Is this worth trying even if I'm not a fan of visual novels?

Is this worth trying even if I'm not a fan of visual novels?

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If you're gonna play it you're gonna play it for the writing and story, what do you even dislike about VNs?

Do you like puzzle games?

Do you like weeb characters?

Do you like attourneys?

I don't like visual novels much but I've been playing these recently and love them.

It's about as close as you can get to a game-y VN without arbitrarily jamming in a bunch of shitty minigames in there, for what it's worth.

i don't like visual novels either, but this game is my jam. the fun is in the court sections, finding contradiction between testimony and your investigative findings. satisfying as fuck


Yes. The first three Ace Attorney games redefined the entire genre of VNs, and are just really good, well-written games that require a little bit of thought but not too much. And they're not long, either.

nope, the writing is pretty much as cringy as any other VN (especially since the translation is garbage) and the "gameplay" part is too easy but also tedious

Maybe you should tell us what you don't like about visual novels before we say anything to you.

It's great. Get it and leave before you get spoileed.
It goes AA>Justice for All> Trials and Tribulations > Apollo Justice > Dual Destinies > Spirit of Justice in play order.
Play the trilogy before spinoffs.

Yes, I've tried some visual novels and phoenix wright series and zero escape (to some extent) are the only ones I like.

Nope. Shit tons of slow moving text. If you like reading books, maybe. I enjoy reading but it was still too much for me, I will admit thought that I was expecting more of a "whodunit" but it's really "how" they did it.

Was it, dare I say it, just as good as the original trilogy?

I'm going trough it myself op.
I'm at the bonus final case of the first one, it's been pretty good so far.
And i don't even watch anime that much. Maybe one or two series a year if even.
The characters are all great.

Best mainline game since the trilogy at least.

they are not visual novels, they are adventure games.

same is true for zero escape. there's a clear logic/puzzle solving element that is at the core, unlike visual novels which have mini-games at most.

I played through all 3 in the last 3 months and I'm not a VN guy either (read a few but I was stuck without internet or good games to play).
It's well written and there's an amazing visual feedback with sounds, camera effects and general character expressions which makes it a lot of fun to read/play.

Here's an example:

Yes. Ace Attorney is more of a adventure game than a VN, the majority of the game is logic puzzles and point-and-click investigations wrapped up in a fantastic plot.

Play them in release order as well faggot.

It's one of the best games in the series, only behind AA3 and AAI2.

played dual destinies on my sisters ds up til' the last case, but now she won't let me borrow it anymore. downloaded it and spirit of justice on my own 3ds and jesus fuck dual destinies is hard to replay, fucking boring. is the last case really worth playing this whole train wreck?

Yup, if there's one thing the series absolutely nails it's the presentation. When it gets going it's a fucking train with no breaks. The end of 3-5 the dual objection is one of the best moments of all of Vidya because of the presentation and style behind it.

It's kind of strange experience. It's great while you play it and you'll get feels to last for a couple of days, but then after a month or so it just seems cringeworthy when reflect on it. So basically it's like anime.

That's only you, user.

It's the first VN that made me interested in genre, its great and the humor has not aged a bit.
