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The main character is white?
How did Manjeet allow this?

I don't know what i should be more disgusted by, the actual trailer or the comments.

It's not /that/ bad.


Someone post that running webm

The blonde girl is cute.

>dat dyke cut

Instant redflag mate.

>you have an army
>we've got a krogan

DAE anyone else watch Marvel movies? :DDDD

>travels half a billion light years
>everyone still speaks english

Why the fuck do the animations look so fucking bad? Is it that hard?

I hope vetra is romanceable

that's all I want from the singleplayer


So when does it come out in theaters?

Why would they need to go to another galaxy, there's a TON of space in Milky Way.

>Asari (male)

What a squad! GotYAY!

It's... worse than I could have ever imagined. Holy shit what the fuck went wrong?
>Dyke cut

Because they fucked up ME3 so bad they had to soft reboot the series in another galaxy.

is that nolan north i hear?

>this is exactly why we came
>to have sex with gay aliens


Did they find some monkey from favelas or something?

It looks completely uninspired and tepid.

Is this a movie or a game???
I want an rpg, not a fucking movie.

Everyone has translators in their omni tools or some shit like that. It's explained in the games.


the dialogue is so fucking cringy jesus christ

Nice template trailer. Very creative.

But this is an entirely new galaxy. How do we know each others languages?

Yeah, but it's BioWare so we have to shitpost about it as much as we can.


How do they translate languages used by the aliens from the other galaxy?

Why am I getting serious Guardians of the Galaxy vibes from this trailer?

That fem turian better be romancable

Even the Reap-- Archon?

And/or our translators know his language?
And/or our translators know the languages of all the *NEW* species that no one has ever seen before, one of the big "HEY LOOK BUY OUR GAME IT HAS THIS!" features of Andromeda?

The only "aliens" in the Andromeda galaxy are the robotic ancient evil ones. Everyone else is part of the expedition ship, including never before seen race in ME games but supposedly native to Milky Way.

Quality BioWare writing strikes again. I'd love to see them explain this massive plothole

Salarian is cute.

Can I bang him?

I mean its a given that this will be a shit show, but I hope that if i buy this from a bargain bin for $5 that the black dude is a bro and the dykey blonde isn't an embodiment of her haircut, that way i might be able to enjoy it as a $5 game


>It's "Sup Forums shits on trailer and everything in it for no reason" the episode
wew lad



>uninspired plot
>uninspired characters
>awful dialogue
>awful animations
>"for no reason"

Fuck off Biodrone.

It's harmless fun at this point.

What is this face trying to convey?

Fucking space magic, just deal with it. Jesus Christ every time. Did you want 50 seconds of this 1 minute trailer to explain how all the bullshit things happening are possible?

Peebee looks now much better

>Michael Bay sounds
Jesus Christ

It's Bioware, that's enough of a reason

Sup Forums? I'm ME:A

we gonna change the rules

>travels half a billion light years
>meets new alien race
>"xjfkd knsdzm fkz zkj wkjnansd zlkmklmw"
>"update the language firmware for the omni tool"
>"from where jackass?"
>"idk just log into their wifi"
>password required

She looks no different, get your eyes checked.

>no reason

its conveying the fact they don't have face mocap and are at the mercy of their animation team

What's wrong with dyke cut?

these women look awful

I'm gonna end up fucking the female turian I guess

Did Asari being sexy really trigger people enough that they had to make them all look like a hybrid of Shrek and Donkey?

>who is Vigil

She's not making a dumb expression for once.

Because thats a cutscene. She still looks like shit in-game


same way they do in the original trilogy

I don't see why you'd expect a minute and a half trailer to explain every aspect of a new game

>uninspired shitposting

I don't expect the game to be amazing but holy shit Sup Forums


It looks like a fucking movie, not a video game.

women with short hair look like prepubescent boys

you're not a pedo fag, are you?

>2017 GOTY
Youtube comments keep outretarding themselves somehow


>that face

t. Alberto Barbosa

The Shrek picture was a cut-scene.

Therefore she improved, checkm8.

If I want my aliens to be ugly, I don't want them to be ugly blue and green versions of humans. The fuck is wrong with Bioware?

Vigil spoke prothean iirc, Shepard could understand because of the beacon, squadmembers hear gibberish

>Briefing videos are great
>Trailers are turbo shit

>i have an army
>we have a krogan

Well that sure is cinematic at least

She was the patrician choice from the beginning

He can't be worse than Jacob.

>mass effect

Of course not, but women with short hair can be cute.
Would you want her to have long hair instead?

>not 20 good krogans

She's not romanceable because Bioware isn't in to catering to your fetishes.

Skip to 1:10


Do you want all the aliens to garble incomprehensible noises at the screen all game long? That would surely make for compelling storytelling.

I'm not saying that the game will have any compelling storytelling. It probably won't. But making the aliens not speak english would do absolutely nothing to change that.


She looks like Cassie Cage in her 30's.

That's at least a step above Michael Jackson, Meltyface Allers and Tranny Ashley.

niggers always die first

Seems to be more of your friendly bro than a suckup no-personality marine like Kaiden or Jacob.


Holy shit, a fucking good trailer, fucking FINALLY.

Digging the Star Trek-esque bridge and the more "we're explorers, not soldiers" theme, companions look meh but hopefully they'll each get their own little trailer, interested in the female turian and the krogan.

Too bad the game is confirmed shit, if this trailer was the first thing we saw of Andromeda the game would have a bigger hype around it, but we've already seen actual gameplay.

Do they have to say "surrender or we will kill you?" before they open fire? Would you not get the message when someone starts firing shit into your ship?

can I have ____KROGAN___

But what about mine?

> Space Cassie Cage
Sorry lads, but im buying

I would also like to know this

A team of cardboard cutout hipster millennials that you can imagine chilling at StarBucks with the clichè cuckboy, his black friend and his empowered women.

Jesus fucking Christ what a trainwreck. I'm not playing this shit even if it is hailed to be """good""".

>generic movie like trailer
>we got a krogan
literally one of the worst video game trailers I have seen

Keepona. Bonana kichoo.


Biodrone get ye gone. The game is gonna be nonsensical shit just like every bioware release since 2008, get over it

Better than their other trailers. Didn't see anything wrong with it other than the uninspired "ancient evil awakens" vibes.

Can't wait for Sup Forums crossboarders to shitpost about inane shit like black companions and "nu male" protagonists.