get me wrong but I knew how to deal with every little thing.
The moment I saw her turn invisible I knew to use throwing knives because I fought priscilla
I knew how to deal with her overall moveset because I fought Gehrman and Maria and I knew how to deal with her coop phase of dealing with two bosses with different sizes and movesets because I fought Ornstein and Smough

I don't think Friede is a bad boss.
In fact in a vacuum she is probably the best boss.
But there is just nothing new here. Nothing I haven't seen before. Just a bunch of previous ideas put into a single fight.

Yes you do, retard

Gwyndolin was a boy, but was raised as a girl because he had affinity with the moon which was considered feminine.
I don't know what you mean about removed from Anor Londo though, he's literally the last god left there

>Do you tank them or do you dodge their hits? I find dressing light and rolling through their attacks to be very effective.

Can't tell if joking or what.

no you dont, retard

are you dumb?

>4 Kings Sl1 is hard
>What is pyromancy
kys noob